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ALICE TC meeting – 16.07.2010 Plans for the next technical stop

ALICE TC meeting – 16.07.2010 Plans for the next technical stop. A. Tauro. News. --. LHC technical stops. 21 days. 4 day technical stop. 24 days. 20 days. 17 days. 24 days. M.Lamont. 03-06-10. LHC schedule. LHC technical stops. 24 days. 20 days. 20 days. M.Lamont. 03-06-10.

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ALICE TC meeting – 16.07.2010 Plans for the next technical stop

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  1. ALICE TC meeting – 16.07.2010Plans for the next technical stop A. Tauro

  2. News • -- Technical issues, planning

  3. LHC technical stops 21 days 4 day technical stop 24 days 20 days 17 days 24 days Technical issues, planning M.Lamont 03-06-10 LHC schedule

  4. LHC technical stops 24 days 20 days 20 days Technical issues, planning M.Lamont 03-06-10 LHC schedule

  5. LHC technical stop 19th – 22nd July • Schedule: • Switch off both magnets: Mon 7:00 • RP search (including L3 and Dipole): Mon 8:00 – 8:45 • Start cavern access: Mon 8:45 • Close cavern: Thu 16:00 • Maintenance PX24 lift (AS703) (replacement speed regulator): • Wed 6:00 – 14:00 – no Access to UX-25 • CR1-5 cooling water interruption (do not concern cavern): • Mon 8:30 – 17:30 – No water (chilled and mixed) into CR1-CR5 • Switch off DAQ, HLT and DCS Mon 8:00 • Reduce the heat load in CR4: it is up to the detectors to make sure all their equipment is off • Stop ITS dehumidifier unit in CR5 Technical issues, planning

  6. LHC technical stop 19th – 22nd JulyCavern interventions PHOS: fix the bad connection to one of RCUs on Module 3 (plus put panel “forbidden access below Module 3”). Muon TRK: LV, read-out (CH5/6), change of CRT on CH7L. Need to access FASS and dipole. TOF: replacement of one DC-DC in SM06 C side, check one HV box in SM08 C side, replacement of one DRM in SM14 A side (finish by Tue) TRD: • LV connection inspection (3 persons) for 2 to 3 hours (L3, around BKF) • Check Wiener PS cooling (leak, hot or cool) (I/O and C racks) • Replace 2 ISEG crates with battery backed up type (CR4) TPC: replace one RCU in sector C01 (Yannic) ALTEAD: • Re-install crane electronics (Mon) • Transport ITECO to C-side (I-side, for Muon TRG) • Maintenance HAULOTTE (LV 192, Mon) Survey: measurements CV equipment (C-side) Antonello: removal BCM/CFC and BPTX/BPIM boards (C-side) (Mon) ACORDE: electronics intervention in rack (Wed PM) Technical issues, planning

  7. LHC technical stop 19th – 22nd JulyCavern interventions Muon TRG: • Replacement one DARC-board in MTR Global Crate • Check of front-end electronics (MT12_INSIDE_RPC7) (need nacelle I-side) • Gas check on RPCs SSD: check cooling plant filters SDD: visual inspection cooling plant HMPID: replacement pressure transmitter and pneumatic valve (L3) EMCal: make a few checks of the EMCal LED system, and also a check of the geometry SPIE: ADA cables CR4-MNF (Wed-Thu) Other: Contrôle annuel des extincteurs par le technicien de l'entreprise Desautel Fire brigade: inspection tour Mon after 21:00 Nettoyage des sanitaires des US et UX Technical issues, planning

  8. LHC technical stop 19th – 22nd JulySystem upgrades • DAQ: upgrade (new DATE version) on Tue July 20th • DCS: see next slides • HLT: installation and connection of switches (Mon-Tue) • CV: maintenance pump PX24 (mixed-water) + installation flowmeter on mixed water line (COSMI) + test switch-over ‘eau-brute’ • Stop water (chilled and mixed) in CR1-5 on July 19th Technical issues, planning

  9. DCS plans 1/2 MONDAY ========= Morning: 08h00: shutdown CR3 computers . All detectors to shutdown detectors before (at least stop HV) ACC activities, which can start during the stop (part of the computers can be kept on): -          Upgrade of DB schemas together with IT (Peter Ch.) -          Migration of central systems to new HW – Alerts, Operator UI  (Peter Ch., Peter R.) -          Migration of BCM project to a  new hardware (Mateusz, Peters , Ombretta) -          Backup of all central system – ACC team -          Update of SYSMON project – include resource monitoring for central system (Peters) Afternoon: -          Backup of ALL PVSS projects (all detectors) -          Set PMON to run as DCSSYS (all detectors + Peters) Technical issues, planning

