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Streaming Talk for ECE2 students for entry into EE3/CPE3 in AY 2009/2010 2 April 2009, 2:30-5:30 pm, EA. Programme. 2:30-3:15pm ECE/CPE Programme Requirements, FFG checklist, ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules, ECE Module Planner website, Q&A.
Streaming Talk for ECE2 students for entry into EE3/CPE3 in AY 2009/2010 2 April 2009, 2:30-5:30 pm, EA Programme 2:30-3:15pm ECE/CPE Programme Requirements, FFG checklist, ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules, ECE Module Planner website, Q&A. Speaker: A/Prof Mansoor Jalil, EE3/CPE3 Coordinator 3:15-3:30pm Presentation by Communications & Information Engineering Group Speaker: Prof Chua Kee Chaing 3:30-3:45pm Presentation by Drives, Power & Control Systems Group Speaker: Prof. Lee Tong Heng and Dr Ashwin Khambadkone 3:45-4:00pm Presentation by Microelectronics Group Speaker: A/Prof Tan Leng Seow 4:00-4:15pm Presentation by Microwave & Radio Frequency Group Speaker: Dr Koenraad Mouthaan 4:15-4:30pm Presentation by Biomedical Engineering Group Speaker: Dr Yen Shih-Cheng 4:30-5:30pm View Exhibits & Posters at the EA foyer
EE3/CPE3 Streaming Talk AY 2009/2010 A/Prof Mansoor Jalil (elembaj@nus.edu.sg) EE3/CPE3 Coordinator Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE)
EE Direct-entry, AY2007/08 intake CPE Direct-entry, AY2007/08 intake AY2007/08 Common intake (streamed to EE2 or CPE2) EE & CPE Direct Entry (Poly), AY2008/09 intake Four groups of students going to EE3/CPE3 in AY 2009/10
University Level Requirements (ULR) ECE Major Requirements Programme Requirements Unrestricted Elective Modules (UEM) FoE Reqs (10 MCs): Critical Thinking & Writing, Eng Professionalism, UHRNE FoE Year 1 Maths & Sci (EE: 20 MCs or CPE: 16 MCs): Intro Mat Sci & Eng, Physics IIE (EE only), Maths I & II, Programming Methodology FoE Year 1 Technology (3 MCs): Electrical Engineering ECE Core Modules (EE: 37 MCs or CPE: 41 MCs) ECE Core – Project and Independent Study Modules (22 MCs) ECE Technical Electives to satisfy breadth and depth requirements (28 MCs) 2 General Education Modules (GEMs) = 8 MCs 1 Singapore Studies (SS) Module = 4 MCs 2 Breadth Electives outside faculty = 8 MCs (SARTOR requirements) 20 MCs Any faculty (for Breadth/Depth) (SARTOR requirements) Total MCs=12 (7.45%) MCs = 20 MCs = 20 MCs = EE: 33 or CPE: 29 MCs = EE: 87 or CPE: 91 B.Eng.(EE/CPE) Curriculum Structure Total = 160 MCs • Refer to the specific File For Graduation (FFG) document at: http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/finalyr/FFglists.htm
EE Modular Requirements and Credits * For students who have not passed or been exempted from the Qualifying English Test at the time of admissions to the Faculty. ** EE students are required to read a level-1000 Physics module (except GEK/GEM modules) towards the ULR-Breadth/UEM requirement (Recommended module: PC1431) .
CPE Modular Requirements and Credits * For students who have not passed or been exempted from the Qualifying English Test at the time of admission to the Faculty. ** CPE students are required to read a level-1000 Physics module (except GEK/GEM modules) towards the ULR-Breadth/UEM requirement (Recommended module: PC1432).
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization and Technical Elective Modules
ECE Curriculum ECE ME CE • Early years: wide coverage of Math, Engineering, Computing and Scientific fundamentals. • Upper years: highly specialized courses that track the latest technology developments in the field. • Enable ECE graduates to deal with engineering problems of today and face future challenges. ECE Core EE electives & projects CPE electives & projects B.Eng. (Computer Engineering) B.Eng. (Electrical Engineering)
Choice of technical elective modules in schedules 5, 6, 7 & 8. Some modules are compulsory, e.g. EE2001, EE3001, EE4001. The choice of technical elective modules must satisfy the specialization rules that are defined based on “concentration” (i.e., NOT defined based upon recommended track). Failure to meet the requirements can delay graduation! Choose the technical elective modules wisely to ensure that both breadth and depth requirements are achieved in your B.Eng. Program. Streaming Involves…
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules
Essential TMs* EE2001 Mini Project EE3001 Mini Project EE4001 FYP/Thesis Compulsory Requirements • Essential NTMs* • HR2002 Understanding HR in the New Economy (EE/CPE/Common intake) • EG2401 Engineering Professionalism • SARTOR Requirements + 7 Technical Elective Modules to achieve both breadth and depth in your B.Eng. program. * This is in addition to other modules that are usually taken in the lower years.
