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This project aims to enhance social dialogue in Turkey for innovation and development, aligning with EU social policies. It includes capacity building, training, and promoting cooperation among social partners.
Project Title “Strengthening social dialogue for innovation and changein Turkey“ Overall Objective To strenghten social dialogue in Turkey as a force for innovation, and economic and social development.
Project Purpose • To assist the MoLSS and social partners to promote social dialogue at all levels in order to • Accelerate the process of approximation and the implementation of the acquiscommunautaire • Prepare them to fulfill their future responsibilities in the framework of the EU social policies.
To meet the requirements regarding social dialogue in the following documents AP NPAA Regular Reports PNDP JUSTIFICATION
Project Beneficiary • Direct Beneficiary: Ministry of Labour and Social Security • Other Beneficiaries: The seven main representative social confederations and their affiliates
Increased capacity of MoLSS. Six operational databases that may allow a bettermonitoring of the approximation process by the MoLSS. Progress in consensus building on still pending issues of the application of the acquis communautaire. Delivery of training and on-the-job training in order to enhance capacity of the MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination and representatives of other MoLSS departments in project preparation and monitoring, including the progressive familiarisation with European Social Fund (ESF) practice. MoLSS training delivery mechanisms improved and refocused by the adjustment of a number of selected existing training curricula and the introduction of performance measures, quality standards and evaluation processes. A set of measurable indicators in social dialogue defined. EXPECTED RESULTS
Improved tripartite social dialogue. Tripartite social dialogue is institutionalised, and social partners are associated ‘ex-ante’ to the preparation of new policies and regulations. MoLSS and social partners’ leadership (a minimum of 100 leaders and managers) trained to acquire the appropriate skills and attitudes. 100 experts (from MoLSS and social partners) trained to acquire the necessary skills in techniques of social dialogue. A minimum of 50 mediators and 250 labour and social insurance inspectors trained to acquire the necessary skills to perform their duties. A minimum of 50 future selected experts (from MoLSS and social partners) trained to become trainers of trainees. At regional level a minimum of 200 MoLSS and social partners representatives have received basic training in social dialogue techniques. EXPECTED RESULTS-2
Increased co-operation among social partners (bipartite dialogue). A number of pilot innovative projects (approximately 30) in the social field successfully implemented. Social dialogue at branch and companies level is expanding and its benefits in a modern economy start to be understood. EXPECTED RESULTS-3
Enhanced training facilities for MoLSS staff and social partners. Appropriate equipment delivered to realise advance training needs and establish the information database within the context of the programme. EXPECTED RESULTS-4
Component 1: Strengthening institutional capacity of MoLSS and social partners in the social field on the road to EU accession (technical assistance). 1.A Institution and capacity building 1.B Training to acquire skills and qualifications related to social dialogue Component 2: Fund for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue Component 3: Office equipment for conducting training activities and improving the information base capacity of the MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination.
Component 1:Strengthening institutional capacity of MoLSS and social partners in the social field on the road to EU accession.(1.9 MEURO) 1.A Institution and capacity building a-Establishment of 6 information databases b-Setting up thematic experts working groups c-Delivery of “awareness-information” conferences d-Development of appropriate information materials in Turkish e-Delivery of training addressed to MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination staff and executives in project preparation and implementation f-Organisation of two study visits in selected EU regions g-Definition of appropriate indicators to monitor and measure social dialogue progress in Turkey at all levels
1 A-Institution and Capacity Building a-Establishment of6 information databases • A database containing all basic texts in the social field (EU directives and related Turkish regulations or draft legislation in English and Turkish). • A database of collective agreements. • A database on mediators’ reports, Supreme Arbitration Court Rulings and possibly other social laws jurisprudence and court cases. • A database on labour inspection statistics • A database on social insurance inspection statistics • A database of Turkish experts in the field of social dialogue and the acquis communautaire.
