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Transformational Learning

Transformational Learning. What, Why, How?. What? Transformational Learning A different model of delivery and learning incorporating aspects of:. What type of child do we want to nurture?. Why? Transformational Learning What skills do employers desire?.

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Transformational Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transformational Learning What, Why, How?

  2. What? Transformational LearningA different model of delivery and learning incorporating aspects of:

  3. What type of child do we want to nurture?

  4. Why? Transformational LearningWhat skills do employers desire? CBI: Confederation of British Industry. First Steps report What is it that small, medium and large companies need young people to bring with them into the world of work? – that’s not just exam results. ‘It’s actually about the characteristics, values and habits that last a lifetime. Businesses thrive working with young people who are determined, optimistic and emotionally intelligent,’ so the education system must focus on ‘helping them to be rigorous, rounded and grounded.

  5. Skills to develop

  6. Why? Skills for life-long learning • Contents  • Qualifications  • Mental Skills & Attitudes

  7. How? • All teachers have notebooks (since 2001) • All users have email (since 2000) • Site wide wireless network (all devices) • Notebook scheme in Yr7-9 (94%) • BYOD in Yr10-11 (work needed!) • Allow mobiles for use in lessons • No printing rule (5 printers in the school)

  8. How? • Online Homework system (SMHW) • Moodle VLE (10yrs old next week!) • Mahara eportfolios (since 2010) • Full time support officer (Helen) • eLearning and ITServices development plan • Regular training and support for staff • Support and commitment from SLT • Recognition that eLearning is a USP for Perins

  9. 3 x 4 hour projects Planning, Evaluation & ePortfolio

  10. No Curriculum (as such) No “specific” knowledge Teachers modelling learning

  11. Have you asked for advice from your peers? What do they think? Remember it’s OK to start again. Stop and think about it for a minute…. What’s your goal, and how will you know if you have achieved it? Don’t be afraid to walk away and come back to it later Teachers are proactive, risk-taking learners Try breaking the task down into smaller sections. Build in moments when you can review what you’ve done? Close your eyes and try to see what you are aiming for. How are you looking at things differently now?

  12. Transforming the VLE

  13. Transforming moodle

  14. Collaboration - padlet http://wallwisher.com/wall/7billionlifestyle

  15. Collaboration - Scrumblr

  16. Reflection – Webnotes on Mahara

  17. Reflection – Mahara feedback http://mahara.perins.net/view/view.php?t=mArs78BycHhvpX1N34nU

  18. Reflection – Glossary feedback http://moodle.perins.net/mod/glossary/view.php?id=39885

  19. Independence

  20. Independence

  21. Cross-curricular planning Teachers ‘persuaded’ to take risks and use 21C technology

  22. …so?

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