Holden Caufield Lives in New York Holden Caufield Agghhh! Today another bad day with Stradlater… He made me do his homework, I did it for him about my baseball mitt. He read what I did and do you know what he said? This is nothing simple and it is not what I wanted! Aghhh…. DIE STRADLATER! Ward Stradlater Hey! Whyis so importanttoyouaboutthebaseballglove? STUPID! Holden Caufield Heyyoumoron! Respect! ThisglovewasweremybrotherAlliewhodiedwrotepoemsonit!Also I dontknowwhy I accededto do your H.W!! Friends Holden Caufield Ward Stradlater hey! I feel ardor when I’m with Jane… Holden Caufield I wonder how she is doing. Can you say hi for her? Mr. Antolini Holden Caufield Gotexpelled of schoolagain! I wanttoabjurefromschoolearlierthanwhatexpected… Phoebe Caufield hmmmm…. Imthinkinggoingto New york! Sally Hayes Mr. Antolini Im in New york! You can staywithus.
Claude Monet Holden Caufield • Holden Caufield • sigh… I feel so lonely I want to call Jane or phoebe… but im afraid. • Im feeling anomaly, aghhh!! • So cold! Holden Caufield Liquor and cigarette are not helping me alleviate my depression… (rule #2) Sally Hayes Don't drink too much! Friends Holden Caufield Hey! How are you? Everything ok? Would you like to have a date with me? Tomorrow? Ward Stradlater Holden Caufield Sally Hayes –> Holden Caufield STUPID? You called me stupid? D.B Caufield Jonathan Edwards wow… we need to respect each other! God wouldn’t like that… and specially to a women.. Ohh boy! Jonathan Edwards Holden Caufield Sally: Hey sorry! Jonathan: I can feel your acrid tone , wow you make people feel afraid. haha
Claude Monet Holden Caufield The taxi driver wasn’t an affable person but because of my depression I kept asking questions. Holden Caufield Sunny as well as Maurice are very agile on taking my money. (rule #3b) I was so sad at the same time pissed off. Ward Stradlater hey! I feel ardor when I’m with Jane… Holden Caufield I wonder how she is doing. Can you say hi for her? Holden Caufield The hotel and the taxi cab looked antediluvian. (rule #2) Holden Caufield I wonder how do each fish, duck, frog, and other animals living in the lake will be able to survive when winter comes ( rule #3a) Jonathan Edwards I know you are having bad times and you are wondering if you will survive? Isn’t it? Holden Caufield how did you know? Phoebe Caufield My brother is the best. (Rule #1)I love you by the person you are, don’t change your personality depending on the environment.