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2. citizen n. [C] a legal person who lives in a

1. tour n. [C] a trip for people to visit different places for pleasure 旅遊 ; 觀光 cp. ecotourism A one-day tour of Kaohsiung includes stops in…. I went on a (guided/ walking) tour of the castle. A bus took us on a (sightseeing) tour of the city.

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2. citizen n. [C] a legal person who lives in a

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  1. 1. tour n. [C] a trip for people to visit different places for pleasure 旅遊; 觀光 cp. ecotourism A one-day tour of Kaohsiung includes stops in…. I went on a (guided/ walking) tour of the castle. A bus took us on a (sightseeing) tour of the city. Susan works as a tour guide.//The band is on tour (=is making a tour) in Asia. (=visits made by a *sports team/ orchestra/ important person) Tourists flock to Europe every year.//a tourist resort/ destination/ attraction// India is dependent on tourism. I like to tour Hualien on a bike.

  2. 2. citizen n. [C] a legal person who lives in a nation/ a city 公民 (=sb who legally belongs to a country and has rights/ responsibilities) Parents and teachers should teach children how to be good citizens. She’s Italian by birthbut is now an American citizen. (=sb applies to become) Discounts will be offered to senior citizens who take the bus or MRT. (=sb over 60) citizenship n. [U] 公民身分 資格 (right/ behavior) It took John a year time to be granted Taiwanesecitizenship. (=apply for); hold dualcitizenship

  3. 3. travel vi. vt. to go from one place to another which is far away 旅行 Amy plans to travel (around) the world after she turns sixty. (=travel abroad) Joe recently had to travel to Japan on business. I was traveling in/ across Spain when I broke my leg.// travel light travel n. [U] 旅行 Travel by bus is more enjoyable than by plane. I met some interesting people on my travels in Spain. (=go travel(l)ing) travel agent/ travel agency traveler’s check

  4. 4. various adj. of a number of different sorts多樣 各式各樣的 Make sure that you eat various kinds of fruit(s) to stay healthy. I can find T-shirts in various colors in the shop. vary vi. vt. 變化; 使不同 Coffee is sold everywhere, but its taste varies from place to place. Flowers vary in size (=be different) interesting Charges vary according to/ depending on size. variety n. [C,U] 種類; 種種; 多樣性; 變化 A great / wide variety of drinks are offered at the tea shop.//Working adds/ brings variety to my life.//Variety is the spice of life.//variety show

  5. 5. guide n. [C] sb who shows visitors around a place 導遊 嚮導 v. show sb the right way You should follow a good tour guide when you take a trip to some place you’ve never been to. a mountain guide my spiritual guide a guide to the birds in Asia (=book/ instructions) user guide travel guidebooks guidelines guide dog be taken on a guided tour of guide vt. 引導 It’s nice of you tohaveguided me through / the narrow streets/ the hard times. I went to a counselor for guidance on my career. Under sb’s guidance, S V (=help and advice)

  6. 6. tongue n. [C] the soft and pink part in the mouth one uses to speak and eat 舌頭 A dog cools itself down by sticking out its tongue. (=push sth out/ come through a hole) When Kim saw the man coming toward her, shebecame tongue-tied, not knowing what to say. I spoke to her in her mother (=native) tongue. tongue twister I knew he was lying, but I bit my tongue. What’s wrong? (Has the) Cat got your tongue? Did I say yesterday? It must have been a slip of the tongue. (=a small mistake)

  7. 7. reflect vt. to show a certainsituation/ fact 反映 She saw her face reflected in the mirror. (image) A man’s actions reflect what he has in mind. This song reflects the life of modern people. The wall reflects the light/ echo sounds.(sends back) Tom reflected on what to do. (=think deeply) reflection n. [C] 反映 反射 反省 A man’s behavior is a reflection of his experience. We see our own reflection in the mirror.(=image) On reflection, Larry regretted what he had said. (=after thinking carefully about sth)

