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Glaciers & Streams Part 2

Glaciers & Streams Part 2. Mr. King. How Glaciers Move. Mountain Side. How Glaciers Move. Cirque. Mountain Side. How Glaciers Move. Cirque. Where Snow Accumulates. Mountain Side. How Glaciers Move. Cirque. Where Snow Accumulates. Mountain Side. How Glaciers Move. Cirque.

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Glaciers & Streams Part 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Glaciers & StreamsPart 2 Mr. King

  2. How Glaciers Move Mountain Side

  3. How Glaciers Move Cirque Mountain Side

  4. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side

  5. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side

  6. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side

  7. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side

  8. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side

  9. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding

  10. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding

  11. How Glaciers Move Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine

  12. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which advances has more snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  13. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which advances has more snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  14. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which advances has more snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  15. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which advances has more snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  16. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which advances has more snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  17. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which recedes has less snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  18. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which recedes has less snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  19. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which recedes has less snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  20. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which recedes has less snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  21. How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine A Glacier which recedes has less snow accumulation than lower Melting and evaporation.

  22. Glacial & Stream Erosion • Glaciers erode a mountain side and create a “U” shaped valley • Streams the flow down a steep gradiant or slope create a “V” shaped valley

  23. Stream Erosion- Young • Rapids • Waterfalls • No Flood Plain • Tributaries or small streams connect main river • Valley Being Deepened

  24. Stream Erosion - Youth/Mature • V-Shaped Valley • Beginnings of Flood Plain • Sand and Gravel Bars • Sharp Divides • Relief Reaches Maximum • Valleys stop deepening

  25. Stream Erosion - Mature/Old age • Valley has flat bottom • Narrow Flood Plain • Divides begin to round off • Relief diminishes • Sediment builds up, flood plain widens • River begins to meander • Lots of Disagreement from here on; some geologists believe slopes stay steep but simply retreat.

  26. Stream Erosion - Old Age • Very Wide Flood Plain • Land worn down to flat surface (Peneplain) • Resistant rocks form residual hills (Monadnocks) • Pronounced River Meanders • Cut-off Meanders (Ox-bow lakes)

  27. More Stream Erosion • Rivers meander because the landscape is flat. • Some Landscapes are flat because they are extremely ancient. • Other Landscapes are flat for other reasons, like recent sediment deposition.

  28. Rejuvenation of a stream • Uplift of Land (Lowering of Sea Level, sometimes greater stream flow) causes stream to speed up and cut deeper. • Stream valley takes on youthful characteristics but retains features of older stages as well. • Can happen at any point in the cycle.

  29. Streams - Can you Tell the Age? A B D C

  30. Braided Stream

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