  10. DCS plans 2/2 TUESDAY ======== Morning:             -          Individual sessions with detectors to test the GO SUPERSAFE button (Ombretta) -          Work on LHC hardware (Mateusz) -          Test of emergency restart procedures for central services (AMANDA, DNS, ...) – Peters WEDNESDAY ========= Morning: -          Common sessions with all detectors – test SAFE, SUPERSAFE and GO back to READY, do a dress rehearsal and provide/correct documentation for shifters  Remark: originally we planned also cold start of central projects (LHC data exchange project). However, the work on the corrupt BCM system gets priority, all additional activities shall be planned only if time permits. Technical issues, planning

  11. LHC technical stop 19th – 22nd JulyCV/DETCOOL Interventions • 19 July 8:50: Sampling with RP (Isabel Brunner) on SPD, SSD/SDD , TOF and TRD cooling plant • 19 July 14:00 (as soon as RP results known): • SPD: Installation of the 2nd pump. Hydraulic and Electrical connections (Daniel Lefils). Better to STOP • SPD: Test of the pump (Jose BOTELHO DIREITO). Need to STOP • SPD: Control of the cabling UPS (last false alarm). No need to STOP 20 July afternoon: • Sampling on TRD plant with NALCO company (Patrice Camboly, Joris Tavan) for analysis microbio (bacteria, mushrooms, etc...) and physico (caoutchouc, solve carbone, DCO, ...). No need to STOP • SSD/SDD: Installation of the New Special Filter for SSD. Need to STOP • SSD/SDD: Check of the leak on the heat exchanger. No need to STOP • TOF (if enough time): Change of the flowmeter on modules circuit. Need to STOP Pierre Bonneau EN/CV Detcool ALICE TC Meeting - 28-05-2010 11

  12. LHC technical stop 19th – 22nd JulyCavern interventions – ALICE technicians Cavern: Peter (and Gerardo) (+ another technician!): • Install ADA detector (Mon). • Remove TOF crate protection (top baby-frame). Didier: • Complete platform above SPD cooling plant. Fred: • Humidity/temperature sensors L3 (both injection and extraction). Philippe: • Install 4 temperature sensors L3 jacket (input and output, both primary and secondary). • Cleaning mixed water filter (UW25) with CV. • Install new lights inside L3. Surface: Samuel: • Complete Delphi-Frame support (with Yannic). Ben: • Brazing EMCal manifolds. Technical issues, planning

  13. ITS humidity – pre-treated air CR5_humidity 48% -16% -22% 26% ITS_humidity CR5 air Pre treated air Technical issues, planning FISAIR technician at CERN next week. All probes in CR5`

  14. ALICE integration progress • TRD infrastructure (top modules)………..………… Raw material delivered to P2 Welding done (ext. company) Assembly ongoing (Didier) Will be completed by end July Test (with module) in September • Miniframe suspension tool……….………………… Design completed (including fabrication drawings) Raw material ordered Will be fabricated in September • New delphi frame support………….……………….. Design completed Fabrication (Yannick, Samuel) Load test • New delphi frame table……………………………… Design completed Already checked by Simonetti Will be fabricated before Christmas Technical issues, planning

  15. Delphi-Frame support (Yannic, Samuel) • Structure assembled in Bld.16 • Load test and painting in P2 • Integration with DF Technical issues, planning

  16. TRD frame (top modules) • Structure assembled at P2 (Didier) • Painting in August • Test with module to be scheduled Technical issues, planning

  17. ALICE visits VIP (expo and UX-25) July 22nd - Professor Tadeusz Kulik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Vice Rector for Scientific Research Warsaw University of Technology, Poland • 10:00 Visit ALICE surface exhibition (J. Schukraft and J. Pluta) • 10:20 Don helmets and take lift to visit ALICE underground experimental area (CERN photographer present) • 10:40 Take lift back to surface • 10:45 Visit: ALICE control room • 10:55 Transport from building 2285 to building 874 Will participate as well a group of Polish students (5 persons), the members of Warsaw ALICE group from WUT. Use MAD (access in Restricted mode) + guardian. Technical issues, planning

  18. AOB Technical issues, planning

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