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Domains and Kingdoms

Domains and Kingdoms. 17.3 pages 499-503. Today’s Essential Q uestion : What are the similarities and differences among the 6 kingdoms of life?. What are the two broadest categories of the classification system???? Domain Kingdom How many domains are there?. 3 Domains. Bacteria

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Domains and Kingdoms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Domains and Kingdoms 17.3 pages 499-503

  2. Today’s Essential Question: What are the similarities and differences among the 6 kingdoms of life?

  3. What are the two broadest categories of the classification system???? Domain Kingdom How many domains are there?

  4. 3 Domains • Bacteria • Archea • Eukarya

  5. Domains are based on the characteristics of • Cell Type • Cell Structure • What are the 2 cell types again???

  6. Domains • Archaeaand Bacteria are made up of unicellular prokaryotes • Eukarya are made up of multiicellular and unicellular organisms that have eukaryotic cells.

  7. The difference between Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea is the cell structure. • Domain Bacteria - the cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan. • Domain Archaea - the cell wall DOES NOT have peptidoglycan

  8. Quick check!! • What are the 3 Domains? • Bacteria are made up of what kind of cells? • Eukarya are made up of what kind of cells? • What's the difference between Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea?

  9. How many kingdoms are there???

  10. 6 kingdoms BrainPOP

  11. 3 Domains 6 Kingdoms Take out your graphic organizer and check your answers as we go through the next slides!!

  12. Kingdom Archaebacteria • Cell Type: Prokaryote • # of Cells: Unicellular • Cell Wall is Present: NO peptidoglycan • Nutrition/Food: Most are heterotrophs, but some are autotrophs • Reproduction: Asexual • Location: Extreme environments(hot springs, acidic water, salt flats, the Dead Sea) • Examples: extremophiles, thermoacidophiles

  13. Kingdom Eubacteria • Cell Type: Prokaryote • # of Cells: Unicellular • Cell Wall Present: With Peptidoglycan • Nutrition/Food: Most are heterotrophs, some autotrophs • Reproduction: Asexual • Location: EVERYWHERE!!! • Example: Bacteria are on most surfaces. Some cause human diseases, some are helpful. E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus

  14. What are the kingdoms of Eukarya??? • Protista • Fungi • Plantae • Animalia

  15. Kingdom Protista • Cell Type: Eukaryote • # of Cells: Some are unicellular and some are multicellular • Cell Wall: SOME have cellulose in cell wall; some don’t have a cell wall. • Nutrition/Food: Some get nutrients by absorption, ingestion, or photo-synthesis; some heterotrophs; some autotrophs • Reproduction: Sexual or asexual • Examples: Amoeba, green algae, diatoms, euglena, and slime molds

  16. Kingdom Fungi

  17. Kingdom Fungi • Cell Type: Eukaryote • # of Cells: Some are unicellular and some are multicellular • Cell Wall: Contains chitin • Nutrition/Food: all are heterotrophs; digestion takes place outside the body • Special Characteristics: Not mobile • Reproduction: Asexual and sexual • Examples: Mushrooms, yeasts, and molds which grow in shady places.

  18. Kingdom Plantae • Cell Type: Eukaryote (multicellular) • Cell wall: Cellulose • Nutrition/Food: Autotrophs • Reproduction: Sexual, asexual, or both • Location: Land and water • Examples: Flowering plants mosses and ferns

  19. Land Plants Water Plants

  20. Kingdom Animalia • Cell Type: Eukaryote • Cell Wall: No Cell Wall!! • Nutrition/Food: All are heterotrophs; digestion takes place inside the body • Special Characteristics: Organized into complex organ systems. • Examples: Sponges, anemones, jellyfish, lobsters, insects, spiders, squid, worms, dogs cats, humans

  21. VirusesAre they alive?? • Viruses are not living so they are not placed in the classification system.

  22. Activity!! • Take out 4 sheets of paper Stack two sheets of paper so that the back sheet is one inch higher than the front sheet • Repeat with two more sheets of paper so that the back sheets are each one inch higher than the sheet in front of it.

  23. Bring the bottom of the sheets upward and align the edges so that all of the layers or tabs are the same distance apart. • When all tabs are an equal distance apart fold the papers and crease. Open the papers and staple them along the top “mountain” crease.

  24. Label the 8 Flaps • Similarities and Differences Among the 6 Kingdoms of Life? • An Overview of Domains and Kingdoms • Kingdom Archaebacteria • Kingdom Eubacteria • Kingdom Protista • Kingdom Fungi • Kingdom Plantae • Kingdom Animalia

  25. When you are done put your foldable away and work on the concept map till the bell rings!!

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