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National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2005-06 By: Mr.S.K.Gurung Principal Director Agriculture Government Of Sikkim. 1. FUND RECEIVED FROM CENTRAL GOVERNMENT , ITS UTILISATION. A. MACROMANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE.
National Conference on Agriculture forRabi Campaign 2005-06By: Mr.S.K.GurungPrincipal Director AgricultureGovernment Of Sikkim
1. FUND RECEIVED FROM CENTRAL GOVERNMENT , ITS UTILISATION A. MACROMANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE Fund received 2005-2006 - 511.00 Lakhs Unspent balance as on 1.4.05 - 29.05 Lakhs Expenditure till 31.8.05 - 300.70 Lakhs B.C.S.S. NATIONAL PROJECT ON ORGANIC FARMING • Fund Received during 2004-05 - 10.34 Lakhs • The fund has already been revalidated by the Government of India and it is being utilized for the conversion of two Government Farms into Organic and Capacity building programme.
2. State of readiness for additional funds during 2005-06 The State of Sikkim , at present has no proposal for additional funds for the year 2005-06
3. Progress in Seed Production SEEDS : The total area coverage by high yielding varieties in different cereal crops was 26.69 thousand hectare during 2004-05. while it was 20.31 thousand hectare during 2003-04. The area coverage by improved variety was 5.65 thousand hectare. The certified / TL seeds distributed to the farmers from outside source were about 309.79 tonnes.The certified seed production in the Government Farm was 10.77 tonnes of rice. 10.00 tonnes of wheat and 8.00 tonnes of maize. while in" the farmers' field it is 12.00 tonnes. 5.00 tonnes and 31.50 tonnes. respectively. As a component of Seed Certification Programme one modern Seed-Processing Unit of 20 tonnes capacity with cold storage facility was commissioned at Majitar, having all the facilities required for seed processing.
BALANCED USE OF FERTILIZER : The fertilizer consumption was about 131.56 tonnes in the year 2003-04 and 133.30 tonnes during 2004-05. Per hectare consumption was about 1.22 kg in terms of nutrients. The organic manure production in the farmers' field through EM Technology was about 4496.80 tonnes and Bokashi was 363 tonnes during the reporting year.
IPM (Integrated Pest Management) During 2005 - 2006 , fourteen numbers of farmers’ Field school have organized by the department. Predators are produced in the State IPM Laboratory and released in the fields to control the insect pests as and when required. Pathologist amongst Agriculture officials and farmers Distribution of IPM Kits to the farmers.
INM Programme • Till august 2005 the department has issued 746 nos. of soil health cards. Farmers are aware of the fertility status of their field and are comparing the change being seen with the use of the organic sources of nutrients. • Bio-fertilizer : One Bio-fertilizer production unit is being established at Majitar, which is being funded by NSC.
4. Steps taken to improve productivity Use of High Yielding Varieties of seeds Agriculture in the State of Sikkim is entirely rain-fed with no assured irrigation, hence poly pipes are being distributed to the desired farmers for irrigating at the critical stage of crops. Zero tillage equipments have been introduced to reduce the land preparation time. Roof Water Harvesting has been introduced in the water scarce pockets for irrigating the crops. Increasing the seed replacement ratio by HYV. Seed replacement ratio : 2004-05 2005-2006 Wheat 26.38% 35% Mustard 17.59% 50%
Productivity of Different Cropsduring2003-2004 and 2004-2005: • CROP 2003-2004 2004-2005 Rice 1437.00 1466.00 Wheat 1409.41 1437.00 Maize 1554.50 1585.00 Finger Millet 860.24 867.00 Barley 1227.64 1235.00 Buck Wheat 771.14 776.00 Urd 743.39 751.32 Other Pulses 1218.43 1228.66 Repseed & Mustard 700.00 713.00 Soybean 825.19 835.00
Different Activities Taken Up For Organic Farming Under Vermi-composting programme, we have proposed to construct 50 nos .of Vermi culture units in 50 villages and in each village one unit will be constructed for the production of earth worm and vermi -compost Besides Vermi-culture programme we have also proposed to construct vermi-compost units in the 50 identified villages @ 20 farmers / village. Farmers will be provided subsidy grant and earthworms under this programme. From each vermi compost unit we can produce approximately 2 tons of vermi compost / year V E R M I C O M P O S T I N G :
VERMICULTURE Concrete structure with roof constructed for rearing of earthworms.
Bio-Pesticides & Enriched Compost Making Formulation of FPE & EM solution by farmers to be used in the future as Insecticides Biggest compost heap prepared by the farmers Bokashi preparation by the farmers
Compost Making By E.M Technology Department has initiated the work of converting 100 villages into Bio-village by adopting this technology selecting 30 farmers in each villages, MOU has been signed with Maple Orgtech, Dehradun. The project is for the period of three years. Beside this the Department is working in saturation of this village by adopting rest of the farmers of these 100 villages during this year. “Farmers preparing “Bokashi”
Farmers Preparing E.M ‘Bokashi’ (Enriched Compost)
Programme for construction of Compost pit cum urine pit Under this programme it is proposed to construct 2500 nos. of compost cum urine pit in the farmers field during this current financial year Size of each compost will be 12X6X4 ft. with partition in the centre and size of urine pit is 3X3X3 ft. Subsidy in terms of cash and kind will be provided to the farmers.
RURAL COMPOSTING Department is encouraging the farmer for the production of rural compost in massive scale by providing the assistance to the farmers. A new technology of making urine pit has been introduced which is being popularised. Compost Pit with GCI sheet roofing in farmer’s field
URINE PITS Construction of Urine Pits in the farmer’s field in Chewribotay Khani Khola Watershed- East District.
The Department is doing capacity building of the officers and field functionaries in Organic Farming System. The Technologies are being transferred to the farmers, simultaneously. It is also proposed to send the Extension Officers to Uttaranchal to visit the various places where Organic Farming is in advance stage. • Literatures are prepared on Organic Farming and wide circulation is being done among the farmers for bringing awareness and wide publicity.
5. Progress on APMC Amendment • The APMC Act has already been amended in the State of Sikkim as per the Government of India guidance.
6. Readiness to implement National Horticulture Mission and ATMA related existing Programmes • The State of Sikkim is implementing Technology Mission instead of National Horticulture Mission since 2001-2002
A T M A (Agricultural Technology Management Agency) The various activities taken up under ATMA: • Director Agriculture, Dept. of F.S.& A.D. Government of Sikkim identified as the Nodal Officer • Identification of South and East district for ATMA • Orientation Course organized jointly with MANAGE ,Hyderabad at Gangtok for district officials and Line Departments. • Second Orientation for district officials organized in the district. • Training of Master Trainers of the Agriculture Dept. and all the Line Departments. • Notification of various bodies such as Governing Body, SAMITI, ATMA processed for Government approval. • Fund: Out of the total of 22 lakhs, 11 lakhs has been received from the Government of India.
7. Status of Quarantine facilities in the State • Quarantine facilities in the state of Sikkim has not yet been established however a letter has been sent to the Joint Secretary ( Plant Protection) Government of India for the initiation of the same. We have already identified a land for the establishment of quarantine lab.
8.Suggestions for improving Rabi Production • Rabi being the dry season of the year, farmers usually do not take the risk of growing too many crops. Provision of Rain Water Harvesting Structures and poly-pipes on a larger scale could encourage the farmers to grow more crops and thus help them economically. Use of high yielding varieties of seeds and other quality inputs