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The Africa RISING project in Ethiopia. Peter Thorne International Livestock Research Institute SLATE Training for Africa RISING / NBDC Addis Ababa / Jeldu. 1 - 5 April 2013. Overview. Feed the Future Renews commitment to reducing hunger and poverty
The Africa RISING project in Ethiopia Peter Thorne International Livestock Research Institute SLATE Training for Africa RISING / NBDC Addis Ababa / Jeldu. 1 - 5 April 2013
Overview • Feed the Future • Renews commitment to reducing hunger and poverty • Goal: Assist partner countries to halve poverty and hunger • Focused food security research agenda www.feedthefuture.gov
Feed the Future Research Strategy Program for Advanced Research on Plant & Animal Diseases 3 Major Research Programs Program for Productive Legumes Program for Climate Resilient Cereals Program for Sustainable Intensification Research in key farmingsystems Integrated Cross-Cutting Programs Program for PolicyResearch and Support Program for Safe and Nutritious Foods Program for Human and Institutional Capacity Building
Early Win Projects • “Quick Feeds” – ILRI / ICARDA / EIAR / ORARI • “Quick Water” – IWMI / ILRI / Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Arba Minch Universties • “Quick Trees” – ICRAF / ILRI / EIAR / Mekele University • “Quick Pulses” – ICARDA / EIAR / ORARI / Farm Africa • Research Design – CIMMYT / ILRI
Household management strategies of peer group Innovation generated by researchers Adaptation Markets Institutions Human capacity Knowledge brokers Access to NRs Policies Current household management strategy Improved household management strategy
Endogenous Driver of Innovation Exogenous Research component 4 Research component 1 Review of best technology / management options System characterisation and analysis “Action research” Community characterisation and stratification Participatory problem identification and gap analysis Validate technologies / management practices Ex ante modelling / impact assessment Inventory of current technologies / practices and their sources Adaptation and integration of technologies / management practices Research component 3 Research component 2 Markets and wider stakeholders Community institutions and knowledge exchange Identified market opportunities Research component 5 Biophysical and socio-economic benchmarks Outputs to outcomes Characterisation of specific value chains (actors and links) Scaling: to be developed Community knowledge exchange groups established Functioning multi-stakeholder platforms Opportunities for scaling innovation (endogenous and exogenous)
Work packages • Data collection • Livelihoods-based stratification (typology) • Inventory of current practices / IK survey etc. • Establish community knowledge exchange groups / initial benchmarking • Characterise market opportunities and value chains • Establish multi-stakeholder platforms • Problem identification / gap analysis/ ex ante impact assessment