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Africa RISING ESA . I. Hoeschle-Zeledon Coordinator IITA. Babati: Sabilo , Long, Seloto , Hallu , Matufa , Shaurimoyo villages. Where we work: Tanzania. Kongwa: Chitego , Moleti , Mlala , Laikala villages Kiteto: Njoro village. sub-humid. sub-humid. semi-arid. Malawi.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Africa RISING ESA I. Hoeschle-Zeledon Coordinator IITA

  2. Babati: Sabilo, Long, Seloto , Hallu, Matufa, Shaurimoyo villages Where we work: Tanzania Kongwa: Chitego, Moleti, Mlala , Laikala villages Kiteto: Njoro village sub-humid sub-humid semi-arid

  3. Malawi sub-humid/semi-arid Dedza district: Golomoti EPA, GolomotiCenter Section; Linthipe EPA, Mposa Section Ntcheu district: Kandeu EPA, Kampanje Section; Nsipe EPA, Mpamadzi Section

  4. Zambia sub-humid sub-humid Chipata district: Mthaya, Kapara, Chanje camps, Msekera Research Station Katete district: Kafumbwe, Kampala camps

  5. Who we are

  6. Crops • Soil/Water • Livestock • CropSoil√ • CropLivestock √ • SoilLivestock √ • CropSoilLivestock √ Integrated Systems Research 1.Crops/Shrubs/Trees 5 4 7 markets/institutions, gender, policies,… 6 3. Livestock 2. Soil/Water

  7. What we do

  8. Capacity building 13 MSc, 6PhD and 2 BSc attached to the project

  9. Implementation strategy: Babati example RO3 Scaling Markets WP Linking farmers to markets RCTs WP Post-harvest handling Landscape (erosion, watershed, grazing land, forests WP Poultry husbandry WP Vegetable integration Integration WP Mycotoxin management WP Livestock and land management Farm WP Crop management Development partners, R4D platforms, farmer groups RO1 Characterization and synthesis

  10. Sphere of interest Impacts Development Impact Small holder farm households, especially women and children move out of poverty and food and nutritional insecurity, while maintaining and/or improving ecosystem stability and overall agricultural productivity • Theory of change: Kongwa/Kiteto example Project level outcomes Outcome 1 Increased food and cash crop production in maize –legume – livestock farming systems Outcome 2 Improved land productivity and agro-ecology robustness support productive and sustainable agriculture Outcomes Sphere of influence Pre-conditions in action site Access to improved seed, innovations, information, markets Farmer organizations are functional and supportive Existing land tenure systems support farm to landscape level interventions Government policy is supportive of investment in agriculture Outputs and activities Project outputs Sphere of action Output 3 Improved rangeland management practices for higher pasture quality validated and promoted Output 4 Improved post-harvest handling technologies introduced and validated Output 2 Integrated soil fertility and water management options implemented and validated Output 1 Improved varieties of maize and grain legumes introduced and evaluated Pre-conditions amongst project partners Team operations are at optimum and well supported Novel multi-disciplinary research approaches used Strong M&E and learning in place High quality and motivated staff

  11. Achievements Focus on RO1: Situation analysis to set base for RO2 site selection; establishment of R4D/Innovation Platforms; baseline surveys; detailed farming systems analysis for construction of farm typologies; identification of constraints and entry points for intensification; analysis of constraints to adoption RO2: Integrated systems improvement solid partnerships established for research implementation; demonstration of technologies and their combinations for SI (crops, livestock, land/water management, post-harvest protection and value addition); most appropriate technologies highlighted for further study and potential dissemination; identification and inclusion of emerging research challenges (e.g. MLND) Stepwise approach in terms of technologies and sites

  12. RO3: Scaling and delivery assessment of scalability of technologies (documentation in progress); partnerships with development partners; R4D platforms as vehicle for scaling and dissemination established; regular field days RO4: M&E reporting against 8 FtF indicators for project impact; discussion on SI indicators initiated; custom indicators established in log frame

  13. Acknowledge ESA key partners

  14. Thank You

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