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Citizen Charter. Vision. India Posts products and services will be the customers first choice. Mission. To sustain its position as the largest postal network in the world touching the lives of every citizen in the country.
Citizen Charter Empowering and Connecting India
Vision India Posts products and services will be the customers first choice. Empowering and Connecting India
Mission • To sustain its position as the largest postal network in the world touching the lives of every citizen in the country. • To provide the mail, parcel, money transfer, banking, insurance and retail services with speed and reliability. • To provide services to customers on value-for money basis. • To ensure that the employees are proud to be its main strength and serve its customers with a human touch. • To continue to deliver social security services and to enable last mile connectivity as a Government of India platform. Empowering and Connecting India
Our Customers/ Clients • Public Institutions , private businesses and print media, • Government organizations, • Other postal administrations, • Philatelists Empowering and Connecting India
Our Services- MAILS • Letters, postcards, Inland letter cards, book packets, value payable post, parcels, Flat Rate Box, Logistics Post, ePost, etc. • Registration and insurance of postal articles and parcels covered by such facility. • Premium mail services like Speed Post, Business Post, Direct Post, Bill Mail Service, Express Parcel Post, etc. • Delivery services are provided by the designated delivery post offices and Branch Post Offices in villages. Empowering and Connecting India
Our Services- FINANCIAL • Money Transfer Money Order, Instant money order, MO Videsh, Indian Postal Order, etc. • Post Office Savings Bank- Small Savings Schemes and Savings Certificates. • Postal Life Insurance and Rural Postal Life Insurance Empowering and Connecting India
Our Services- PHILATELY • Promotion of philately, • Issue of definitive postage stamps. • Issue of commemorative and special postage stamps • Delivery through Philatelic Bureau and counters as well as through ePost Office. Empowering and Connecting India
Our Services- COUNTER • Sale of postage stamps and postal stationery etc. • Booking of registered, insured, Speed Post and other mail articles etc. • Booking of money orders, various transactions relating to Post Office Savings and Postal Life Insurance (PLI)/Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) etc. • ePost Office for anytime anywhere transaction related to instant money order, electronic money order and philately products. Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards -MAILS Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- MONEY TRANSFER Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- POSB other than counter services Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- POSB other than counter services Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- PLI-RPLI Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- PLI-RPLI Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- COUNTER Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- COMPLAINTS Empowering and Connecting India
Service Standards- BOs Empowering and Connecting India
Expectations from Service Recipients- MAILS • Address of addressee and sender should contain House Number, Name of Street, City, District, State and Pin Code., Name of village of addressee and the name of the delivery Branch Post Office of the addressee, Phone number of the sender and addressee. • To conform to packing, size and content requirements for registered and Insured articles and parcels • To comply with instructions for articles prohibited • Affix correct amount of postage on mail articles. • Provide Mail Box on the ground floor for each address in the multi storied building. • Notify the delivery post office of the change of address and provide the forwarding address. • Give proper authorization to his/her representative for receiving delivery of registered, insured, money orders and Speed Post etc. in his/her absence • Cooperate by producing ID on demand by Postmen or at the counter. • Insist on obtaining receipts for articles and money orders booked Empowering and Connecting India
Financial Services • Provide Know Your Customer (KYC) documents as prescribed. • Check the Agency Number, Authorization and validity of the Small Savings and Postal Life Insurance Agents and Rural Postal Life Insurance Agents before carrying out any transactions with them. • Keep pass book updated and secure. Obtain receipt if passbook is handed over to the post office check the last balance in the Pass Book matches with that written in the receipt. • Make nominations for all Post Office Savings Bank Accounts, Savings Certificates, Postal Life Insurance and Rural Postal Life Insurance. • Do not disclose the code numbers of instant money orders and MO Videsh communicated by the Post Office to any person other than the recipient. • Bring the officially valid ID for iMO payments. • Collect receipt when handing over requests for transfer or deceased claim Empowering and Connecting India
Sevottam Empowering and Connecting India
“How do we connect policy with operations?” politician citizen Civil Servant “We sometimes assume that policies will implement themselves.” “The civil service requires a better delivery culture.”
