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FACS Flourescens Activeted Cell s ortering. användningsområden. Measurable parameters in flow cytometry volume and morphological complexity of cells cell pigments DNA (cell cycle analysis, cell kinetics, proliferation etc.) RNA
Measurable parameters in flow cytometry • volume and morphological complexity of cells • cell pigments • DNA (cell cycle analysis, cell kinetics, proliferation etc.) • RNA • chromosome analysis and sorting (library construction, chromosome paint) • proteins • cell surface antigens (CD markers) • intracellular antigens (various cytokines, secondary mediators etc.) • nuclear antigens • enzymatic activity • pH, intracellular ionized calcium, magnesium, membrane potential • membrane fluidity • apoptosis (quantification, measurement of DNA degradation, mitochondrial membrane potential, permeability changes) • cell viability • monitoring electropermeabilization of cells • oxidative burst • characterising multi-drug resistance (MDR) in cancer cells • glutathione • various combinations (DNA / surface antigens etc.)
Side scatter http://www.epa.gov/owow/volunteer/proceedings/sixth/session1.html
Side scatter vs Forward scatter University of Utah
fluorimeteroptik Vaccine Research Center / 40 Convent Drive / Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Flourescens colours Fluorescein
Apoptotic cells As cells die or become apoptotic the refractive index of the internal cytoplasm becomes more similar to that of the extracellular medium - this manifests itself as a reduction in forward scatter signal. At the same time, intracellular changes and invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane lead to an increase in side (or orthogonal or 90°) scatter. If we add a dead cell discriminatory dye we can identify cells that have become permeable. In this way we can get low level resolution of dead and apoptotic cells. science.cancerresearchuk.org/.../images/51998
endotelceller R2= total cells R1= living cells Isolation of lymph endothelial cells (LEC) from dermal skin capillary ECs a case study with cells from one donor pre-selected by CD31 magneto bead sorting www.reliatech.de