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Registry Services Bringing Value to US EPA, States, and Tribes

Registry Services Bringing Value to US EPA, States, and Tribes. Exchange Network Vendors Meeting April 24, 2007 Cynthia Dickinson EPA/OEI/OIC Data Standards Branch Chief. Purpose. To outline a new approach to registries based on Service Oriented Architecture

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Registry Services Bringing Value to US EPA, States, and Tribes

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  1. Registry ServicesBringing Value to US EPA, States, and Tribes Exchange Network Vendors Meeting April 24, 2007 Cynthia Dickinson EPA/OEI/OIC Data Standards Branch Chief

  2. Purpose • To outline a new approach to registries based on Service Oriented Architecture • To show how the registries can be used during project implementation

  3. Overview • The Future: SOA • Terminology Management Services • Code Set Management Services • Enterprise Architecture Support Services • Quality Assurance Services • Managing Change • Ensuring Success • Appendix A: Data Standards Services • Appendix B: Semantic Vision for the Registries

  4. The Future: SOA • US EPA and its partners are moving toward seamless machine to machine data transactions  to increase accuracy, efficiency, reliability, and reduce cost • Registries support: • Terminology management services • Code set management and translation services • Enterprise architecture services • Quality assurance • Change management

  5. Terminology Management Services • Current services • Access to environmental terms and definitions • Repository and support for stewards managing environmental term sets such as glossaries, taxonomies (hierarchies), keyword lists, or thesauri (operational April 16) • Create new terminology structures (such as glossaries) from existing terms • Future services(Summer 2008) • Automated download and update of term sets from Environmental Terminology System and Services (ETSS) to any system or web page (support for refresh of web-displayed glossaries will be first) • New front end for EPA and partners to retrieve terminology (currently in design phase) • Collaborative area and support services for communities of interest developing term lists and taxonomies • Vision • Storage and maintenance of ontologies to support future semantic development in the IT industry

  6. Code Set Management Services • Current services • Easy access to code sets/value sets related to data standards and other commonly used lists in the Substance Registry System (SRS) and the Facility Registry System (FRS) • As of February 2007 Enhanced SRS allows exchange and management of federal and state chemicals with substance web services for: • Discover and compare (single substance query) • Load (submit new substances that are in SRS but not in programmatic list) • Maintain system accuracy (solicit bulk loads to refresh programmatic systems) • Future services • Enhanced user front end for SRS and reporting capability (by November 1) • New Environmental Data Registry (EDR) will allow code set management and mapping for program offices and EN partners • Web services for translation between code sets traveling on the Exchange Network

  7. Code Set Management Services (cont.) Business need for managing multiple code set values • States and Tribes have their own “environmental interest” values • US EPA has its “environmental interest” values • Use value meaning as connector reduce mappings (Case 3) State A State A State B State B State B State A Tribe A Tribe A Tribe A EPA EPA EPA State C Tribe B Tribe B Tribe B Case 3 - Solution Case 1 - Undesirable Case 2 – Limited Use

  8. Cross Reference Between Code Sets Via Value Meaning

  9. Enterprise Architecture Support Services • Current services • Locate US EPA systems/applications in the Registry of US EPA Applications and Databases (READ) • Access to Exchange Network XML schema (XML Registry) • Future services (late 2008) • Find US EPA system/application data dictionaries in EDR • Enhanced compare tool will allow developers to find: • Similar data elements across US EPA systems • US EPA data elements that match Exchange Network data standards • Vision • Service Component Registry and Repository (SCRR)

  10. Service Component Registry and Repository (SCRR) • An integrated vehicle for outreach and discovery of different types of reusable system components designed by US EPA and Exchange Network partners • Registry (and sometimes repository) for: • Web services • Reusable software designs and templates • Metadata and data services • XML data flows and shared schema components • Other data flows • Data models (conceptual, logical, physical) • Reusable pieces of code, in various languages • Development models and guidance, such as the Core Reference Model (CRM) • Will leverage existing registries and repositories (UDDI, ENDS) and may add new ones. Requirements effort beginning by June.

  11. Quality Assurance Services • Quality assurance oversight for registration • Improved stewardship processes (built into the new registries) – data maintained by people that know it best. Oversight by others. • Automated quality review of metadata – increasing dependence on web services • Maintenance of: • Authoritative source of chemicals and facility information for US EPA • Authoritative US EPA system inventory • Comprehensive catalog of XML schema for Exchange Network use • Other related quality services • CDX Schematron for program system business rules • Generic XML document parsing service

  12. Managing Change • Shifting from operating registries to delivering services • Transferring stewardship to those responsible for the data while improving quality assurance • Identifying cost recovery/avoidance opportunities • Increasing the emphasis on SOA • Addressing business needs for classifying information

  13. Ensuring Success This approach will allow US EPA and its Exchange Network partners to better • Document and store; • Identify and locate; • Translate and use; and • Enableintegration of environmental information for all users

  14. Services Enabled by Registries

  15. Appendix A Data Standards Services

  16. Data Standards Services • Development - Collaborative process • Standards development procedures and processes enable partners to develop standards collaboratively. • ENLC approves all data standard development initiatives and products. • Action teams of subject matter experts are convened to develop the standards. • Public comment is solicited. Subject matter experts also review. Comments are resolved by action teams • Maintenance - Periodic or as needed • Standards are reviewed periodically or when users request changes • Some standards may include standardized code sets (these changed as new codes become available or in response to user requests) • ENLC approves changes

  17. Data Standards Services (cont.) • Access - Information about EN data standards is available as: • Text documents on Environmental Data Standards Council (now superseded by the ENLC) website at http://www.envdatastandards.net • Also available as data elements within the US EPA Environmental Data Registry at http://www.epa.gov/edr • Support for Implementation – • ECOS and US EPA staff are available to answer questions about standards and assist developers implementing standards • Implementation guidance is specific to each state, tribe, or US EPA • US EPA is offering a training course in Data Standards Implementation (EN partners are welcome to attend)

  18. Appendix B Semantic Vision for Registries

  19. System of Registries Semantic Vision XML Registry XML Schema XML Tags Reference and Data Models Code Sets System Ontologies Environmental Data Registry (EDR) Environmental Terminology System and Services (ETSS) Data Dictionaries Data Element Concepts, Value Meanings Data Standards Business Area Ontologies and Relationships Data Element Names and Definitions Thesauri Classification Schemes (Taxonomies) Controlled Vocabularies Black – Current Capability Red – Future Capability Terms

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