1 A-Institution and Capacity Building b-Setting up thematic experts’ working groups (or platforms) between the social partners and MoLSS to discuss and monitor specific issues, in the light of the acquis communautaire,such as; • Best practices for promoting social dialogue at sectoral level. • New forms of work organisation, including flexibility and quality approaches • Social dialogue on enterprise level, including information and consultation procedures and works councils • The organisation of collective bargaining and collective actions (strike, lockout,..) • Best practices to ensure non-discrimination and equality, especially in relation to the gender dimension • Adapting to industrial change and preparation for the Information Society
c- Delivery of “awareness-information” conferences in the main towns, to be attended by all relevant stakeholders. Purpose: to inform MoLSS and social partners on the programme activities and its progress particularly the results of the work of the working groups and to familiarise social partners and the general opinion on the content and implications of the acquis communautaire in the social field. Conferences: at the starting phase, mid-term and at the end of the project. 10 events, a minimum of 100 persons each. 1 A-Institution and Capacity Building
d-Develop appropriate information materials in Turkish. Purpose: to support information and awareness raising campaigns, as well as other dissemination activities by social partners at local level. 1 A-Institution and Capacity Building
e- Deliver training to MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination and other departments. Aim: to reinforce their project preparation and implementation capacity, in the following topics: Project preparation and logframe Ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluations Definition of measurable key indicators Monitoring and control techniques including the setting-up of monitoring committees 1 A-Institution and Capacity Building
f- Organise two study visits in appropriate EU regions. For familiarisation with, ESF experiences and practice, including programming, control and evaluation. Approximately 10 persons (mainly MoLSS, but also social partners’ representatives), one full working-week. 1 A- Institution and Capacity Building
g- Definition of a set of appropriate indicators. To monitor and measure social dialogue progress in Turkey at all levels. A study will be launched for that purpose within the technical assistance component. 1 A-Institution and Capacity Building
1 B- Training to acquire skills and qualifications related to social dialogue a- A leadership awareness-training programme -100 head of the MoLSS staff and of the social partner organisations– social dialogue and EU approximation b- Experts’ training - 150 key representatives of the MoLSS staff and of the social partner organisations, communications and negotiation skills c- Training of trainers-100 of the MoLSS staff and of the social partner organisations, communications and negotiation skills, introduction to social dialogue rules and principles d- Regional training- 200 representatives of MoLSS and social partners’ organisations at regional level, in communications and negotiations skills, introduction to social dialogue rules and principles e- Mediators’ and inspectors’ training- 250 mediators and inspectors, introduction to social dialogue rules and principles f- Revise and refocus a number of selected training curricula addressed to MoLSS personnel through CASGEM.
The grant scheme will be implemented by the CFCU with the support of the TA team. The tasks related to the implementation of this activity are: Public awareness campaign organised at national level through the media and other channels, including social partners, to promote the fund; Preparation of information package and all necessary materials for the various calls (guidelines for applicants, common application forms); Training of staff of MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination on project implementation mechanisms; Launching the calls for proposals; Organisation and delivery of technical assistance to potential applicants; Evaluation, selection and contracting process; Monitoring of projects during implementation; Overall analysis of the results and of experience gained through the implementation of pilot projects under the fund. Component 2:Grant for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue(1.89 MEURO)
Component 2:Grant for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue - 2 • Fund completely managed through a grant scheme. • The grant scheme will support a number of pilot projects, in order to enhance social dialogue at branch and companies levels and promote innovative experimental projects in the social field. • The target groups: the social partner organisations; labour unions, public servants’ unions, employers’ association confederation and their affiliates.Other non-profit organisations, such as Universities, research institutions, Chambers of commerce, SMEs or craftsmen associations’ organisations and local communities, may be included in the projects as partners but not as main applicants. • Joint applications by (at least two) social partners, one from each side of industry (employees-employers) will be eligible for financing.
Component 2:Grant for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue - 3 • Grants will be available to: - Social initiatives at national, branch and enterprise level - In particular, but not exclusively, grants will be available to co-finance on the following topics: • Best practices for promoting social dialogue at sectoral level. • New forms of work organisation, including flexibility and quality approaches • Social dialogue on enterprise level, including information and consultation procedures and works councils • The organisation of collective bargaining and collective actions (strike, lockout,..) • Best practices to ensure non-discrimination and equality, especially in relation to the gender dimension • Adapting to industrial change and preparation for the Information Society
Component 2:Grant for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue- 4 • Grants: 10.000 - 150.000 euros (average size of grants expected to be 70.000 euros allowing financing of 30 projects approximately). • Duration: 6 -12 months. • The Fund will finance 85-90% (EC contribution) of the total budget of each project. The remaining 10-15% will be covered in cash by the applicants or partners (possibly private enterprises, Foundations, bilateral donors, etc.). • All grants contracts will be concluded by the CFCU. • Two calls for proposals will be launched in accordance with the availability of the funds.