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules
The technical electives are organized into 10 different concentrations. Each concentration contains some breadth & depth modules. Breadth modules: Core to the area and provides broad understanding of concepts. Depthmodules: More specialized and provides greater depth & coverage. A total of 77 technical elective modules are available (29 breadth and 48 depth modules). Only 7 technical elective modules need to be taken over 3 or 4 semesters. Organization of Technical Electives
The specialization rules & pre-requisites must be satisfied. There are changes in requirements and electives (c.f. last year): change in semester in which a module is offered new / removal of technical elective modules or change in pre-requisites changes in title, code and syllabus Refer to the updated version of Technical Electives file: http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/secondyr/ee3lists.htm Organization of Technical Electives (cont.)
ECE Breadth/Depth • Specialization in EE/CPE is achieved through technical breadth/depth electives from the following concentrations: • Communications • Computer Engineering • Information Processing • Media & Signal Processing • Control & Automation • Microelectronics • Electrical Energy • Engineering Science • Bioelectronic Systems • General
Examples on Concentration for EE • Communications • Breadth • EE3101 Digital Signal Proc • EE3103 Communications • EE3104 Intro to RF and Microwave Sys and Circuits • Depth • EE4101 RF Communications • EE4104 Microwave Ccts & Dev • EE4110 MIC & MMIC Design • EE4112 HF Techniques • EE4113 Digital Comms & Coding • EE4114 Optical Comms • Control & Automation • Breadth • EE3302 Industrial Ctrl Sys • EE3304 Digital Ctrl Sys • Depth • EE4302 Adv Control Sys • EE4305 Intro Fuzzy/Neural Sys • EE4306 Distributed Auto Robotic Sys • EE4307 Control Sys Design & Sim • ME4245 Robot Kinematics, D&C • CN4211R Petrochem & Proc. Tech.
Examples on Concentration for EE (cont.) • Computer Engineering • Breadth • EE3204 Computer Comms Networks I • EE3207 Computer Architecture • EE3208 Embed Computer Sys Design Depth • EE4210 Comp Comm Networks II • EE4214 Real-time Embedded Systems • EE4218 Embed Hardware Sys Design • Information Processing • Breadth • CS2102 Database Systems • CS2103 Software Engineering • CS2106 Introduction to Operating Sys • CS3216 Software Dev on Evo Platforms • CS3230 Design & Analysis of Algo • CS3241 Computer Graphics • CS3243 Foundations of AI Depth • CS4244 Knowledge-based Systems • CS4247 Graphics Rendering Techniques
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules
Rules to achieve breadth & depth: B.Eng. (EE) • (a) Breadth (B) requirements • At least 3 technical breadth electives from 3 differentconcentrations • (b) Depth (D) requirements • At least 3 technical depth electives from anyconcentration • (c) Unrestricted • At least 1 technical breadth/depth elective from anyconcentration • (d) Design requirement • At least 1 technical elective from the above 7 electives must be from the list of designmodules Minimum total of 7 Technical Electives (at least 28 MCs in total) Note: At least 16 MCs of electives must be EEXXXX.
For the list of EE technical breadth and depth electives, refer to the Technical Electives (EE) file: • http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/secondyr/ee3lists.htm
Rules to achieve breadth & depth: B.Eng. (CPE) • (a) Breadth (B) requirements • At least 3 technical breadth electives in the following combination: • 2B (from any combination of Comms/CE/IP/MSP) + 1B from otherconcentrations • (b) Depth (D) requirements • At least 3 technical depth electives in the following combination: • 2D (from any combination of CE/IP/MSP) + • 1D from anyconcentration • (c) Unrestricted • At least 1 technical breadth/depth elective from • anyconcentration • (d) Design requirement • At least 1 technical elective from the above 7 electives must be from the list of designmodules Minimum total of 7 Technical Electives (at least 28 MCs in total) Note: At least 12 MCs of electives must be EEXXXX.
