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Characteristics of geothermal potential, current utilization and its future (challenges) in Slovenia Andrej Lapanje, Nina Rman , Dušan Rajver. GeologicalSurvey of Sloveni a. RENEXPO, Budapest , 6 May 20 11. LECTURE CONTENT. GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN SLOVENIA
Characteristics of geothermal potential, current utilization and its future (challenges) in SloveniaAndrejLapanje, Nina Rman, Dušan Rajver GeologicalSurvey of Slovenia RENEXPO, Budapest, 6 May2011
GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN SLOVENIA • Existence is dependant on geology, while their utilization on economic conditions • Potential for geothermal heat pumps utilization is not estimated in a wider scale but utilization is applied • In Slovenia mostly low-temperature aquifers in warm spring, sedimentary basin and basement of sedimentary basin systems exists • Middle and high-temperature aquifers in sedimentary basins and the basement are only presumed to exist
GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS IN SLOVENIA Various systems → different water properties → different use and problems
SURFACE HEAT-FLOW DENSITY (mW/m2) • Thinner solid crust in the NE Slovenia – higher than normal heat flow (>65 mW/m2)
Geothermal energy – POTENTIAL FOR ELECTRICITY • Indications on possible high temperature reservoirs in NE Slovenia → yet to be proven
Geothermal energy – POTENTIAL FOR ELECTRICITY • Potential high temperature reservoirs: - aquifer depth, thickness and boundaries - water yield, wellhead and reservoir pressure and temperature - water chemistry - produced energy - reinjection • Mg-6 - temperature 202°C at 3739 m - no hydraulic tests were performed • Possible deeper drilling in existent boreholes for evaluation of the geothermal potential • Nearest demonstration geothermal electricity plants: Altheim (1 MWe), Bad Blumau (0.2 MWe)
GEOTHERMAL UTILIZATION IN SLOVENIA • Direct use • Thermal water is in usage at 30 locations • Capacity: 66.8 MWt(in 2010) • Energy: 774.6 TJ (in 2010) • > 4400 geothermal heat pumps (GHP) - open groundwater system (W) - closed system (H and V) - groundwater temperature 4-20°C • Capacity: 49.9 MWt(May 2010) • Energy: 244 TJ (May 2010) • Total capacity in Slovenia (June 2010): 117 MWt • Total energy use in Slovenia (June 2010): 1019 TJ
EXAMPLES OF DIRECT USE IN SLOVENIA Moravske Toplice – Health resourt Murska Sobota – District heating Pirniče - Meditation Dobrovnik – Orchids greenhouse Lendava – De-icing Benedikt – Space heating
IDENTIFIED UTILIZATION PROBLEMS IN NE SLOVENIA • Degassing of methane, CO2, H2S • Scaling • High organic matter content • Changes in chemical composition • Water-level and yields decrease, interference • Sand-clogging • Pump cavitation
PROJECT ADDRESSING THE GEOTHERMAL IN NE SLOVENIA http://www.t-jam.eu • Conceptual models: • Geological • Hydrogeochemical • Geothermal • Hydrogeological
PROJECT ADDRESSING THE GEOTHERMAL IN NE SLOVENIA http://www.t-jam.eu http://akvamarin.geo-zs.si/t-jam_boreholes/
PROJECT ADDRESSING THE GEOTHERMAL IN NE SLOVENIA http://akvamarin.geo-zs.si/users/ http://transenergy-eu.geologie.ac.at/
PRESENT AND FUTURE OF GEOTHERMAL IN SLOVENIA • Geothermal energy utilization rises, especially GHP • Strong interest in geothermal energy in the NE Slovenia • Thermal water production rises with no reinjection applied • Cascade use, operational and waste water monitoring are mostly poorly applied • Utilization problems are becoming more evident • Geothermal electricity is questionable in Slovenia • Investors wanted for inactive wells exploitation (Janežovci, Mislinjska Dobrava, Turnišče, Dobrovnik, Izola…) • Investors wanted for drilling new wells (Goriška Brda, Zasavje, Besnica, Petišovci…) • No national evidence on installed GHP • No national monitoring system for deep geothermal systems • Only rare concessions granted, no control or deadlines
Future challenges • Geologists & Drillers : - current exploitation: - designing unified operational and national monitoring for sustainable production of thermal water - dealing with aquifer changes: pressure drops, temperature and chemistry changes, interference, aquifer response to reinjection - developing, modeling and testing doublet systems: reinjection into sand and loose sandstone reservoirs - new research: - developing new low and high temperature geothermal sites - exploring indicated potential high temperature deep geothermal aquifers - exploring EGS potential in Slovenia - identifying potential areas for GHP’s installation, elaborating expert basis, and estimating influence of its increasing installation on hydrogeological conditions in shallow aquifers
Future challenges • Users & Investors: - applying technologicaloptimization at operating geothermal sites: higher efficiency of heat extraction, cascade use, prevention of scaling and degassing - installing hybrid systems and cogeneration - installing GHP’s in larger infrastructure objects according to European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) - implementing operational monitoring on active wells - developing new geothermal sites • Authorities: - enhancing national-wide geothermal and structural research by national and regional plans (financing & conducting research) - enhancing GHP’s and other direct use geothermal installations by subsidies and expert support - regulating new installations of water-water GHP’s - issuing research and water permits and control their implementation - designing, maintaining and interpreting national monitoring - interpreting and controlling operational monitoring
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