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Join us at the National Conference on Agriculture to discuss key strategies for increasing pulse production in Madhya Pradesh to over 19 million tonnes. This event, held on the 6th and 7th of March 2013 in New Delhi, will focus on the important agriculture statistics and initiatives taken by the Farmer Welfare & Agriculture Development Department of Madhya Pradesh. Learn about the state's achievements in agriculture growth rate, soybean and lentil production, wheat cultivation, and more. Discover the state's initiatives for increasing production and productivity through innovative methods such as crop health management, promotion of organic farming, hybrid maize cultivation, and enhancing farm mechanization. Explore strategies planned for the XII Plan, aiming to achieve 9% agriculture growth and increase irrigated areas. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with experts and stakeholders in shaping the future of agriculture in Madhya Pradesh.
National Conference on Agriculture Kharif Campaign 2013 Strategies for increasing Pulse production to 19+ million Tonnes 6th - 7th March 2013 New Delhi Farmer Welfare & Agriculture Development Department Madhya Pradesh
Important Agriculture Statistics 11 Agro climatic zones. Net Cultivable area – 150.75 lac ha. Area sown : a. Kharif - 114.80 lac ha. 2011-12(FFC) b. Rabi – 99.52 lac ha. 2011-12(FFC) Double cropped area - 64.4 lac ha. Cropping intensity- 143 % Area under Irrigation – 36.5% , Rainfed - 63.5% No. of Holdings 79.08 lac, Holdings of Small & Marginal farmers 53.47 lac (68%), Area - 46.63 lac ha. (29.16%) Fertilizer consumption – 84.03 kg./Ha. (2010-11)
2. Scenario of Agriculture in M.P. • The state achieved agriculture growth rate of more than 9.02% as against the target of 5% set for the 11th plan period. • Ist position in the country in production of Soybean(64%), Gram(44%), total pulses(29%) and oilseeds (31%). • 2nd position in production of lentil (27%), 3rd position in sorghum (8%) , 3rd in mustard (13%) and Wheat 4th position (10%). • State is steadily improving wheat production every year. With an IInd advance estimated production of 162 lac MT during 2012-13 the state is slated to be included in the top 3 highest wheat producing states in the country. • SRR of soybean is 33.5 wheat 31.3, gram 12.1 and mustard is 28.2%. • At present average power consumption is 0.85 k.w. per ha.
Hailstrom and Frost during Month of Jan-Feb’13 • Hailstorm affected details : • Total districts- 35 • Total Area – 3.24 Lakh Ha • Total estimated loss- Rs. 887.09 Crore • Major affected top Five districts- Narsinghpur, Dewas, Jabalpur, Hoshangabad and Rajgarh • Total Rs. 108 Crore realeased against total allotment requested of Rs. 158.22 Crore • Frost affected details : • Total districts : 20 • Total Area- 1.77 Lakh Ha • Total estimated loss- 284.11 Crore • Majore affected districts- Rajgah, Satna, Narsinghpur, Sidhi and Raisen • Total Rs. 55.82 Crore realeased against total allotment requested of Rs. 71.08 Crore
Area (Lakh ha.) Rabi
Area (Lakh ha.) Kharif
Proposed Target of Advance lifting of Fertilizer for Kharif-2013 Unit:-in lakh M’T’
Strategies and Initiatives taken by State Government toincrease Production & Productivity • Formations of Krishi Cabinet for quick decisions. • Crop loans at 0% rate interest. • Increasing irrigation potential with judicious use of available irrigation water by promotion of sprinkler & drip irrigation system. • Planning of cropping system in command areas. • Ensuring availability of quality certified seed. • Testing of soil and distribution of Soil health cards. • Crop health Management. • Ensuring ground water recharging. • Advance lifting, storage and distribution of fertilizers. • Liberalization of policy for the purchase of input & implement. • Promotion of Ridge & Furrow System of Cultivation to reduce the menace of access or scanty rain fall situations. • Promotion of Organic Farming. • Promotion of SRI method of Paddy cultivation .
Strategies and Initiatives taken by State Government toincrease Production & Productivity • Contd........... • Promotion of Hybrid Maize particularly in tribal areas. • Promotion of farm mechanization with establishment of custom hiring centers. • Bonus on procurement of wheat & paddy in addition to MSP. • Amendments in RBC 6.4 to help out the farmers facing impact of natural calamities. • Creation of new storage facilities. • Launching the revised food processing policy where in activities like collection, grading , packaging, waxing, storing & marketing have been brought under the definition of industry. • Promotion of protective cultivation in Horticulture. • Establishment of Horticulture hub.
Strategies and Initiatives for XII Plan • Strategies to achieve 9% agriculture growth during the XII five year plan. • To enhance the production and productivity of Cereals, pulses, oilseeds and other major crops up to National Average production level. • To increase irrigated area by 6 lakh acres every year. • Dedicated electricity supply for Agriculture by feeder separation. • Remodeling extension services to target groups of farmers through joint mobilisation of scientists of KVKs and departmental staff . 5000 farmers will be supported in each districts under this programme every year.
