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Apache Indians. Emilie, Winston, Helena. Introduction.
Apache Indians Emilie, Winston, Helena
Introduction “Crunch. Squeak.” the Apache moccasins moaned with great wear as the Apache warriors slowly moved forward toward the Spanish settlement. The Indians hid behind a bush and slid arrows into their bows. “THWAP! THUD!” A Spanish explorer was hit and killed.Even though the Apache Indians had many difficulties creating good relationships with other people, they did rely on nature and survived worshiping the Great Spirits of the plains. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoegPzXrR8TnEZulKDymcSDHBZfjz3z-gKt21aGSWsTwHW6lhL http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_y8ag4VGcCHo/SxDs7VsW3NI/AAAAAAAADb8/rpvCJNGRS2M/s400/Chief_Cochise.jpg http://onlinemocs.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hightop.JPG
Relationships With Others Apaches never really had very great relationships with others although, this led them to their success in surviving. Apache means “enemy” in the Zuni language. The Zuni called the Apaches “Apaches du nabahu” or “Raiders of the Field. The Apaches also called themselves the Tenneah. The Apache Indians, enemies of the Comanche, also had two different groups. Plains Apache and Apache. Apache fought many times against the Navajo. In the Yuma language Apache means fighting men. Apaches created lots of bead work and basketry over the years. Other Indians called them Ta-ashi which meant turned up. They called them this because Apache men and woman wore knee high moccasins. The Comanches kicked out the Apache from buffalo hunting grounds because again the didn't have very great relationships with one another. Many soldiers did not like the Apaches Indians, in fact they hated them. The Apache Indians were the only Indian nation still fighting the Mexican soldiers. Explorer Panfio Narvaez was the first white man to meet the Apache Indians. Soldiers Kidnapped Apache Indians in revenge. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--SoC8V319Js/Tl2iozdyrFI/AAAAAAAAAf8/ueljAgovCYE/s1600/Apache_chieff_Geronimo_%2528right%2529_and_his_warriors_in_1886.jpg The Apache Indians Traded with the White men giving them guns and other weapons. Geronimo was one of the Apaches best warriors. The Apaches valued him greatly when in war with White men and Indians. http://trianglecranch.com/catalog/images/geronimo001.jpg Helena #17
Clothing Over the years, The Apache Indians wore different apparel. Men wore breech clothes in the summer and shirts and breech clothes in the winter. Both were made from animal skins. Later men wore clothing made from cloth. Woman wore skirts and shirts made from animal skins all year long. Woman also wore buckskin dresses. Woman wore many other pieces of clothing including fringed skirts. Men and woman both wore moccasins which were like shoes made from buckskin. Knee high moccasins were a popular stile when it came to the Apaches . Apaches were a unique tribe because of their moccasins. http://www.cherokeeadvocates.org/wp-content/uploads/native%20american%20indian%20moccasin%20boots.jpg http://www.allardauctions.com/images/auctions/Website%20Photos/0830.jpg Apache woman wore very stylish buckskin dresses and fringed skirts made from animal skins all year long. Some woman from other bands wore other outfits. Helena #17
Legends Legends entertained the Apache Indians greatly and still are told to this day. The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush is about a boy who has a gift of decorating and not hunting so he creates a paintbrush. How the Sun Came to Be is an old Apache tale where the small animals are tired of being eaten by the monsters so they decided to have a contest. The small animals won so the sun came up and greeted the small animals. The legend explains how the Sun came to be. The Destruction of the Bear came along a long time ago. A young boy starts pretending he was a bear so he crawled into a cave. When he came out he had four bear paws. The little boy returned to the cave four more times and eventually became a bear. Immediately, the bear started eating his people. After he ate all of his people he wandered off into the forest looking for more. He came across a fox who told him that if he was going to chase the people he needed small thin leg like his. The fox performed a surgery but ended up removing his flesh and breaking his bones. The fox took the bones and found the bear’s cubs. While they were sleeping he messed with their hearts end eventually thy died too. The fox just killed the most terrified beat in the land of the Indians. The legend explains how the man eating bear became extinct. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_V4w18ZWaPas/R4MPSP45ccI/AAAAAAAAA38/MWtg0cVK5FY/S220/Native-Storyteller.jpg http://www.seventh-heaven-online.co.uk/cds/great%20spirit%20told%20me.gif The great Spirit was usually included in many Apache legends. Helena #17
Traditions The Apache Indians had many traditions and ways to honor nature. The Apache only took what was needed from nature. They tried to keep it as balanced as possible. For traditions, if someone was to die they would cut the persons hair and leave it next to the dead body. For a girl to turn to a woman she had to go through a sunrise ceremony. The sunrise ceremony went on for four days. Most camps were family groups. The leader, the older husband of the family, was responsible for all of the small camp to follow traditions. When a son married, instead of the married couple going with the husband’s side of the family the two recently married Apache Indians went to live with the mother of the bride. They would be considered married if the husband sent a gift to the bride before marrying. Drums were apart of the Apache’s culture. http://www.worldlyweddings.com/articles.asp?id=148 Winston #10 Peace pipes were used for smoking.