For the list of CPE technical breadth and depth electives, refer to the Technical Electives (CPE) file: • http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/secondyr/ee3lists.htm
BREADTH CE BREADTH MSP BREADTH #1 BREADTH #1 BREADTH CE BREADTH IP BREADTH #2 BREADTH #2 BREADTH BREADTH BREADTH #3 BREADTH #3 DEPTH CE DEPTH CE DEPTH #1 DEPTH IP DEPTH CE DEPTH #2 DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH #3 BREADTH/DEPTH BREADTH/DEPTH Examples of Choosing Electives… CPE students need to take: At least 3 technical breadth electives in the following combination, i.e., 2B (from any combination of Comms/CE/IP/MSP) + 1B from otherconcentrations; At least 3 technical depth electives in the following combination, i.e., 2D (from any combination of CE/IP/MSP) + 1D from anyconcentration; At least 1 technical breadth/depth elective fromanyconcentration; At least 1 technical elective from the above 7 electives must be from the list of designmodules. EE students need to take: At least 3 technical breadth electives from 3 differentconcentrations; At least 3 technical depth electives from anyconcentration; At least 1 technical breadth/depth elective from anyconcentration; At least 1 technical elective from the above 7 electives must be from the list of designmodules. Failure to meet requirements can delay graduation At least 1 design module At least 1 design module DEPTH #1 EE: >= 16 MCs of EE electives CPE: >= 12 MCs of EE electives DEPTH #2 DEPTH #3 BREADTH/DEPTH BREADTH/DEPTH Minimum total of 7 Technical Electives (at least 28 MCs in total) Minimum total of 7 Technical Electives (at least 28 MCs in total)
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules
Recommended Tracks • For the list of recommended tracks, refer to the Tracks List file: • http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/secondyr/ee3lists.htm • A total of 24 (EE) and 8 (CPE) tracks are recommended. • Each track recommends a number of modules ‘core’ to that track. • Modules listed in each specialization track are NOT compulsory. • You are NOT required to read all modules listed in a particular track. You may mix and match modules to create your own track. • Even though if you have taken all modules in a track, it does NOT necessary mean that you have satisfied the specialization rules. • Important: You must ensure that rules to achieve breadth & depth requirements (specialization rules based on concentration) are satisfied. • Pay attention to pre-requisites and take modules in an appropriate order.
Tracks for CPE students BIOS2 Computational Sensory Systems EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3206 Introduction to Comp Vision and Image Processing (1) EE3601 Bio-Instrumentation and Signal Analysis (1) EE4212 Computer Vision (2) EE4213 Image Processing (2) EE4305 Introduction to Fuzzy/Neural Systems (1) EE4604 Biological Perception in Digital Media (1) BIOS1 Biomedical Systems EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3206 Intro to Computer Vision & Image Proc (1) EE3601 Bio-Instrumentation & Signal Analysis (1) EE4601 Sensors for Medical Applications (1) EE4603 Biomedical Imaging Systems (2) EE4604 Biological Perception in Digital Media (1) BN4404 BioMEMS (2) CEIP1 Networking & Distributed Systems CS2102 Database Systems (1 or 2) CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems (1 or 2) CS3221 Operating Systems Design and Pragmatics CS3233 Competitive Programming (1) EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3204 Computer Comm Networks I (1) EE4210 Computer Comm Networks II (2) EE4214 Real Time Embedded Systems (1) CEIP2 Embedded Systems CS2103 Software Engineering (1 or 2) CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems (1 or 2) EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3207 Computer Architecture (1) EE3208 Embedded Computer Sys Design (2) EE4214 Real Time Embedded Systems (1) EE4218 Embedded Hardware System Design (2)
