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Athena I/O Component Refactorization - Overview. Random notes about todays agenda. Peter Van Gemmeren (Argonne National Laboratory (US)). Agenda AM. 09:00 Local Welcome: Dr. Sebastien Binet 09:10 Workshop Welcome: Dr. David Malon
Athena I/O Component Refactorization - Overview Random notes about todays agenda. Peter Van Gemmeren (Argonne National Laboratory (US))
Agenda AM 09:00 Local Welcome: Dr. Sebastien Binet 09:10 Workshop Welcome: Dr. David Malon 09:20 Athena I/O Component Refactorization - Overview: Peter Van Gemmeren 09:30 EventSelector: Paolo Calafiura • Common nucleus in Event Selectors 10:00 Discussion / Planning 10:30 Coffee 11:00 MetaDataSvc: Dr. David Malon 11:30 OutputStream: R D Schaffer • On Athena side, think a bit about how data, metadata, (and TAGs) can be written into a single file right now, multiple streams sharing a name, hoping they don't step on each other's toes • Single event data spread over multiple files (tracking and calorimentry, say, or ESD+ExtendedESD, or ...) 12:30 Lunch
Agenda PM 14:00 ByteStreamComponents: Dr. Jack Cranshaw 14:30 Discussion / Planning 15:30 Coffee 16:00 Forum: I/O infrastructure outside Athena • Can we provide infrastructure that can be reused in part outside of Athena? • in downstream non-Athena analysis, for example, but maybe even more broadly
EventSelector: Paolo Calafiura • What’s wrong with the current EventSelector: • Too many responsibilities: • Iterate over collections, Throw collection incidents, Apply event selection, Read collection metadata, Iterate over files, Throw file incidents, Iterate over events, Seek events, Select events, (Provide addresses), Back navigation • Asymmetry with OutputStream • No AthenaEventSelector base class • Dissimilarity between AthenaPOOL and other technologies (ByteStream) • Special treatment by Control framework • Failure is really ‘no more events’
MetaDataSvc: Dr. David Malon • MetaDataSvc to handle in-file metadata was developed as an add-on component to the Athena POOL I/O infrastructure. • Should it become a base component similar to OutputStream or EventSelector (we don’t yet have the latter (yet)). • Writing is done via ‘shadow’ stream with same PFN. • Works but fragile • Merging metadata needs full athena frame work.
OutputStream: R D Schaffer • AthenaOutputStream uses a Tool to do most of the work. • Tool is technology specific and has a ConversionSvc (even though that could eliminate technology dependence). • We are using two different tools with AthenaPOOL • AthenaOutputStreamTool depends on AthenaPoolCnvSvc, but not DataHeader. • Only used for PixelDCSTool (and PixelDCSTestWrite.py), TRT_StrawStatusSummarySvc, SCT_MonitorConditionsSvc, SCTCalibWriteSvc(and SCTCalib_topOptions.py) and LArG4GenShowerLib • Main difference is the use of DataHeader and infrastructure.
ByteStream Components: Dr. Jack Cranshaw • Was developed separately from AthenaPOOL infrastructure. • Some functionality had to be duplicated, because of missing common base classes: • E.g. Firing of FileIncidents • Some concepts are borrowed from AthenaPOOL: • E.g. DataHeader, Guid