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Recapping. Last week we spoke about sustainability The definitions of Sustainable Development From the 87 B rundtland report, Rio Summit and Earth Charter The criticisms of SD Sustainable and Development do not compliment one another. Importance of Healthy Natural Environments.

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  1. Recapping • Last week we spoke about sustainability • The definitions of Sustainable Development • From the 87 Brundtland report, Rio Summit and Earth Charter • The criticisms of SD • Sustainable and Development do not compliment one another.

  2. Importance of Healthy Natural Environments • The importance of Healthy Natural Environments • For society *Note: this is tested in many exams • Resources • Scientific research • Biodiversity • Intrinsic values • For individuals • Recreation and adventure • Education • Inspiration

  3. Importance of Healthy Natural Environments For the Individual

  4. Importance of Healthy Natural Environments for the Individual • Healthy natural environments are important for individuals because they provide: • Places for recreation and adventure • Inspiration • Education

  5. Places for Recreation and Adventure • To escape from pressures and stresses of everyday life • To have a more simple and relaxed existence • Provide opportunities for positive risk taking, physical and mental challenges in situations where not everything can be controlled. • People can find out more about themselves • Opportunity for solitude and non destructive adventure • Can provide opportunities for employment

  6. Inspiration and Creativity • Many people derive inspiration from natural environments and their interactions with them. • Aesthetic values provides inspiration and stimulates creativity for artistic works: eg. photography, painting • Inspiration for work can also come from humans interactions with natural environments: poets, writers, musicians, film makers, advertising agencies, • Personal inspiration: often being in a place with spectacular views, features can inspire and motivate a creative response due to its aesthetic appeal

  7. Education • Natural environments are places where learning occurs. They provide a medium for education of students and the whole community.Learning about the outdoors in the outdoors. • Education is important for future of natural environments as people value places they know about and have visited. • Growth of ecotourism and cultural tourism reflects community interest in on-going education about nature and humans relationships with the natural world. • Learning can take place through schools & educational groups visiting areas, people visiting areas directly (tourists) or indirectly (watching documentaries). • The popularity of nature programs on TV and success of National Park visitor centres indicates the desire for knowledge about natural environments they visit.

  8. Importance of Healthy Natural Environments For Society

  9. Importance of Healthy Natural Environments for Society • Healthy natural environments are important for society because they provide: • Resources for human survival and comfort • Places for scientific research • Biodiversity • Intrinsic values

  10. Resource for Human Survival and Comfort • Resources allow us to sustain high quality of life and standard of living eg: • Water: Forest catchment areas= clean water • Forests: timber; housing, furniture, paper • Food (plants & animals): • Minerals • Fossil fuels • Medicines • Industrial products • Natural areas can be resources for tourism and eco tourism: economic and employment benefits

  11. Scientific Research • Natural environments provide us with reference areas for monitoring and assessing changes that occur in modified environments. • Scientific research in natural environments is providing greater understanding of the values of natural plants. This also can also have economic value through the discovery of new food sources or pharmaceuticals. • tea tree oil as an antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial & fungicide • growth in naturopathy and natural remedies kelp: bacteria resistant seaweed

  12. Intrinsic Values • Natural environments have the right to exist without being seen as a resource for humans. They have a value in their own right that is not dependent on human’s use or relationship with that natural environment. This value is the intrinsic value of natural areas. Parks system recognises uniqueness of areas and their right to be protected for their intrinsic value

  13. Social Values • Indigenous people around the world rely on natural environment for their spiritual, mental and physical well being. Natural environments can be of importance to the recreation, culture and spirit of both non-indigenous and indigenous people. • Healthy Parks Healthy People – Slogan for Parks Victoria

  14. Biodiversity • Natural environments are important for human societies in maintaining biodiversity • Biodiversity contributes to the sustainability and resilience of ecosystems • Biodiversity is essential for the survival of all living entities.

  15. Exam Qn - 2013 • Question 6 • a. Indentify two reasons why it is important to maintain healthy environments. 2 Marks • b. Choose one reason identified in part a. explain its importance to individuals or society or both. 3 Marks

  16. Biodiversity

  17. Bio What? • Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part.

  18. Biodiversity • Genetic diversity-the total genetic information contained in the genes of all species. • Species Diversity-The variety of species, refers to the number of species and the number of individuals in a species. • Ecosystem Diversity- the variety of habitats natural communities and ecological processes.

  19. Importance Of biodiversity • Humans are dependent on biodiversity for their sustenance, health, well-being and enjoyment of life. • Food- we rely on biodiversity to provide us with a large and varied food source • Health- Humanity derives many of it’s medicines from biodiversity.

  20. The Value of Biodiversity • Recreation- many recreation activities rely on or benefit from biodiversity • Inspiration- Biodiversity as a whole inspires artists, musicians and writers. • Escape- Biodiversity provides a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

  21. Threats to biodiversity • Habitat loss and fragmentation • Competition from invasive species • Pollution • Global climate change • Desertification • Population growth and over consumption • Unsustainable use of natural resources.

  22. Consequences of loss of Biodiversity • A loss of ecosystem services-Protection of water resources, nutrient storage and cycling, Pollution breakdown and absorption • Loss of genetic diversity- Genetic diversity allows species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and stresses. • Reduced food security.

  23. Preservation of Biodiversity • The National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity • Natural Heritage Trust • Wild life reserves- e.g. National Parks. • Flora and Fauna guarantee act • Endangered species Program • Quarantine • Education • Breeding Programs

  24. What is happening to Biodiversity. • In the past Australia’s Biodiversity has suffered greatly, primarily due to human misuse and abuse of the environment. Humans are now starting to realise the importance and value of biodiversity and are taking action to preserve it.

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