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Learn how to use American Factfinder and Census 2000 data to find information about census tracts, block groups, median age, rent, household income, and poverty rates in different areas.
American Factfinder and Census 2000 Exercises (and Answers)
Exercise 1 http://factfinder.census.gov Using Reference Maps, search your home address to determine census tract, block group and block number in 2000. Were those the same tract and block group numbers in 1990? HINTS 1. Choose Reference Maps 2. Click on the breadcrumb to change Geography. 3. Change to Address Searching and Type Address 4. Highlight BLOCK GROUP and SHOW MAP 5. Click on LEGEND. 7. Change boundaries on left screen to 1990 Census and UPDATE.
Exercise 2 http://factfinder.census.gov Using Data Sets and Census 2000 Summary File 1, find a detailed table showing median age for the population (all races) by census tract in Washtenaw County. Then add Washtenaw County to the table. HINTS 1. Choose Data Sets/Census 2000 Summary File 1. 2. Click on Detailed Tables. 3. Change level tocensus tract. Wait for pop-up menus for state and county. Choose all tracts. NEXT. 4. Use the KEYWORD menu to search MEDIAN AGE. Highlight obvious table and ADD. 5. Once you show the table, change GEOGRAPHY using breadcrumb. 6. ChooseCountylevel for new geography, then Michigan and Washtenaw. ADD
Exercise 3http://factfinder.census.gov Using Data Sets and Census 2000 Summary File 3, determine the block group in Ann Arbor City with the highest median CONTRACT rent. HINTS 1. Choose Data Sets/Census 2000 Summary File 3, Detailed Tables. 2. Choose Geo within Geo. Then block groups for smallest area and place for largest area. Follow menu through named places. ADD all block groups. NEXT. 3. Click on Subject. Search renter statistics. Highlight table and select. SHOW Table. 4. Page through the search results until you find the answer.
Exercise 4 http://factfinder.census.gov Using Summary File 4, Custom Tables, Geo within Geo, and filtering, develop a list of places in Dearborn Michigan where the median household income for the Arab population is greater than the Michigan median of $44,667. HINTS 1. Access Data Sets/Summary File 4/Custom Tables. 2. Use Geo within Geo to choose census tracts within a place/Michigan, Dearborn, then add. Next. 3. Use keyword searching to search median household income. Highlight table and press GO.Check off variable and Add. Next. 4. Check off median household income as data filter and Next. 5. Use pulldown box to choose “greater than” filter; type 44667; OK. 6. Click on Next button next to Population Group filter.
Exercise 4 http://factfinder.census.gov HINTS (continued) 7. Change tab from race to Ancestry. Highlight Arab. Show Result.
Exercise 5 http://factfinder.census.gov Using Keyword Searching, find a 2000 thematic map that shows the percent of persons in poverty by Census Tract in Detroit. HINTS 1. Type “poverty percent” in the keyword box on the Factfinder main screen. 2. Browse down the search results to 2000 Thematic Maps 3. Click on MORE to expand the list and then choose the map. 4. Use breadcrumb on U.S. Map to change geography. 5. Use List Geography.Choose PLACE level; then Michigan and Detroit. 6. If you have time, change the LEGEND then DATA CLASSES from Natural Breaks to Equal Intervals. 7. Use the IDENTIFY feature to identify the poorest tract. Try changing LEGEND/BOUNDARIES to add tract numbers.
Exercise 4 – Answer This is not true of all cities in Michigan