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CNMS Development Team and Status

CNMS Development Team and Status. Doug Lowndes CNMS Director / ORNL Corporate Fellow & Group Leader for Thin Film & Nanostructured Materials Physics / UT professor (MS&E, part-time)

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CNMS Development Team and Status

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  1. CNMS Development Team and Status • Doug Lowndes CNMS Director / ORNL Corporate Fellow & Group Leader for Thin Film & Nanostructured Materials Physics / UT professor (MS&E, part-time) • Michelle Buchanan CNMS Scientific Thrust Leader for Soft Materials / ORNL Director of Chemical Sciences Division • Ward Plummer CNMS Scientific Thrust Leader for Complex Nanophase Materials Systems (“Hard” Materials) / Distinguished Scientist ORNL and UT (Physics) • Peter Cummings CNMS Scientific Thrust Leader for Theory / Modeling / Sumulation (Nanomaterials Theory Institute) / Distinguished Scientist ORNL and UT (Chem Eng., Chemistry, Computational Science) • Linda Horton CNMS Building, Infrastructure, and Outreach / ORNL BES Program Director for Metal and Ceramic Sciences • John Cooke CNMS Work Proposal Manager / ORNL Director of Solid State Division • Jim Roberto ORNL Associate Laboratory Director for Physical Sciences BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  2. ORNL’s SNS Campus CNMS SNS CLO JINS Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been selected to develop, together with the university community, a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary Nanoscale Science Research Center The Center for NanophaseMaterials Sciences Douglas H. Lowndes E. Ward Plummer Oak Ridge National Laboratory University of Tennessee presentation at the BESAC Meeting Gaithersburg, MD November 14, 2001

  3. Outline • Challenges in Nanoscale Science • The CNMS Concept: Creating Scientific Synergies to Accelerate the Pace of Discovery • Neutron science; science-driven synthesis and nano- fabrication research; theory / modeling / simulation (TMS) • Major scientific thrusts, CNMS building, and projected impacts • CNMS Outreach, Vision for Interactions, and Science Enabled • Enabling collaborative, multidisciplinary science: Staffing & CNMS scholars • Initial outreach (2000) and First Planning Workshop (Oct. 2001) • Candidate Research Focus Areas (within Scientific Thrusts) • Equipment Needs and Access to Other ORNL Assets • Management Plan and Governance • Advisory Committee; Proposal Review Committees; access to CNMS • ORNL, State, and Other Commitments to the CNMS • Complementarity & Coordination with Other Nanoscience Activities • Synthesis: The Role of Materials in Discovery An Example of Coordination and Complementarity BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  4. Triblock coploymer morphologies A Significant Characteristic of Nanoscale Science THE GREATEST CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES REQUIRE WORKING AT A SET OF INTERFACES • Understanding: Boundaries of academic disciplines • Physics / chemistry / biology / computational science / engineering • New Technology: Requires Integrating “Soft” & “Hard” Materials Sciences • Different tools, different expertise • Both needed for new Nanotechnology • Nanometer Length Scale: Midway between • Atomic-scale (masters of understanding) • Sub-micron scale (masters of miniaturization) Current Scientific Infrastructure Not Well Suited for Research or Education at the Nanoscale BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  5. The BES Challenge for Nanoscale Science Research Centers Maximize resources and promote multidisciplinary interactions, to enable research of a scope and depth beyond current national capabilities Clear Intent • Focus research on largest, most fundamental challenges to understanding nanoscale materials and phenomena • Assemble resources--people, facilities, collaborative expertise--and create synergies that will rapidly advance knowledge of nanoscale materials and phenomena • Identify ways to integrate uniquely nanoscale phenomena and properties with the micro- and macro- scales • Create an environment for multidisciplinary research education BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  6. Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences A highly collaborative, multidisciplinary research center Co-located with the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences (JINS) on ORNL’s “new campus” Nanofabrication Research Lab SNS CNMS JINS CNMS Offices and Labs BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  7. Science Themes and VisionHow Will the CNMS AccelerateDiscovery in Nanoscale Science? By Integrating Nanoscale Science with Three Synergistic Research Needs • Neutron Science • Synthesis Science • Theory / Modeling / Simulation BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  8. Neutron Science How Will the CNMS AccelerateDiscovery in Nanoscale Science? • Neutron Science [ SNS + Upgraded HFIR ] • Opportunity to assume world leadership using unique capabilities of neutron scattering to understand nanoscale materials and processes • Challenging nanoscience focus helps grow the U.S.