  8. 8. climate n. [C,U] the typical weather of a particular place 氣候; 氣候帶; 環境氛圍 Hawaii has a warm and sunny climate with cool breezes. The summer climate is very hot in Taiwan. The U.S. is a very big country, with very different climates from east to west. In the current economic climate, few are interested in investing money in the project. (=general feeling/ situation of a place) the threat of global climate change

  9. 9. geography n. [U] info/ study about countries/ rivers/mountains/cities/oceans, and so on地理 Good tour guides know a lot about a country’s geography and climate.//geography teacher Housing development is limited by the geography of the valley. (=features of a place) geographical adj. 地理的 There are many geographical differences between Taipei and Nantou. Good grape wine can only be produced in certain geographical areas. The hospital has an ideal geographical location.

  10. 10. tropical adj. occurring in hot and humid areas熱帶的 Tropical fishare usually rich in colors. tropics n. (pl.) 熱帶 (two imaginary lines around the world) Mango is a typical fruit in the tropics. Let’s protect the rainforests in the tropics. Taiwan is geographically divided bythe Tropic of Cancer/ Capricorn, and that is why there are tropical and sub-tropical climates here. (=23.5 degrees north/ south of the equator)

  11. 11. sour adj. having an acid taste, just like the taste of a lemon 酸的 (=bitter/ sharp) Sweet and sour porkis a popular Chinese dish among foreigners. The yogurt is too sour.//Milk gets/ goes/ turns sour quickly in hot weather. (=*fresh) After the quarrel, his relationship with Jane soon turned sour. (=unpleasant/ unfriendly) John said he didn’t want the job anyway, but that’s only sour grapes.

  12. 12. spicy adj. the burning hot feeling that spice causes on the tongue 香辣的 I love hot and spicy food such as Thai dishes. spice vt. 添加香料 cp. the Spice Girls Dad prefers coffee spiced withvanilla, but I like it black. (=add spice to/ give it more flavor) Newspapers tend to spice up the real story. spice n. [C,U] 辛香料; 樂趣 (powder from plants) Spices are welcome in Chinese dishes. (=herbs) Garlic, ginger and cinnamon are spices. Travel adds spice to our lives.//Variety is the spice of life. (=have a strong taste/smell)

  13. 13. plenty n. [U] an amount that is enough or more than enough 足夠;許多 We’ve got plenty of time. So don’t hurry. It’s easy to take care of this plant. Just make sure it gets plenty of water and sunlight. plenty adv. 足夠地 There are plenty more fish in the sea! plentiful adj. 豐富 充足的 (present and available) Watermelons and mangoes are plentiful in summer.

  14. 14. roastvt. to cook sth on fire 燒烤 On Thanksgiving Day, an American family usually roasts a turkey and eats it with potatoes and sauce. (gravy) Do you want the duck roasted or deep-fried? roast(ed) adj. cooked in an oven or over a fire 燒烤的 (ref. p.134) The smell of the roast(ed) chicken made Tom very hungry.

  15. 15. tasty adj. good to eat; delicious 可口 好吃的 The food Mom prepares for us is tasty and good for health. The foods printed on the menu look tasty. taste n. v. How does the pumpkin taste? It tastes good/delicious/bitter/awful/disgusting. a bitter-tasting liquid//You must have a taste of the cake. (=a small amount) We have similar tastes in music. (=things sb likes) There is no accountingfor taste.

  16. 16. fat n. [U] sth oily from animals or plants脂肪 Fried chicken is not good for health, because it is rich/ high in fat. Try this meat. It islow/ high in fat. fat adj. 肥胖的 Helen looks fatter than she was one year ago. low-fat adj. 低脂的 Doctors suggest a low-fat diet for people of all ages. Avoid fattening foods and take more exercise.

  17. 17. rottenadj. 腐爛的 The smell of rotten eggs makes Jack sick. rot vi. vt. (rot; rotted; rotted; rotting) to become bad, damaged, and useless 腐敗 腐爛 Meat rots quickly, so you have to put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible. (go rotten) Brush your teeth after meals, or the food left in the mouth will rot your teeth. (decay) After days of rain, the fruit on the trees began to rot. The trees were cut and left to rot.