Conti… • The platform of forming Farmers producers organization will be expanded for dissemination of technology, Seed production, Input arrangement and Marketing. • Public Private Partnership in selected and state specific areas like organic farming, Pulse production, grading, branding and marketing of Sharbati wheat, Tur Dal of Narmada valley and minor millets to be promoted in a big way.
Strategies and Initiatives for XII Plan -- Continued • B. Initiatives • Production and distribution of quality seeds to increased seed replacement rate. • Increasing irrigated area by 6 lakh acres per year . • Optimization of water use efficiency through canal lining, constructions of field channels, promoting use of sprinkler and drip irrigation system. • Optimum use of ground water resources created under various schemes like Kapildhara, Construction of tube wells. • Soil testing and distribution of Soil health card to all land holders. • Promotion of Ridge & Furrow cultivation system in soybean and pulses during kharif season. • Promotion of Organic Farming with suitable certification , branding and marketing arrangements. • Conversion of maximum area of paddy under SRI . • Promotion of Hybrid Maize production programme.
Interventions /activities during 2013-14 • To achieve the desired level of growth the following specific interventions have been planned during 2013-14 • To facilitate farm mechanization 250 new custom hiring centers to be established under the state scheme with 50% subsidy • Complete mechanised farming to be taken up in 139 selected villages under the YantraDoot scheme. • Target under the State micro irrigation mission increased five times to promote judicious use of irrigation water. • Convergence with MGNREGAto energize all the 3.5 Lac • Kapildhara wells to increase the area under irrigation. • To augment production and productivity of Paddy, 4.8 Lac hecters area will be put under SRI. Provision has been made to provide 20000 Conoweeders and 10000 markers. Composite Nurseries of hybrid Paddy will be raised for supplying saplings to poor farmers at concessional rate.
Interventions /activities during 2013-14 • SC/ST farmers will be given 90% subsidy for buying Hybrid maize seed to cover an area of 1.5 Lac hecters. • To augment the production and productivity of Soybean and Pulses during Kharif season, an additional area of 20 Lakhhecters will be brought under ridge and furrow method of cultivation. • Spiral graders and seed treating drums will be provided in 20000 villages. • 3 Lakhhecters of land out of the present 12 Lakhhecters under the traditional broadcasting system of sowing will be converted to line sowing in the Bundelkhand and Baghelkand region. • To improve the soil health deep ploughing will be done in 1.25 Lakhhecters of land.
Interventions /activities during 2013-14 • 7000 persons to be imparted training under skill development programme in Agri Sector. The infrastructural facilities and inventories available in the farmers training centers and KVKs are to be strengthened to convert these centers as skill development centers. • Seed production programme of pulses will be increased by 20%. • INM & IPM technology will be strengthened. • State Government scheme for compensating the storage, transportation and interest incurred by the cooperative organisations for urban storage of fertiliser to continue.
Specific issues of the State • Production subsidy should be restored to encourage seed production. • SC/ST, small and marginal farmers should be given 75% subsidy under different Central Government schemes. • Policy should be in place to ensure that the prices of fertilizer do not fluctuate in any given crop season to avoid harassment to the farmers. • The sell of powder and granulated form of SSP should be allowed atleast for 2 years so that the manufacturers can upgrade and modify their plants. • Pending proposals for development of Infrastructure facilities like covered shed, etc. at 22 existing rake points, conversion of 12 half rake points to full rake points and providing 4 new rake points in the state should be sanctioned.
Specific issues of the State • More companies should be authorised to supply gypsum to the state as the present companies like IFFCO, PPL and Hindalco are not supplying the same. • Government of India is requested to declare MSP for minor millets which is the main stay for the Tribal farmers. • Micro irrigation scheme should be revised to allow drip irrigation for pulses • The cost of cultivation in predominantly rainfed states like Madhya Pradesh differs vastly from that obtaining in irrigated states. Therefore MSP should be declared on regional basis after taking in to consideration the cost of production prevailing in the region. • Unavailability of 10% amount of Micro Irrigation Mission to the Agriculture Department.
Good practices and Success stories • SRI in hybrid paddy in 16 districts - Productivity has been increased by 40 to 60%. • Ridge and Furrow as well as raised bed planting has increased productivity in soybean and other non-paddy Kharif crops by 20-30%. • Balram Talab scheme introduced by State government where farmers are given subsidy upto Rs. 1 Lakh has proved beneficial for providing life saving and pre sowing irrigation.
Good practices and Success stories • Yantradoot Scheme for total machanised farming in selected villages have been immensely beneficial in increasing production and productivity . • Direct transfer of subsidy to the farmers account. • Short term crop loan on zero percent interest being given to the farmers. • The list of beneficiaries is regularly being uploaded in the department website. • Campaign for third crop (summer crop) in command areas.
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Cluster demonstration of wheat in NFSM lhrkjke iq= Jh ijelq[k dq’kokg] xzke ldriqj fodkl [k.M ,oa ftyk xquk
Critical gaps in State plan 2013-14 vis-a-vis XII plan priorities • Bulk of our farmers belong to small and marginal category with virtually little or no paying capacity. It is proposed that MGNREGA should be suitably amended and expanded to include agricultural operations in the fields of both job card holder and non job card holder S&M farmers to boost up production. • Farm sector is facing acute shortage of labour. Adequate additional support to promote farm mechanization and establishing custom hiring centers should be extended
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