Tracks for CPE students (cont.) CEIP3 Interactive & Digital Media EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3206 Intro to Computer Vision & Image Proc (1) EE3701 Digital Media Technologies (2) EE3702 Electronic Gaming (1) CS3248 Design of Interactive Systems (2) EE4212 Computer Vision (2) EE4213 Image Processing (2) EE4702 Game World Mechanics (2) CEIP4 Computer Systems CS2102 Database Systems (1 or 2) CS2103 Software Engineering (1 or 2) CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems (1or 2) CS3241 Computer Graphics(1or 2) EE3204 Computer Comm Networks I (1) EE3207 Computer Architecture (1) EE4214 Real Time Embedded Systems (1) EE5903 Real Time Systems(2) CTRL4 Entertainment Robotics CS3243 Foundations of AI (1 or 2) EE3206 Intro to Comp Vision and Image Proc (1) EE3302 Industrial Control Systems (1) EE3702 Electronic Gaming (1) EE4212 Computer Vision (2) EE4306 Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (2) EE4604 Biological Perception in Digital Media (1) CS4244 Knowledge-based Systems (2) CEIP5 Human-Computer Interface Systems CS3240 Human Computer Interaction (2) CS3241 Computer Graphics (1or 2) CS3243 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (1 or 2) CS4247 Graphics Rendering Techniques (2) EE3206 Intro to Computer Vision & Image Proc (1) EE3208 Embedded Computer Systems Design (1) EE3702 Electronic Gaming (1) EE4212 Computer Vision (2) EE4604 Biological Perception in Digital Media (1)
EE: Bioelectronic Systems Tracks for EE students BIOS1 Biomedical Systems EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3206 Intro to Computer Vision & Image Proc (1) EE3601 Bio-Instrumentation & Signal Analysis (1) EE4601 Sensors for Medical Applications (1) EE4602 Bioelectronics EE4603 Biomedical Imaging Systems (2) EE4604 Biological Perception in Digital Media (1) BN4404 BioMEMS (2) BIOS2 Computational Sensory Systems EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3206 Introduction to Comp Vision and Image Processing (1) EE3601 Bio-Instrumentation and Signal Analysis (1) EE4212 Computer Vision (2) EE4213 Image Processing (2) EE4305 Introduction to Fuzzy/Neural Systems (1) EE4604 Biological Perception in Digital Media (1)
EE: Communications Engineering COMM1 Wireless Communications EE3101 Digital Signal Processing(1 or 2) EE3103 Communications (1) EE3407 Analog Electronics (1 or 2) EE4112 High Frequency Techniques (1) EE4113 Digital Communications & Coding (1) EE4109 Spread Spectrum Communications
EE: Comp Eng & Info Proc. CEIP1 Networking & Distributed Systems CS2102 Database Systems (1 or 2) CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems (1 or 2) CS3221 Operating Systems Design and Pragmatics CS3233 Competitive Programming (1) EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3204 Computer Comm Networks I (1) EE4210 Computer Comm Networks II (2) EE4214 Real Time Embedded Systems (1) CEIP2 Embedded Systems CS2103 Software Engineering (1 or 2) CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems (1 or 2) EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3207 Computer Architecture (1) EE3208 Embedded Computer Sys Design (2) EE4214 Real Time Embedded Systems (1) EE4218 Embedded Hardware System Design (2) CEIP3 Interactive & Digital Media EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3206 Intro to Computer Vision & Image Proc (1) EE3701 Digital Media Technologies (2) EE3702 Electronic Gaming (1) CS3248 Design of Interactive Systems (2) EE4212 Computer Vision (2) EE4213 Image Processing (2) EE4702 Game World Mechanics (2)
EE: Control & Automation CTRL2 Mechatronics & Automation EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3302 Industrial Control Systems (1) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE4307 Control Systems Design and Simulation (2) ME4245 Robot Kinematics, Dyn and Control (1) EE4502 Electric Drives & Control (1) CTRL1 Advanced Control EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE4214 Real Time Embedded Systems (1) EE4302 Advanced Control Systems (2) EE4305 Intro to Fuzzy/Neural Systems (1) EE4307 Control Sys Design and Simulation (2) EE5101 Linear Systems (1) CTRL3 Distributed Autonomous Systems EE3302 Industrial Control Systems (1) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) ME4245 Robot Kinematics, Dynand Control (1) EE4305 Intro to Fuzzy/Neural Systems (1) EE4306 Dist Autonomous Robotic Systems (2) CTRL4 Process Control EE3302 Industrial Control Systems (1) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE4302 Advanced Control Systems (2) EE4307 Control Systems Design and Simulation (2) CN4211 Petrochemicals and ProcessingTechnology (2)