  18. 18. wrinkle vt. vi. to form lines/ folds on the surface of sth 使起皺紋; 起皺摺 She wrinkled (up) her noseat the bad smell from the public restroom. Joe wrinkled his forehead in concentration. His brow wrinkled when he saw us. The dress looks nice, but it wrinkles easily. Too much sunbathing will wrinkle the skin. wrinkle n. [C] 皺紋 The old man’s face was covered with wrinkles. That cream can reduce the fine wrinkles around the eyes.

  19. 19. available adj. being ready for use 可得到可取得的 (can easily be bought/ found) A mother usually keeps tissue paper available when she is feeding her baby. Notify me if the jeans in a larger size become available.// Tickets are available from the box office.//Free Wi-fi is readily/ easily/ widely available near the station. (=easy to obtain) Dr. Chen is only available from3 to 5 p.m. Your friend is cute. Is he available?

  20. 20.unfamiliar adj. not knowing sb/ sth well  不熟悉的 This name is quite (un)familiar to me. I don’t think I have heard of it. We tend to feel nervous when we are in (an) (un)familiar surroundings/ place / environment familiar adj. 熟悉的;親近的 You will easily lose respect for a person if you are too familiar withhim or her. look/ sound familiar

  21. 21.sample vt. to taste a little bit of sth to decide whether one likes it or not 試吃 You can sample everything for free in the store. Here’s your chance to sample country life. sample n. [C] 樣品 My mom feels very happy when she gets lots of free samples in the supermarket. They took a blood sample to test for hepatitis. (a physical checkup,a urine sample, a stool sample for tests)

  22. 22. unusual adj. not ordinary; not common 罕有 不尋常的 It is quite unusual to have typhoons in November. It’s unusual for Dave to be late. Ben is never late to work. Today he didn’t show up; sth unusual must have happened. Contact the police if you notice anything unusual. usual adj. 通常的;平常的 “Did you put the key in the usual place? I can’t find it!” They didn’t invite any women as usual. It took me longer than usual to get to work.

  23. 19. provide vt. to give or supply what is needed供給;提供 The government should provide children from very poor families with free lunches. Pen and paper will be provided in the meeting. The government provides a special training program for foreign spouses from Southeast Asia. Without work, how can I provide for my children? A widow, she is the sole provider for her family. You can go out to play provided/ providing that you finish your homework first.

  24. 20. source n. [C] the point from which something comes into being 來源 Lemons are a very good source of vitamin C. The police found a witness who proved to be a very reliable source. Writing is the main/major/ primary source of income for Jane. energy source

  25. 7. please vt. vi. to make one feel happy 使高興 願意 Although she really wanted to be a writer, Fiona took a degree in law just to please her parents. It is not a formal speech, so take it easy. You may talk about anything as you please. With this pass, you can get on and off the bus as you please. (=document) The dog wagged its tail, trying to please its master. Some customers are hard / easy/ impossible to please. You can’t please everyone. You can spend the money however you please.

  26. 3. surely adv. certainly 一定;當然 Your English will surely get better if you read more English news stories. My mom would surely get mad if she knew I hadfailed the math test. sure adj. 確定的;當然的 May wasn’t sure how well she could sing, but she decided to try her best. sure adv. 一定;當然 Helen sure will give you a hand, because she is such a kind-hearted girl. Can you give me a ride to work? Sure. Thanks for your help. Sure.

  27. That’s the man I saw in the building last night. Are you quite sure (about that)? I’m pretty sure (that) the pool is open until 6:00. If you are not sure of the answer, say so. First, make sure the printer has enough paper in it. I’ll walk you home, just to make sure no one bothersyou. One thing is for sure, I’m never going skydiving again! (…, that’s for sure.) Be sure to fasten your seatbelt. He’s sure to get nervous and say something stupid. It was difficult, to be sure, but somehow we managedto finish the job.

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