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Science Social Studies Exploratory Exploratory locker Math English

Feb. 6, 2015 Day E. Science Social Studies Exploratory Exploratory locker Math English. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18. Activator. (1) Take out your packet only. (2) Do pg. 69 in packet (please read the directions!!). -(-5). Feb. 6, 2015

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Science Social Studies Exploratory Exploratory locker Math English

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  1. Feb. 6, 2015 Day E Science Social Studies Exploratory Exploratory locker Math English

  2. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Activator • (1) Take out your packet only. • (2) Do pg. 69 in packet (please read the directions!!) -(-5)

  3. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Activator pg. 69 -(-5)

  4. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Objective(S): SWBAT: • draw a coordinate plane on graph paper in two steps (1) Draw and label the horizontal and vertical axes; (2) Mark the number scale on each axis. • When given some points as ordered pairs, make reasonable choices for scales on both axes and locate and label the points on graph paper. • compute the length of horizontal and vertical line segments with integer coordinates for endpoints in the coordinate plane by counting the number of units between end points and using absolute value. (6.NS.C.6b, 6.NS.C.6c, 6.NS.C.8)

  5. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Example 2 pg. 70 -(-5)

  6. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Example 3 pg. 71 -(-5)

  7. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Example 3 pg. 71 -(-5)

  8. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Example 4 pg. 72 -(-5)

  9. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 74: “Opening Exercise” 8 + 6 = 14 miles 6 8 Albertsville Dewey Falls -(-5)

  10. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 74: “Opening Exercise” 12 – 3 = 9 miles Blossville Cheyenne -(-5)

  11. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 75: Example 1 Both y-coordinates are zero, so the points are on the x-axis (horizontal number line)

  12. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 75: Example 1 • We calculated the absolute values of the numbers. • If #s are on opposite sides of zero, then we add their absolute values together. • If #s are same side of zero, we subtract their absolute vales.

  13. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 75: Example 1 |-4| = 4 |5| = 5 The numbers are on opposite sides of zero, so the absolute values get combined: 4 + 5 = 9Distance between (-4, 0) and (5, 0) is 9 units.

  14. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 75: Example 2 x-coordinates of both endpoints are zero, so the points lie on the y-axis, the vertical number line If endpoints lie on a vertical number line, then the line segment itself must also lie on the vertical line.

  15. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 |-6| = 6 |-11| = 11 The #s are on the same side of zero, so subtract absolute values. 11 – 6 = 5 Distance between line segment with endpoints (0, -6) and (0, -11) is 5 units. • pg. 75: Example 2

  16. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 • pg. 76: Example 3 Both endpoints have x-coordinates of -3, so the points lie on the vertical line that intersects the x-axis at -3. Line segment lie on a vertical line. Endpoints are on the same vertical line, so we only need to find the distance between 3and -5on the number line. |3| = 3 and |-5| = 5, and the numbers are on opposite sides of zero, so add 3 + 5 = 8. Distance between (-3, 3) and (-3, -5) is 8units.

  17. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Classwork Pg. 76 Exercises “a”  “e”

  18. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Closing: Why is it possible for us to find the length of a horizontal or vertical line segment even if it’s not on the x- or y-axis? A line can still be a horizontal or vertical line even if it is not on the x-or y- axis; therefore, we can still use the same strategy.

  19. Closing: Can you think of a real-world situation where this might be useful? Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Finding the distance on a map.

  20. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 How do you feel? topic.

  21. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Pg. 73 (#1-2) Pg. 77 (#1-3)

  22. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Ticket-To-Go: (in agenda) -(-43) or 43 -(-5) or 5

  23. Feb. 6, 2015 Lessons 17 & 18 Accommodations • Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting • Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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