-based neutron science community to levels found elsewhere in the world BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  9. Neutron Science Synthesis How Will the CNMS AccelerateDiscovery in Nanoscale Science? • Synthesis Science [ Nanofabrication Research Laboratory ] • Science-driven synthesis: Key role of synthesis as enabler of new generations of advanced materials; evolution of synthesis via TMS • More efficient methods: Search & Discovery; new synthesis pathways BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  10. Neutron Science Theory Modeling Simulation Synthesis How Will the CNMS AccelerateDiscovery in Nanoscale Science? • Theory / Modeling / Simulation (TMS) [Nanomaterials Theory Institute] • Stimulate U.S. leadership in using TMS to design new nanomaterials • Investigate new pathways for materials synthesis • Apply TMS and ORNL’s CCS to understand nanoscale phenomena BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  11. Neutron Science Theory Modeling Simulation Synthesis How Will the CNMS AccelerateDiscovery in Nanoscale Science? By assembling the resources and creating the synergies needed to produce timely answers to the largest questions in nanoscale science Special environments In situ measurements Time-resolved measurements Extensive synthesis capabilities Simulation-driven design More efficient search & discovery Nonequilibrium combinatorial synthesis Science-driven synthesis More intelligent searching CNMS will create and exploit the synergies among these—and with the university community—to accelerate the pace of discovery and produce a nonlinear return on investment BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  12. Organization of Research in the CNMS • Three major Scientific Thrusts + Nanofabrication Research Lab • Soft Materials -- Michelle Buchanan Including organic, interfacial, and hybrid nanophases • Complex Nanophase Materials Systems -- Ward Plummer Including cross-cutting areas of interfaces and reduced dimensionality • Nanomaterials Theory Institute -- Peter Cummings • Nanofabrication Research Laboratory -- Michael Simpson • ~ 10 multidisciplinary “Research Focus Areas”, proposed by scientific community, recommended by Advisory Committee • Anchored by ORNL staff + long-term visitors (“core” research staff) • Dominated numerically by graduate students, postdocs, short-term visitors BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  13. SNS CLO: Machine shop, stockroom, large-meeting facilities NRL Enabling Collaborative, Multidisciplinary ResearchBuilding and Support Facilities • 80,000 sf: Four levels + Nanofabrication Research Lab (NRL) • “Wet” and “dry” materials synthesis and characterization labs • Office space for staff and visitors:Immediately opposite labs to maximize collaborative, multidisiplinary, and educational interactions • Nanomaterials Theory Institute: Labs to access terascale computing facilities / expertise of ORNL Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) • NRL: Clean and environmentally controlled rooms; electron microscopes; nanoscale patterning (e-beam writer / lithography); facilities for manipulation and integration of soft & hard materials • CNMS 1st floor (adjacent to NRL): High-resolution scanning probes BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  14. Vision for Nanoscience Research & Education A collaborative research center for design, synthesis, characterization and theory / modeling / simulation of nanoscale materials / phenomena / assemblies • Provide scientists from throughout the U.S. with access to state-of-the-art facilities and expertise for • Materials synthesis, nanofabrication, and integration • Scanning-probe and e-beam imaging instruments from atomic scale upward • k-space and direct time-resolved studies of materials synthesis & self-assembly • Terascale modeling and simulation • Anchored by nationally recognized “core” research staff drawn from ORNL, universities, and industry • CNMS Postdoc Fellowships: Training ground for nation’s future scientists and faculty • CNMS Scholarships: Local expense support to ensure access by qualified grad student and postdoctoral visitors (brief peer-reviewed proposal) • Expert technical assistance, training, and scientific collaboration Highly interactive and multidisciplinary environment for nanoscience research education BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  15. Design Modeling Synthesis Charac- terization Projected Impacts Resident collaborators, technical support personnel, short- and long-term visiting positions Infrastructure and environment to support collaborative research and multidisciplinary research education CNMS will provide access to the full cycle of capabilities needed to meet the BES Challenge • Increased and accelerated fundamental understanding Growth mechanisms, self-assembly, transfer & coupling across interfaces, collective phenomena in low dimensionality, inorganic/organic/bio interfaces • Many fields impacted(see IWGN Natl. Nanotech. Initiative summary) Structural materials, highly specific sensors, functional materials (nanoscale size, dimensionality), medicine (targeted drug delivery & imaging), catalysis (efficiency, selectivity), energy generation / storage, nanomechanics (friction, actuators), vacuum nano-electronics (nanotube field emitters) Permit tackling problems of a scope, disciplinary depth, and complexity that is beyond current national capabilities BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  16. CNMS Projected Collaborative Impacts • CNMS will be THE world leader in using neutron scattering to make broad classes of nanoscale phenomena accessible to fundamental study • Leadership in science-driven synthesis—via synergy with TMS—will accelerate both discovery and understanding of advanced materials • Nanomaterials Theory Institute • A world leader for designing new functional materials and for investigating pathways for nanomaterials synthesis • Stimulate and support the understanding of nanoscale phenomena • Nanofabrication Research Laboratory (facilities and expertise) • Understand and direct nanoscale self-assembly • Functionally integrate use of “soft” and “hard” materials • CNMS: A leading center for multidisiciplinary NSET research and education in the United States, and the intellectual and operational focal point for the southeastern U. S. BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  17. Research Staffing and Educational Outreach How Will CNMS Enable Multidisciplinary Collaborations ? BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  18. CNMS Staffing and Mode of Operation • Flexible and multidisciplinary • “Core” research staff includes 18 FTE (≥ 27 actual) ORNL-derived researchers Forefront scientists, nationally known programs • ~ 10 Research Focus Areas that evolve and can be changed • Highly collaborative (mainly universities; industry, other NLs) • “Core” res. staff includes 18 FTE (≥ 27 actual) long-term visitors Young faculty; sabbatical visitors; release–time purchases to enable collaboration • Up to 36 postdocs from universities, national labs, industry • Hundreds of graduate students and short-term visitors per year 1/2 to 3/4 of FTEs from other institutions • Highly qualified technical support staff Major presence of visitors in staffing to enhance collaboration BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  19. Encouraging Multidisciplinary Research EducationCNMS Scholarships for Graduate Students and Short-Term Visitors PURPOSES • Overcome a barrier to collaboration • Provide enhanced opportunities for grad students and visitors to obtain collaborative, multidisciplinary research experience using specialized national facilities • Increase the pool of young scientists with multidisciplinary nanoscale research experience • Scholarships cover full-time local living expenses (per diem) for 35 FTE graduate students and 35 FTE short-term research visitors • Hundreds in practice (est. 300 - 750 / year, depending on duration of visit) • Criterion: Quality and suitability of the Science • Proposal Selection Committee approval required BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  20. Encouraging Multidisciplinary Research EducationCNMS Support for Postdoctoral Scholars • CNMS Support for 18 FTE Postdoctoral Scholars • Expect up to 36 people jointly supported with university research groups • MODEL: ≤ 6 postdocs hired fully by CNMS, ≥ 24 hired jointly with collaborating groups CRITERIA FOR POSTDOCTORAL SUPPORT • Highly motivated research collaborators with own research support • Quality and suitability of the Science • Advisory Committee recommendations for Research Focus Areas and budget allocations • Rapidly establish new research direction (Advisory Committee recommendation) BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  21. Governance of the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Advisory Committee Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Recommends Research Focus Areas and priorities ORNL Associate Laboratory Director For Physical Sciences James B. Roberto Input from the broad Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Community Proposal Selection Committee One per Scientific Thrust Area Chaired by appropriate members of the Advisory Committee Reviews and approves Visiting Scientist Applications Director Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Douglas H. Lowndes SNS - HFIR Close ties will be maintained Reviews will be coordinated to assure access to neutrons Soft Materials Michelle V. Buchanan Complex Nanophase Materials Systems E. Ward Plummer Theory, Modeling, And Simulation (Nanomaterials Theory Institute) Peter T. Cummings Nanofabrication Research Laboratory Michael L. Simpson Visitor and Guest Support TBD Research Focus Area Anchored by core research staff and long-term Visiting Scientists Research