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EDDIES : Weatherbird II Operations. EDDIES Transect2 (EDT2) 10 days: 2 nd August to 11 th August 2004 Science Personnel: Rod Johnson (BBSR, Bates) Debra Clougherty (BBSR, Bates) Steve Bell (BBSR, Bates) Meg Murphy (BBSR/UCSB, Siegel)
EDDIES : Weatherbird II Operations EDDIES Transect2 (EDT2)10 days: 2nd August to 11th August 2004 Science Personnel: Rod Johnson (BBSR, Bates) Debra Clougherty (BBSR, Bates) Steve Bell (BBSR, Bates) Meg Murphy (BBSR/UCSB, Siegel) Steve Pike (WHOI, Buesseler ) Carl Lamborg (WHOI, Buesseler) Courtney Ewart (UCSB, Carlson) Meredith Meyers (UCSB, Carlson) Rhonda Marhol (UW, Ambrust) EDDIES Transect1 (EDT1)10 days: 23rd June to 2nd July 2004 Science Personnel: Rod Johnson (BBSR , Bates) Megan Roadman (BBSR , Bates) Steve Bell (BBSR , Bates) Meg Murphy (BBSR/UCSB, Siegel) Matt Allen (WHOI, Buesseler ) Brian Pointer (WHOI, Buesseler ) Courtney Ewart (UCSB, Carlson ) Meredith Meyers (UCSB, Carlson ) EDDIES Transect3 (EDT3)10 days: 6th July to 15th July 2004 Science Personnel: Rod Johnson (BBSR , Bates) Debra Clougherty (BBSR , Bates) Meg Murphy (BBSR/UCSB, Siegel) Steve Pike (WHOI, Buesseler ) Elizabeth Verdeny (WHOI, Buesseler ) Craig Carlson (UCSB) Courtney Ewart (UCSB, Carlson ) Elisa Wallner (UCSB, Carlson ) EDDIES Transect4 (EDT4)10 days: 17th August to 26th August 2004 Science Personnel: Rod Johnson (BBSR , Bates) Andreas Anderson (BBSR /U.Hawaii Bates) Meg Murphy (BBSR/UCSB, Siegel) Paul Henderson (WHOI, Buesseler ) Elizabeth Verdeny (WHOI, Buesseler ) Courtney Ewart (UCSB, Carlson ) Elisa Wallner (UCSB, Carlson ) Jessica Van Leuvan (UCSB, Carlson)
EDT1 Operations Target Feature : Cyclone C1 Main Transects [NE-SW through EC (waypoint 111) S-N through EC (waypoint 110) ] 30 CTD Casts, 23 with biogeochemistry [Stations shown as black triangles] 15 XBT profiles 2 Sediment Trap Deployments [One at Eddy center (red dots) Control Traps NE of C1 (red dots) 3 tubes for mass,C &N, 4 for thorium flux 2 for species ID ] 3 Production deployments (2 at Eddy Center and one in High fluorescence region to the SW) 9 Thorium pump profiles
EDT2 Operations Target Feature : Cyclone C1 Main Transect : [N-S through EC (station 264)] 27 CTD Casts, 18 with full biogeochemistry (Stations shown as black triangles) 12 XBT profiles 1 Sediment Trap Deployment at EC [ Track shown as red line 3 tubes for mass,C,N, 4 for thorium flux 2 for species ID Control - BATS 190 ] 1 Production deployments at EC 9 Thorium pump profiles Bad weather (Hurricane Alex, extreme front),main engine problems (SOG reduce to 6.5k).
EDT3 Operations Target feature : Anticyclone A4 Transects: E-W through EC(2317) N-S through EC(2316) 43 CTD casts, 22 full biogeochemistry (blue solid circles) 2 Sediment Trap deployments at EC ( Array A - blue track, Array B -green track) 3 Primary production deployments at EC (red asterisk) 8 Thorium pump profiles 8 SPMR profiles EDT4 Operations Target feature : Anticyclone A4 Transects:W-E through EC (2070) 43 CTD casts, 18 full biogeochemistry (blue solid circles) 2 Sediment Trap deployments at EC ( Array A - blue track, Array B -green track) 3 Primary production deployments ( 1 at EC, 1 at Traps A and 1 at Traps B) 8 Thorium pump profiles 8 SPMR profiles
EDDIES Integrated(0-140m) Primary Production 2004 - C1 EDT1-PP1 at Eddy Center 536 EDT1-PP2 at Eddy Center 367 EDT1-PP3 at high fluorescence site 307 ( south west of eddy center) EDT2-PP1 at Eddy Center 594 2005-A4 EDT3-PP1 at Eddy Center 200 EDT3-PP2 at Eddy Center 311 EDT3-PP3 at Eddy Center 307 EDT4-PP1 at Eddy Center 808 EDT4-PP2 at sediment traps A 650 EDT4-PP3 at sediment traps B 605 BATS Summer Mean 426 ± 207 mg C m-2 day-1
EDDIES Sediment Trap Fluxes 2005 A4 2004 C1 EDT3-EDDY Center(A) [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 69.4 16.2 2.3 150 81.1 15.1 2.2 150 92.9 20.3 3.1 mean 81.2 17.2 2.6 EDT3-EDDY Center (B) [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 65.1 15.9 2.1 150 64.5 14.6 2.2 150 53.4 13.4 2.3 mean 61.0 14.6 2.2 EDT4-EDDY Center (A) [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 65.2 11.4 2.0 150 73.9 13.8 2.4 150 64.8 12.2 2.2 mean 68.0 12.5 2.2 EDT4-EDDY Center (B) [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 72.9 14.8 2.5 150 48.6 11.0 1.6 150 55.5 11.0 1.9 mean 59.0 12.3 2.0 EDT1-EDDY Center [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 58.8 17.9 2.7 150 71.7 20.7 2.6 mean 65.3 19.3 2.65 EDT1-Control [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 47.9 12.7 1.9 mean 47.9 12.7 1.9 EDT2-EDDY Center [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 52.6 14.8 2.3 150 92.3 34.3 5.2 150 59.3 20.0 3.1 mean 68.1 23.0 3.5 EDT2- BATS190 ‘control’ [mg/m-2/day-1] Depth Mass C-Flux N-Flux 150 55.5 21.2 3.4 150 62.1 17.6 2.4 150 113.2 29.5 4.0 mean 77.0 22.8 3.3 BATS Climatology (summer 1988-2003) Mass(150m) 107.8 39.0 Carbon (150m) 27.2 8.0 Nitrogen (150m) 4.3 1.5