Quality Management System called Sevottam framework aims at filling these gaps through a simple process • The Quality Management System (QMS) developed by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Government of India, is called SEVOTTAM • The term is a combination of two Hindi words – ‘Uttam’ + ‘Seva’= Sevottam • It is backed by an Indian Standard IS 15700 :2005 that was especially created for certifying achievement of excellence in service delivery in the government service sector
Sevottam seeks excellence by focusing on Quality Standards based Public Service Delivery only
Government’s services delivery should not be a game of dice - Citizen’sshould knowwhat to expect ? how much to expect? from whom ? when ? And where? • Uncertainty is sought to be removed through published standards
The QMS Sevottam framework provides the answer through three modules that help to identify Gaps in Service Delivery • 1.Citizen’s Charter – that specifies and publishes the standards of service delivery • 2. The Grievance Redress Mechanism that process complaints from citizens when standards in Citizen’s Charter are not met in the service delivery • 3. Capacity Building for service delivery to bring improvements on a continuous basis
Simple Seven Steps that cover the entire QMS Sevottam framework
The 12th Plan will also focus on quality monitoring, maximizing customer satisfaction, transparency in all processes and improved service delivery. • Hence Sevottam, an initiative for improvement of service delivery developed by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances will be implemented in 832 Head Post Offices. • This is expected, in addition to monitoring of service delivery under Project Arrow and Mail Network OptimisationProgramme to significantly improve service delivery performance and thereby lead to customer satisfaction and expansion of customer base for Department of Posts.
Post Forum Empowering and Connecting India
ARRANGEMENT FOR CONSULTATIONPOST FORUM • A venture to foster better relationship with clients and to create a ready responsiveness to public needs. • Post Forum is a representative body of users of a post office to advise the post office on matters of its service in public interest conceived in the widest sense. • Revived with the advent of Project arrow
ARRANGEMENT FOR CONSULTATIONPOST FORUM • It consists of not more than 7 (seven) Members. They shall be users of the post offices. • It meets every two months. • Each post office where the Citizens Charter has been implemented is having a post Forum.
You are an Enabler of Change • Post Forums: • Purpose • Composition • Process • Role of Postmaster/ASPs • Activity: • See that PMs hold Post Forum Meetings regularly as prescribed
Responsibilities of the PM & ASPs PMs • To fix the date of the forum quarterly meeting • To invite the members • To welcome the members & hold meeting with them • To listen to their problems/suggestions • To draw the minutes of the meeting • To issue copies to all concerned including Supdt. • To find the remedy of their problems & implement their worthy suggestions • To inform them about the action taken on the problems/suggestions • ASPs • To review the minutes received from PMs & put up to Competent authority with your notes • To facilitate the PMs needing any order/assistance/action/permission/budget/direction/guidance • To supervise & monitor the conductance of meetings • To talk to customers occasionally • To attend the meetings occasionally • To make every body aware on the ‘WHY’ concept of holding of the post Forum
DO SOME REINGINEERING Evolve Delivery Standards in a Project Arrow Post Office • Streamlining the pre-delivery processes • Streamlining the operations in the Post Offices • Streamlining the delivery process • Do:- • Surprise checks of remarks on undelivered mails; contacting the addressee to know whether he / she was present, posting test letters to Post Forum members and analyzing the results, encouraging the staff to meet the Blue Book Standards, aligning LB Clearance with first delivery, visiting parent mail office to reduce the missents, analyzing the error extracts.
DAK ADALAT Empowering and Connecting India
Dak Adalats are held at Circle/Regional/Divisional level • The Adalat is chaired by the Head of Circle/Region with two other Members at the Circle/Region • The Adalat is chaired by the Head of Division at Divisional level • Covers Pension cases and all types of problems relating to postal services like delay in transmission of mails, speed post articles, parcels, money orders, savings bank, cash certificates and counter services, • Ultimate aim is to provide an on the spot redressal to the complainant.
Responsibilities of the ASPs • To publish/issue notice timely • To receive their grievances & register them • To do/get the enquiries done timely in the cases received to facilitate on spot settlement • To put up progress to the Competent authority • To prepare replies/tentative remedies & brief the things to the competent authority at least a day before the date of meeting • To do arrangements of the Adalat • To receive & welcome the customers- greet & treat them • To take the notes on the day of Adalat & thank the customers after the hearing • To get the cases settled & close the file
In case, posted at Divisional office, to do prompt enquiries/investigation of the cases received from Circle/Region • To respond to Circle/Region’s queries on the cases promptly Empowering and Connecting India