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Innovative Non-Invasive Glucose Monitor - Lumen Medical Technologies Inc.

Introducing a revolutionary blood sugar measuring device that eliminates the need for blood samples. Our device uses Radio Frequency Spectroscopy to detect glucose levels on skin contact. Detailed system description, test results, project finances, and conclusions provided.

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Innovative Non-Invasive Glucose Monitor - Lumen Medical Technologies Inc.

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  1. Lumen Medical Technologies Inc. Team Presentation Lumen Medical Technologies Inc. Non-Invasive Glucose Measuring Device Mehdi Abdollahi Deema Annyuk Jeff Chen Connor Gillan Graham Laverty Tony Tsai Members:

  2. Lumen Medical Technologies Inc. • Introduction • Vision • System Description • Test Results • Problems Encountered • Project Finances • Production Cost • Conclusion • Questions?

  3. Estimated Direct Costs of Treating Diabetes in British Columbia, Canadian Diabetes Association [1] Introduction: • In British Columbia, approximately 248,000 people are known to be living with diabetes. • The number is expected to increase to 305,000 by 2010. • In 2004, diabetes cost B.C.’s health care system $760 million, which is more than $2 million a day. • The complications of diabetes include heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, amputation and blindness. (There are more than 1,000 amputations each year in B.C. )

  4. Introduction: A June 2005 online survey of Canadian Diabetes Association members revealed:[1] • Over one in two Association members with diabetes (52%) reported that they pay personally for diabetes medications and supplies. • Almost one in two (46%) of Association members reported paying out-of-pocket expenses between $50 and $200 per month; one in four (25%) spent less than $50 a month. • Almost one in four (24%) of Association members reported there were diabetes drugs, supplies or devices that their doctor recommended, but that they could not afford to purchase and could not access through their insurance plan. • Those under age 40 with type 1 diabetes were more likely to be unable to afford medications and supplies recommended by their doctors.

  5. Introduction: • The current devices require blood samples. • Painful • Inconvenient • Messy • Risk of infection, other implications • Must buy test strips (very costly – approximate $1 each) Solution? A non-invasive device

  6. Vision: At Lumen Medical Technologies, we believe in using innovative solutions to build a device that can measure a patient’s blood sugar level without the need for any blood samples. This device can detect blood glucose concentration on skin contact.

  7. Radio Frequency Spectroscopy: • A source of electromagnetic signals - preferably a high frequency pulse train that is rich in harmonics that generates a comb spectra is coupled via a probe pair to a sample that contains the target chemical. • The spectra of the original signal is then compared with the spectra of the signal that passed through the solution. • The signal that travels through the solution can have spectra with different energy levels than were present in the source signal. For example, some harmonic frequencies of the transmitted source signal may be returned attenuated or even amplified, probably due to certain non-linear dielectric processes occurring within the sample.

  8. Oscillator Receiver Transmitter BP filter BP filter Amplifier Phase/Gain comparator Amplifier Amplifier ADC/LCD Driver LCD Display System Description:

  9. System Description: • Digital vs. Analog • Why we chose analog: • Gain experience on analog design • Contain the size of the project • Cost

  10. Oscillator: ECS Inc. - ECS100AC The fundamental frequency is 10MHz. The oscillator is designed with 2nd overtone, 3rd harmonic.

  11. Oscillator:

  12. Possible Solutions forthe overshoot problem in the square wave • Schmitt Trigger • Improper loading will cause the overshoot. We need the probe capacitance way below 15pF, however, the minimum probe capacitance we have is 16pF.

  13. Oscillator Receiver Transmitter BP filter BP filter Amplifier Phase/Gain comparator Amplifier Amplifier ADC/LCD Driver LCD Display System Description:

  14. Band-pass Filter: • Centre Freq = 30 MHz • Bandwidth = 500kHz • Pass Band Ripple = 1dB

  15. Band-pass Filter: • Expected Response

  16. Band-pass Filter: • Actual Response 1 dB 30MHz

  17. Oscillator Receiver Transmitter BP filter BP filter Amplifier Phase/Gain comparator Amplifier Amplifier ADC/LCD Driver LCD Display System Description:

  18. Amplifier: • Gain=3

  19. Oscillator Receiver Transmitter BP filter BP filter Amplifier Phase/Gain comparator Amplifier Amplifier ADC/LCD Driver LCD Display System Description:

  20. Phase/Gain Comparator: Ideal Transfer Characteristics Ideal Transfer Characteristics

  21. Oscillator Receiver Transmitter BP filter BP filter Amplifier Phase/Gain comparator Amplifier Amplifier ADC/LCD Driver LCD Display System Description:

  22. LCD Driver/Display: • 0-2V input range • Low power consumption (500uA at 9V) • Low battery indicator built in

  23. Test Solutions: • Human blood has 4-10mmol/L of glucose • Samples from 0 (Control) to 4, 6, 8, 10, High • Chem stores: dilute, dilute, dilute • Less than 1 mL per 50mL – had to get special small 1mL pipet • Very thorough mixing

  24. Test Results: • Non Linear (can use stock solutions for calibration) • Promising

  25. Problems Encountered: • Wasted funds • Timing issues • Noise/Interference

  26. Finances: • Total funding: $400 • Costs: $387.41 • Balance: $12.59

  27. Production Cost: • Screen/LCD Driver: $10 • Gain Detection Unit: $30 • Signal Generator: $2 • Misc components: $5 • Cost (non bulk): $47

  28. Conclusion: • Inconclusive results • Require additional development and testing • Emerging market with no major players • Still time for development

  29. References: • [1] Canadian Diabetes Association, Diabetes Report, 2005. [online]. Available: http://www.diabetes.ca/section_advocacy/index.asp [accessed: April 16, 2006] http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5508203.html

  30. Q&A:

  31. Thank you! Thank you!

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