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U.S. and Japan. History/Psych Collaborative 4 th Quarter Project. Cultural Differences Between the U.S. and Japan. Japan Collectivistic culture Strong ties to family and group/country Respect family (especially elders) Group decisions (consensus) valued
U.S. and Japan History/Psych Collaborative 4th Quarter Project
Cultural Differences Between the U.S. and Japan • Japan • Collectivistic culture • Strong ties to family and group/country • Respect family (especially elders) • Group decisions (consensus) valued • Behavior is governed by social norms • Team accomplishments valued • United States • Individualistic culture • Flexible ties to family and group • Respect immediate family • Individual decisions valued • Behavior ruled by self-interest • Individual accomplishments valued
Cultural Differences (Continued) • Here are several noticeable cultural differences between the US and Japan: • The traffic lights in Japan are horizontal instead of vertical • In Japan, citizens do not make appointments to see the doctor/dentist but, they are made on a first come first serve basis. • In schools, the academic year begins in April, during the spring, instead of the fall in the US. • In restaurants, it is not Japanese custom to leave a tip or pay at the table.
Historical Differences • By: Carey Price • Differences in Fighting
Historical Differences (Continued) • By: Carey Price Work Ethics • The U.S. citizens work for vacation and a luxurious life style. • The Japanese people work themselves to death for perfection. Their economy puts pressure on families to work long hours in order to keep up with payments. • Typically, the Japanese worker stays at the office for longer hours and has lower wages than the American worker. • Furthermore ,Japanese products are better made than American products. • http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/1/0/2/8/6/p102860_index.html • http://search.live.com/images/results.aspx?q=american+business+men&form=QBIR#focal=267391bae7f2c74bf9dbc10dcd677272&furl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.haloimages.com%2Fimgs%2FMK00161_FPO_PREV.jpg • http://search.live.com/images/results.aspx?q=japanese+workers&form=QBIR#focal=158c539b72878c4404e2831582c893f3&furl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2Folmedia%2F1480000%2Fimages%2F_1483839_japan_workers_bbc_300.jpg
Social Conversation • Americans love to talk. We talk constantly to fill in awkward silences that can happen in a conversation. Japanese people are quite different. They believe actions speak louder than words and prefer the silence in a conversation to random babble. • Japanese people also like to “beat around the bush” and talk indirectly so that the listener can come to their own conclusion. Americans just want to get the point.
Citations • Slide 2: • Gaumer, C., Shah, A. (2004, January). Television Advertising and Child Consumer: Different Strategies for U.S. and Japanese Marketers. The Coastal Business Journal. Volume 3, Number 1. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from http://www.coastal.edu/business/cbj/pdfs/articles/spring2004/gaumershah.pdf • Slide 3: • Cultural Differences in Life Between Japan and the US. Ball State University. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from http://www.bsu.edu/web/clubjapan/learning/culture_files/frame.htm • Slide 5: • Pic.- (2007, November 1). Quality Assurance Management & Technologies Conference. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from http://www.bbjtest.com/qamt/people_talking.jpg • Info.- (2004-2007). American-Japanese Communications 101. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from WIN Advisory Group, Inc.: http://www.winadvisorygroup.com/AmericanJapaneseComms101.html