Component 2:Grant for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue- 5 Suggested examples of projects may include: • Introducing women part time employment in banking sector (or in the administration) • Introducing the concept of “work council” in a pilot glassware company • Academic research work to introduce new rules for measuring trade unions’ representativity • Researching and testing new/appropriate OHS regulations in specific sectors’ pilot companies • Organising collective OHS measures in SMEs
Component 3:Office equipment for conducting training activities and improving the information base capacity of the MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination and CASGEM (0.5 MEURO) • Provide the MoLSS EU Co-ordination department with the necessary equipment to implement the databases planned under component 1 of the project. • Provide CASGEM with all the necessary office equipment to equip the new training facilities within the MoLSS building. • The equipment supply will be monitored by the CFCU with the support of the TA team. • The tasks related to the implementation of this activity are: • At the time of the start of the project, update the lists of the equipment required and the technical specifications by the TA team , in collaboration with the MoLSS and CASGEM; • Updating of the draft tender dossier; • Launching of the tender through the CFCU; • Participation of selected representatives of the beneficiary and the TA team to the evaluation committee; • Monitoring of the delivery and installation of the equipment.
A number of programmes funded by EU and other donors should create synergies with the social dialogue project as they deal with important aspects of social dialogue and involve the same partners. Moreover, exchanges on programme management level and re-use of some of the materials will avoid duplication. These programmes are: The Occupational Health and Safety project, whose beneficiary is the Directorate General of Occupational Health and Safety of the MoLSS The ISKUR (Employment Institute) project Modernisation of Vocational and Technical Education; Strengthening Vocational and Technical Education (Ministry of National Education) Two ILO projects could be usefully linked to the project: A workers management education project in the textile sector, A tripartite project, focusing aspects of sectoral social dialogue. Linked Activities -1
Links should also be established with other programmes funded by other international organisations and/or donors with relevance to the current programme, such as: The possible Social Security Reform project, to be funded by the EU Employment and Training Project funded by the World Bank(1993-2000) Privatisation Support Programme, equally funded by the World Bank Linked Activities -2
(MEURO) Phare Investment Support Phare Institution Building Total Phare (=I+IB) National Co-financing * TOTAL Institution and Capacity Building 1.9 1.9 1.9 Fund for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue 2.1 2.1 2.1 Equipment 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total 2.6 1.9 4.5 4.5 Detailed Budget
Institutional Framework A Steering Committee will be established with representatives from the MoLSS, social partners at the higher level, the General Secretariat of European Union and the European Commission Delegation in Turkey. Social partners from the private sector include TISK, TURK-IS, DISK, HAKIS, BASK and from the public sector KESK, KAMUSEN and MEMURSEN. KOSGEB, TOBB, TESK and TUSIAD may be considered at this level if social partners agree. A representative of ILO may be associated as non voting member. The Steering Committee will be chaired by the Under Secretary of the MoLSS and will meet quarterly. Secretariat will be held by the PCU. A PCU will be chaired by the Director of the EU Coordination Department. Representatives of other Directorates of the MoLSS concerned (i.e. Directorate General of Labour) and other EU funded projects will be requested to participate in this PCU to ensure proper co-ordination between projects and departments.
Implementation Schedule Component 1: Institution and capacity building November 2004: launching of procurement process May 2005: signature of the TA contract June 2005: TA on the ground May 2007: end of TA contract Component 2: Fund for innovative actions in the field of social dialogue September 2005: launching of call for proposals for projects December 2005: launching of calls for proposals for projects March 2007: implementation of all projects completed. Component 3: Office equipment for conducting training activities and improving the information base capacity of the MoLSS Department of EU Co-ordination August 2005: launching of procurement process January 2006: signature of the contract May 2006: end of the contract