Focus Area Anchored by core research staff and long-term Visiting Scientists Research Focus Area Anchored by core research staff and long-term Visiting Scientists Anchored by core research staff and long-term Visiting Scientists Experimental Equipment Support TBD Research Focus Area Number of focus areas recommended by the Advisory Committee Research Focus Area Number of focus areas recommended by the Advisory Committee Research Focus Area Number of focus areas recommended by the Advisory Committee Key to Chart colors Yellow: CNMS Leadership Team Blue: External Advisory Groups and Committees BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  22. Advisory Committee Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Recommends Research Focus Areas and priorities Proposal Selection Committee One per Scientific Thrust Area Chaired by appropriate members of the Advisory Committee: Reviews and Approves Visiting Scientist Applications ORNL Associate Laboratory Director for Physical Sciences Input from the broad Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Community SNS - HFIR Close ties will be maintained Reviews will be coordinated to assure access to neutrons Director Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Complex Nanophase Materials Systems Theory, Modeling and Simulation (Nanomaterials Theory Institute) Nanofabrication Research Laboratory Visitor and Guest Support Experimental Equipment Support Soft Materials Governance of the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  23. Advisory Committee • Experts in 3 Scientific Thrusts (STs) and Nanofabrication Research • Additional expertise in neutron scattering and other areas determined by the Chair • Chair to be named in FY2002 • Responsibilities [1] Recommend Research Focus Areas and priorities Input: Director, ST Leaders, research community (Workshops, reports) [2] Review Committee for ongoing research / educational activities [3] Can recommend discontinuing a Research Focus Area or Scientific Thrust (lack of progress; lower priority than emerging science) • Nine Advisory Committee Members • 6 external, 3 internal • Initially: Appointed by ORNL Assoc. Lab Director (ALD), in consultation with CNMS Director, ST Leaders & Advisory Committee Chair • Steady state: Nominated by collaborating community and Advisory Committee Approved by ALD in consultation with CNMS Director + ST Leaders The Advisory Committee has teeth in order to provide the Center with flexibility to evolve BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  24. Access by Visiting Scientists[ Similar to CRC Visiting Scientist Selection Process ] • Through Proposal Selection Committees • One for each Scientific Thrust (three initially) • Review and prioritize proposals for short-term access • Each Chaired by a member of the Advisory Committee • Members include Scientific Thrust Leader & CNMS Director (ex officio) • Chair selects other internal and external members from the nanoscience community • Input to the Selection Committees: Peer Review (e-mail) • Single Application Process • Internally coordinated with SNS – HFIR • Internally coordinated with other ORNL CRCs or User Facilities TIMELY ACCESS WITH ONLY ONE APPLICATION BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  25. The First CNMSPlanning Workshop278 registered participantsfrom 67 institutionsPlenary SessionTom Russell (U. Mass.)Z. L. Wang (Georgia Tech)Thomas Theiss (IBM Watson)Center OverviewScientific Thrust LeadersThree Rounds of Breakout Discussion Sessions Further Engaging the Scientific Community http://www.ms.ornl.gov/nanoworkshop/nanointro.htm BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  26. Institutions Represented at the FirstCNMS Planning Workshop • Universities (46) Alabama, Alabama-Birmingham, Arkansas, Baylor, Clark Atlanta, Clemson, Colorado State, Duke, East Carolina, Florida, Florida A&M, Florida International, Florida State, Georgia State, Georgia Tech, Houston, Iowa State, Kentucky, Louisville, Maryland, Massachusetts-Amherst, Memphis, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri-Rolla, Mississippi State, New Orleans, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Northwestern, Oklahoma State, Pennsylvania, Penn State, Puerto Rico, Rice, South Carolina, Southern Illinois, Tennessee, Tennessee Tech, Tulane, UCLA, Utah, Vanderbilt, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Washington U. (St. Louis) • National Research Laboratories and Centers (10) Ames National Lab, Argonne National Lab, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia National Labs, Max-Planck-Institut of Microstructure Physics (Germany), NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA Langley Research Center, National High Magnetic Field Lab • Industry (including development of nanotechnology) (10) DRA, East Tenn. Development Council, Exeter Asset Mgt., IBM Watson Research Center, Motorola Inc., Plasma Processes Inc., Rowland Institute, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Toucan Capital Corp., Western