Weapons Throughout the generations the Apache Indians ate many animals and small crops and used many tools to hunt. With not much rain they still had the women collect acorns, seeds, cactus fruit and other desert plants and supplies. Some food was used as medicine. The Apache did not farm. No Apache ate bears, turkey or fish. They used bows and arrows to hunt. If raiding the Spanish because of lost land and destroyed lives they used bows and arrows and clubs. Apache people made hardened buffalo hide shields and used spears for close combat and war. Apache also used revolvers stolen from the Spanish. Apache warriors and leaders were honored with feathery headdresses. http://www.prices4antiques.com/item_images/medium/35/84/15-01.jpg http://cdn1.iofferphoto.com/img3/item/207/419/832/native-american-wood-tomahawk-88524.jpg http://crescentok.com/staff/jaskew/isr/webquest/geronimo2.jpg War clubs had hitting ends with wood or stone inside leather. The ends were spheres. Geronimo was a great warrior and these four are ready for an attack with rifles. Winston 10
Homes, Shelter The Apaches Indians had many intersecting homes and shelter for their families and tribes. The Apaches would live together in families groups. Women made wickiups by bending young trees into frames. Eastern Apache would live in tipis together. Most Apache families would live in wickiups. Wickips were made out of wooden frames and covered with brush and sometimes a buffalo hide tarp and could be built in a couple of hours. They would live in groups of about 200 people called bands. Bands considered themselves one people. Apache people also lived in wigwams and long houses. Long houses can have up to 20 people live in it. Some the Apache would live in tipis others would live in wickiups. http://newmexicocreates.org/data/ProductImage/image/6670/enlarged_nmc/9017_1_9a1a3.jpg http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~dlm87/discover/discover/images/wickiup.jpg The Apaches would live in wickiups to precept them from weather. Emilie #15
Food, Hunting The Apache men would hunt buffalo, deer, and antelope while the women would collect items from the earth. Women would also collect fruit, berries nuts, plants and honey. Men would also hunt rabbits and turkeys. They would occasionally eat buffalo. Apaches also stole guns in retaliation to the Spanish because they took land and killed Indians and traded food. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dqiper7Fm7g/SgiETMP23jI/AAAAAAAAHp0/ODLl8pXExv8/s400/jackson-hole-buffalo-meat-co-elk-jerky-close.jpg http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/kids/images/Shaw_butcher2.jpg The Indians would have to butcher the buffalo so it could be clean to wear for clothing. Woman picked and gathered berries and fruit for dies and food. Berries were turned into pemmican which is ground meat and berries compacted together. The Indians would dry the buffalo’s meat to make jerky. Emilie #15
Locations, Habitat The Apaches were located in many different places because they were nomadic and needed buffalo so they would follow the food source. They would live in central Arizona, New Mexico, central Texas Oklahoma, Southern Colorado, and the Seirra Madre Mountains . Their neighbors were the Kiwo. Currently they live in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arizona. At one time they also lived in the great lake region. Most of them would live in Mexico and would fight the Mexican. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bCh-gAJte7Y/S9VWZHh5PuI/AAAAAAAAIiE/0hX5mrdx8vA/s1600/arizona.jpg http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/imgnov07/dr-deserts_html_7f524f5e.jpg Emilie #15 Some of the Apaches would live in Arizona.
Apache girls usually learned how to use buffalo when they were very young. They would watch their mothers for when they were older. Apache men traded and stole horses from the white man. Horses changed the Apache Indian lives. Conclusion http://www.firstpeople.us/american-indian/people/ls/at-the-ford-apache.jpg http://www.old-picture.com/indians/pictures/Apache-Indian-Girl.jpg The Apache Indians teach us so much about the importance of nature to in our everyday lives. Their ability to hunt so fiercely played a big roll in surviving. Did the Spanish ever make a big imprint in their relationships with other tribes? What made the Apache Indians were so fierce? Who started the war between the Apaches and the Spanish? The Apaches or the Spanish? Why did the Apaches have not so great relationships with other people? I guess you'll have to decide. http://donm.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/Smoky-River-Trail-2/IMG1615/647738394_TEWVT-L-3.jpg http://roadtickle.com/img/strange/5-weird-theories-on-world-creation/ apache-indian.jpg Plains Apaches lived in a place that looked a lot like this. There was also another group of Apaches. They were called he Apaches. Apache men wore very decorated pieces for ceremonies and other festive party like things. Apache warriors also decorated themselves for hunts. Geronimo saved the Apache people when in war. He also saved his people in other events.
Resources Bibliography Freedman, Russell. Buffalo Hunt. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc., 1988. Print. Lund, Bill. The Apache Indians. Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, 1998. PrintSneve, Virginia. The Apaches. New York, NY: Holiday House, 1997. Print.McCall, Barbara A. Native American People The Apaches. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Publications Inc., 1990. Print. Claro, Nicole. The Apache Indians. Philidelphia, NY: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992. Print.Webliographyhttp://www.bigorrin.org/apache_kids.htmhttp://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/students/