EE: Microelectronics MICE1 Device Technology EE3406 Microelectronic Materials (1 or 2) EE4411 Si Processing Technology (1 or 2) EE4412 Technology & Modeling of Si Transistors (1) EE4413 Low Dimensional Electronic Devices (2) CN4223 Microelectronic Thin Films (2) MICE2Photonics and Optical Communications EE3406 Microelectronic Materials (1 or 2) EE3103 Communications (1) EE4401 Optoelectronics (2) EE4114 Optical Communications (2) ESP4302 Nanophotonics (1) MICE4 IC Manufacturing EE3406 Microelectronics Materials (1 or 2) EE4408 Silicon Device Reliability (2) EE4411 Si Processing Technology (1 or 2) EE4412 Tech & Modeling of Si Transistors (1) IE2130 Quality Engineering I (2) CN4223 Microelectronics Thin Films (2) MICE3 VLSI design EE3408 Integrated Analog Design (1 or 2) EE3407 Analog Electronics (1 or 2) EE4410 Integrated Circuit and System Design (1-2) EE4415 Integrated Digital Design (2)
EE: Microelectronics (contd.) • MICE5 Optoelectronics • EE3406 Microelectronics Materials (1 or 2) • EE4401 Optoelectronics (2) • EE4413 Low Dimensional Electronic Devices (2) • ESP4302 Nanophotonics (1) MICE6 Data Storage Systems EE3406 Microelectronic Materials (1 or 2) EE4413 Low Dimensional Electronic Devices (2) EE4414 Magnetic Materials & Devices for Information Storage (1) EE4506 Magnetic Recording Systems (1) • MICE7 BioDevices • EE4411 Si Processing Technology (1 or 2) • EE4412 Technology & Modeling of Si Transistors (1) • EE4601 Sensors for Medical Applications (1) • BN4404 BioMEMS (2)
EE: Microwave & RF Comms MICW1 Microwave & RF Systems EE3101 Digital Signal Processing (1 or 2) EE3103 Communications (1) EE3104 Introduction to RF and Microwave Systems and Circuits (1) EE3407 Analog Electronics (1 or 2) EE4101 RF Communications(1) EE4112 High Frequency Techniques (1) EE5303 Microwave Electronics (1) MICW2 Microwave & RF CAD EE3103 Communications (1) EE3104 Introduction to RF and Microwave Systems and Circuits (1) EE3407 Analog Electronics (1 or 2) EE4101 RF Communications(1) EE4104 Microwave Circuits & Devices (2) EE4110 RFIC & MMIC Design (2) EE4112 High Frequency Techniques(1) EE4401 Optoelectronics (2) EE5303 Microwave Electronics (1)
EE: Elec Energy Sys & Components EESC1: Power Systems Analysis and Control EE3505 Electrical Energy Systems (1) EE3501 Power Electronics (2) EE4501 Power System Management & Protection (2) EE4502 Electric Drives & Control (1) EE3302 Industrial Control Systems (1) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE4512 Renewable Energy Sys Capstone Design (3) EE5701 High Voltage Testing & Switchgear (1) EE5712 Power System Reliability(1) EESC2: Power Electronics, Drives & Semiconductor Devices EE3501 Power Electronics (2) EE3505 Electrical Energy Systems (1) EE4502 Electric Drives & Control (1) EE4505 Power Semiconductor Devices & ICs (1) EE4509 Silicon Microsystems (2) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE4512 Renew. Energy Sys Capstone Design (3) EE5711 Power Electronics and Systems(2) EE5703 Industrial Drives(2) EESC3: Sustainable Energy Systems & Components EE3505 Electrical Energy Systems (1) EE3501 Power Electronics (2) EE4502 Electric Drives & Control (1) EE4510 Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems (1) EE4511 Sustainable Energy Systems EE4509 Silicon Microsystems (2) EE3302 Industrial Control Systems (1) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE4512 Renewable Energy Systems Capstone Design (3) EE5711 Power Electronics and Systems(2) EE5712 Power System Reliability(1)
EE: General Tracks GEN2 General Track 2 EE3103 Communications (1) EE3208 Embedded Computer Systems Design (1) EE3407 Analog Electronics (1 or 2) EE4411 Silicon Processing Technology (1 or 2) GEN1 General Track 1 EE3103 Communications (1) EE3208 Embedded Computer Systems Design (1) EE3304 Digital Control Systems (2) EE3505 Electrical Energy Systems (1) EE/CPE: Self-Designed Track OWN Anything is possible provided that you satisfy the specialization rules mentioned earlier.