Environmental Corp. BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  27. CNMS Planning Workshop PURPOSE • Engage the national and regional scientific community in planning the Center and its research BREAKOUT DISCUSSION SESSIONS: INPUT SOUGHT AND DESIRED OUTCOMES • Identify candidate collaborative Research Focus Areas (RFAs) and equipment needs • Most important challenges to scientific understanding • Most signficant opportunities for new technology • Identify university and ORNL “champions” for Research Focus Areas • Potential lead scientists for collaborative research • Build teams for research in the Center’s scientific thrust areas • Desired CNMS mode of operation and infrastructure / support needs • Access to existing ORNL facilities / capabilities useful for nanoscience • Outreach to and collaborations with other BES NSRCs and other federal, state, and university nanoscience research centers BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  28. Results of First CNMS Planning WorkshopCandidate Research Focus Areas Soft Materials Synthetic Polymers and Bio-Inspired Materials • Scientific Challenges √ Creating 3D structures with tailored properties and/or function √ Controlled supramolecular assembly of macromolecules Interfacing Nanostructures to Biological Systems: From Synthesis to Signal Transduction • Scientific Challenges √ Controlled synthesis at size scale & spacing relevant to bio systems √ Patterned functionalization & assembly of nanoscale materials √ Communication across the nano-material / biomaterial interface Systems Dominated by Organic- Inorganic Interconnections • Scientific Challenges √ Nature of organic-inorganic interactions √ Transmission & measurement of responses across soft-hard interfaces √ Control of interactions at multiple length scales to construct hybrid ‘designed’ materials √ Interrogation & theoretical description of soft-hard interfaces Electronics on a Molecular Scale • Scientific Challenges √ Theory of molecular structure and the substrate-molecule interface Molecular conformation and band offsets √ Charge transport & manipulation √ The input/output problem and mass production (“in-principle” solution?) BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  29. Results of First CNMS Planning WorkshopSynthetic Polymers and Bio-Inspired Materials (Candidate Research Focus Area) • Scientific Grand Challenges √ 3D structures with tailored properties and/or function √ Controlled supramolecular assembly of macromolecules • Specific Challenges √ Synthetic control of macromolecular architecture for stiffness (3D structures), specificity of inter-molecular interactions √ Hybrid macromolecular systems (org / inorg & bio-org / inorg, including nanotubes & nanoparticles) √ Control of interfacial phenomena: Uniform (homog), heterog, patterned √ Scaling of structures & properties: Nano- to macro-scale √ Characterization of interfaces: Structure, dynamics, microscopic and macroscopic properties √ Modeling structure & dynamics in condensed phases • Technological Opportunities √ Controlled drug/genome delivery, films with controlled properties, biomimetic function, self-healing structures, reversible sensors, fluid confinement (sorption and flow), separations, stimulus-controlled properties • Champions T. Russell (U. Mass.), J.K. Blasie (Penn), J. Mays (Ala-Birm / Tenn.), M. Dadmun (Tenn) ORNL: P. Britt, E. Greenbaum, G. Wignall, M. Ramsey, P. Cummings + others • Collaborators Up to 20 other key national leaders in polymers & biomaterials to be invited • Interactions with Other Centers NIST and Ga Tech Nano Center NSF/MRSECs in polymer & biomaterials: Mass., Penn., Princeton, UCSB, etc. BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  30. Results of First CNMS Planning WorkshopCandidate Research Focus Areas Theory, Modeling, Simulation Virtual Synthesis and Nanomaterials Design • Scientific Challenges √ Chemistry - structure - properties √ Thermodynamics vs kinetics: Formation of metastable structures; predicting kinetic pathways to unique structures √ Theory and simulation across multiple length scales √ Prediction of materials with exceptional characteristics √ Narrowing the search: Optimized selec-tion of candidate materials & processes • Champions (of 30 people, 13 institutions) M. Buongiorno Nardelli & J. Bernholc (NCSU), S. Glotzer (Mich), Y. Kim (P.R.), S. Pantelides (Vanderbilt), C. Jayanthi, S. Liu, & S. Wu (Louisville) ORNL: M. Stocks + 9 collaborators Theoretical Nano-Interface Science • Scientific Challenges Theory and simulation across multiple length and time scales, to understand: √ Interactions at organic / organic (bio and non-bio), organic / inorganic, and inorganic / inorganic interfaces √ Transport / transfer at and across interfaces √ Influence of interfaces at larger length scales √ Designed materials, leading to molecular electronics & integration, and biomedical / chemical sensors • Champions S. Glotzer (Mich), G. Smith (Utah), J. Bernholc (NCSU) + 10 collaborators at eight institutions ORNL: P. Cummings + approximately 10 collaborators BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  31. Results of First CNMS Planning WorkshopCandidate Research Focus Areas Complex Hard Materials Carbon-Based Nanostructures • Scientific Challenges √ Fundamentals of growth at atomic level (catalysts, chirality, in situ diagnostics) √ Large-scale production with designed properties (diameter, chirality, exotic conformations: tori, Y) √ Functionalization of nanotubes (pea pods, sidewalls, polymer wrapping, collodial suspensions) Nanostructured Magnetic Materials • Scientific Challenges √ Synthesis and controlled assembly of magnetic nanostructures √ Dimensionally confined magnetism √ Control / exploitation of spin / spin-currents √ Entanglement and decoherence Nanoscale Interface Science (Nano- particles & grains) • Scientific Challenges √ Understanding & exploiting dominance of nanoparticle / grain properties by interfaces / grain boundaries √ Deformation mechanisms Effects at the particle / grain interface? Role of dislocations & diffusion? √ Thermodynamics (including meaning) Dominated by surfaces / interfaces and gradients near these? Phase transitions: Controlled by phenomena at the phase interfaces? Nanoscale Manipulation of Collective Behavior • Scientific Challenges √ Understanding and controlling spontaneous nanoscale phase separation in correlated materials √ Nanoscale control of collective phenomena in field-effect structures √ Understanding and probing effects of reduced dimensionality √ Control of magnetic properties and conduction at interfaces BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  32. Equipment & Instrumentationfor Collaborative Research [ 1 ] CNMS’ equipment needs initially surveyed during proposal-writing • Input from 15 universities [ 2 ] Candidate Research Focus Areas also surveyed during Workshop • “Collaborative Needs” section [ 3 ] Planning Workshop Breakout Session on “Revolutionary Instruments for Nanoscale Characterization: What Are We Missing?” • Suggestions by discussion and written survey SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT FOR CNMS • Prioritized selection to be made as Research Focus Areas form • Future Planning Workshops + follow-on activities • ORNL NSET programs: Resource of both equipment and expertise • Selectively incorporated in CNMS, but fully accessible for collaboration • Guidance: Advisory Committee, Proposal Selection Committees, Workshops BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  33. The Nanofabrication Research Laboratory • Addresses the need for a nanofabrication research capability within CNMS, to support collaboration with the university community • Will integrate “soft”- and “hard”-materials approaches in the same structures, and conduct research on directed self-assembly for nanofabrication and linking to the microscale • Will provide access to clean rooms, electron-beam lithography, high-resolution electron microscopy, various scanning probes, and specialized materials-handling facilities • Fabrication and characterization tools in the service of nanocience • By exploiting the extensive synthesis capabilities of the CNMS, the NRL can develop unique nanofabrication capabilities The NRL will satisfy the strongly felt need of universities for a well-equipped nanofabrication facility to enable nanoscale science investigations BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  34. Complementarity to and Coordination with Other Nanoscience Activities • CNMS’ will be the premier Center in the world for nanoscience using neutrons • Static / dynamic information complementary to other methods • Coordination with other BES NSRCs is underway • Active exploration and development of collaborative research interactions with federal / state / university Centers is underway • Planning Workshop + efforts of ORNL and university research leaders • Research Focus Areas Champions and suggested associated Centers BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  35. University Champions for Candidate Research Focus Areas and Suggested Collaborating Centers * • NSF Polymers and Biomaterials MRSECs at U. Mass., U. Penn., Princeton, UCSB, U. Minn. + others • U. Alabama MINT Center • Georgia Tech Center for Nanosci. & Nanotech. • U. Louisville Center for Nanotechnology • U. Michigan Center for Computational Materials Research • North Carolina Center for Nanoscale Materials • Rice U. Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology • U. Tennessee: Center for Environmental Biotechnology and Tennessee Advanced Materials Laboratory • Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Biotechnology, and Laser Science Center • U. Virginia Center for Nanoscopic Materials Design • CINT (Sandia / Los Alamos) • Molecular Foundry (LBNL) • NASA Centers of Excellence (Langley, Ames) • National High Magnetic Field Lab • NIST: Polymers Division & Center for Neutron Research • J. Bernholc (NCSU) • J.K. Blasie (Pennsylvania) • W. Butler (Alabama-MINT) • R. Compton, G. Sayler (Tenn.) • S. Das Sarma (Maryland) • H. Dorn (Virginia Tech) • L. Feldman, R. Haglund, S. Pantelides, S. Rosenthal (Vanderbilt) • S. Glotzer (Michigan) • E. Grulke (Kentucky) • R. Hull (Virginia) • J. Mays (Ala-Birm. / Tenn.) • A. J. Millis (Rutgers) • T. Russell (Massachusetts) • D. Schlom (Penn State) • Z. L. Wang (Georgia Tech) • B. Yakobson (Rice) * Partial listing only BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  36. Complementarity to and Coordination with Other Nanoscience Activities • CNMS’ will be the premier Center in the world for nanoscience using neutrons • Static / dynamic information complementary to other methods • Coordination with other BES NSRCs is underway • Active exploration and development of collaborative research interactions with federal / state / university Centers is underway • Planning Workshop + efforts of ORNL and university research leaders • Research Focus Areas Champions and suggested associated Centers • CNMS’ candidate Research Focus Areas and mode of operation are highly synergistic with research of university collaborators • CNMS will provide access to state-of-the-art capabilities synthesis and nanofabrication analysis / characterization theory / modeling / simulation • Training for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  37. Synergies Between CNMS and a UniversityNanoscience Center:Georgia Tech’s CNN BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  38. Synthesis: The Role of Materials in Discovery An Example of CNMS’ Research Coordination and Complementarity BESAC Feb 27, 2001

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  41. ComputationalEquipment &Resourcesfor CNMS • Joint venture with ORNL’s Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) • Obtain dedicated simulation and modeling capabilities CCS has state-of-the-art terascale computational science facilities and expertise • One of two DOE High-Performance Computing Research Centers • Research focus: Computational materials science and nanosciences CNMS will provide computational infrastructure for nanoscience research visitors to interface with CCS • Cost-effective access to terascale computing BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  42. Access to Other ORNL Assets CNMS will internally coordinate reviews of requests to access other ORNL User Facilities or Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs) • Access to CNMS: Proposal Selection Committees (peer review) • Timely, “one-stop” access to all needed nanoscience resources • Rapid access to other facilities after visitor is on-site • Submit request to Facility Director: Approval of short-term rapid access, or immediate referral to facility’s own review process Other Facilities Available via CNMS • Spallation Neutron Source & High-Flux Isotope Reactor • Center for Computational Sciences • Center for Structural Molecular Biology (SANS, mass spectrometry, computational biology) • High Temperature Materials Laboratory (six “user centers”) • Shared Research Equipment CRC (incl. atomic-resolution microscopy) • Metals Processing Laboratory User Center (four “user centers”) BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  43. Laboratory Commitments to CNMS ORNL has strong, diverse, nationally known resources of nanoscience expertise and leadership • $12M LDRD Initiative for NSET (FY2000-2003) • Two winning proposals in first BES NSET competition (FY2001) ORNL Strategic Plan and Laboratory Agenda • “Science at the boundaries”: Linking different disciplines to address fundamental scientific and technical challenges • Goals and Commitments • World’s foremost center for neutron sciences • Center of excellence for understanding complex biological systems • Develop terascale high-performance computing and simulation capabilities • Sustain leading position in chemical sciences and advanced materials science and technology • Special commitments: Expand NSET capabilities; develop extraordinary tools for materials characterization; extend synthesis and characterization capabilities to enable exploration of soft materials All of these goals and commitments strongly advance CNMS BESAC Feb 27, 2001

  44. External Support for CNMS • State of Tennessee: $8M Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences (JINS) facility • Dining and housing adjacent to CNMS for visiting students and scientists • Auditorium (workshops / conferences), classrooms, video-conferences and distance learning • University of Tennessee • Committed to “collaboration in all areas necessary for CNMS’ success,” as part of university’s initiative to expand neutron and materials science research capabilities • Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) • Committed to help support workshops, symposia, development of research partnerships, joint faculty appointments • Facilitate interactions with nearly 100 member colleges and universities • Nanoscience research participation for advanced undergraduates BESAC Feb 27, 2001

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