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules
Other requirements, e.g. UEM, ULR Breadth/GEM are not indicated in RSS. Remember to read these modules. Refer to the specific RSS document at: http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/secondyr/recommendedschedule.htm Note: min of 15 MCs and max of 25 MCs per semester. Compulsory Modules (FoE requirements): EG2401 and HR2002 EE2001 & EE3001 Mini Projects: Be careful about taking EE2001/EE3001 together with EE4001 FYP in schedule 7, e.g. due to SEP. Workload is very heavy! You should try to find suitable mapping modules while on SEP. If you plan to go for IA in schedule 6, you can take EE3001 and one breadth/depth elective in the evening classes during your IA, subject to availability. EE2001 can be taken during the Special Term between schedule 4 & 5, subject to availability. Pay attention to workload balancing! Recommended Study Schedules (RSS)
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2007 INTAKE STUDENTS (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) 1. Possible Schedule for EE (Group A) AY2007/08 Intake (Major Requirements) 2. Possible Schedule for EE (Group B) AY2007/08 Intake (Major Requirements)
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2007 INTAKE STUDENTS (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) 3. Possible Schedule for CPE AY2007/08 Intake (Major Requirements)
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2007 INTAKE STUDENTS (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) 4. Possible Schedule for EE AY2007/08 Common Intake (Major Requirements) 5. Possible Schedule for CPE AY2007/08 Common Intake (Major Requirements)
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2008 INTAKE STUDENTS (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) Possible Schedule for Direct Entry (Poly) Students admitted to EE2 in Sem 1, AY2008/09 (Major Requirements) [1]Student exempted from MA1301 will take MA1505 in its place. [2] This is taken under the ULR requirement. Recommended modules are PC1221 and PC1222 for EE and CPE students respectively. [3]Students are strongly encouraged to take at least one business/management module to satisfy ULR/UEM.
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2008 INTAKE STUDENTS (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) Possible Schedule for Direct Entry (Poly) Students admitted to CPE2 in Sem 1, AY2008/09 (Major Requirements) [1]Student exempted from MA1301 will take MA1505 in its place. [2] This is taken under the ULR requirement. Recommended modules are PC1221 and PC1222 for EE and CPE students respectively. [3]Students are strongly encouraged to take at least one business/management module to satisfy ULR/UEM.
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2007 INTAKE STUDENTS PLANNING TO GO FOR LONG-TERM IA (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) 1. Possible Schedule for EE (Group A) AY2007/08 Intake (Major Requirements) 2. Possible Schedule for EE (Group B) AY2007/08 Intake (Major Requirements)
POSSIBLE SCHEDULE FOR ECE AY2007 INTAKE STUDENTS PLANNING TO GO FOR LONG-TERM IA (MAJOR REQUIREMENTS) 4. Possible Schedule for EE AY2007/08 Common Intake (Major Requirements) 5. Possible Schedule for CPE AY2007/08 Common Intake (Major Requirements)
What does streaming involve? What are the compulsory requirements? How technical electives are organized? Specialization rules Recommended tracks Recommended study schedules Demonstration of online ECE Module Planner (MP) ECE Specialization Tracks and Technical Elective Modules
You can use the on-line ECE Module Planner (MP) to indicate: your choice of specialization tracks your plans for ULR breadth electives and UEMs your choice of elective modules for schedules 5, 6, 7 & 8. Consider carefully pre-requisites for modules in schedules 7 & 8. Indicate whether you are doing Minor, USP or going for SEP or NOC (indicate matching modules) in the ‘remarks box’. MP helps to check if your selected modules satisfy the breadth and depth requirements for EE or CPE. The MP does not check if the pre-requisites are satisfied. All students are required to submit your choices in the ECE MP system by 8 June 2009 (Monday): http://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/students/secondyr/ee3/ece3ModSelect.asp ECE Module Planner (MP)
EE3/CPE3 Coordinator: A/Prof Mansoor Jalil Email: elembaj@nus.edu.sg EE4/CPE4 Coordinator: A/Prof Cheong Loong Fah Email: eleclf@nus.edu.sg Admin Officers: Ms Yap Siew Choo (eleysc@nus.edu.sg) Ms Yip Lai Yeng Elyn (eleylye@nus.edu.sg) Coordinating members in different areas: Bioelectronic Systems: A/Prof Ong Sim Heng (eleongsh) Communications: Prof Ko Chi Chung (elekocc) Computer Engg/Info Proc: Prof Ko Chi Chung (elekocc) Control & Automation: A/Prof Tan Woei Wan (eletanww) Microelectronics: Dr Xiang Ning (elexn) Microwave & RF Comms: Dr Mouthaan Koenraad(elemk) Electrical Energy Systems: A/Prof Tan Woei Wan (eletanww) Important Staff Members to Note
Enjoy the rest of your B.Eng. program! ……The best is yet to come!!! QUESTIONS ???