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Animal Models for Human Diseases

Animal Models for Human Diseases. Y. Henry Sun 孫以瀚 Institute of Molecular Biology Academia Sinica 中研院分生所. Animal models of human diseases Closely mimic the human disease Study pathogenic mechanisms Identify disease markers and drug targets Screen for drugs for prevention and therapy.

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Animal Models for Human Diseases

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  1. Animal Models for Human Diseases Y. Henry Sun 孫以瀚 Institute of Molecular Biology Academia Sinica 中研院分生所

  2. Animal models of human diseases • Closely mimic the human disease • Study pathogenic mechanisms • Identify disease markers and drug targets • Screen for drugs for prevention and therapy

  3. 常用模式生物 線蟲(nematode Caenorhabditis elegans) http://elegans.swmed.edu/ 果蠅(fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster) http://flybase.org/ 斑馬魚(zebrafish Danio rerio) http://zfin.org 小鼠(mouse Mus musculus) (狗)(Canis lupus familiaris) • Experimental advantages • Genetically homogeneous

  4. Animal model of diseases have defined cause(s) Mutation Transgenic Disease model 簡化、模擬、參考

  5. 衛生署公佈 98年十大主要死因 (占總死亡人數的75.4%) 惡性腫瘤 28.1% 心臟疾病 10.6% 腦血管疾病 7.3%肺炎 5.9% 糖尿病 5.8% 事故傷害 5.2% 慢性下呼吸道疾病 3.5% 慢性肝病及肝硬化 3.5% 自殺 2.9% 腎炎、腎徵候群及腎性病變 2.8% Cancer, Obesity, Neurodegeneration Cardiovascular diseases, Hair

  6. 癌症: 細胞分裂失控 沙皮 shar-pei = salvador (sav)

  7. 沙皮

  8. Identifying tumor suppressors in genetic mosaics: the Drosophila lats gene encodes a putative protein kinase 許田 Development 121, 1053-1063 (1995)

  9. The Hippo pathway Pan (2010) Dev Cell 19:491-505

  10. Science 302:1227- 1231 (2003)

  11. 細胞遷移 (migration) • 離鄉背井 • 殺出血路 • 定居 Drosophila border cell migration Montell (2003) Nature Revi Mol Cell Biol 4, 13-24

  12. Obesity 2010 Albert Lasker award Jeffrey M. Friedman Douglas Coleman WT ob For the discovery of leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and body weight—a breakthrough that opened obesity research to molecular exploration. • 食慾的控制 (瘦體素 leptin) • 熱量的吸收、運用、儲存 • 脂肪細胞的發育、數目

  13. Effects of parabiosis of obese with diabetes and normal mice Coleman (1973) Diabetologia 9:294-8 db overproduce a blood-borne satiety factor, but un-responsive (defect in leptin receptor) (feedback regulation) ob lacks a blood-borne satiety factor (leptin) Coleman (2010) Nature Med. 16:1097-1099

  14. Therapy by leptin Farooqi and O’Rahilly (2006) Endocr. Rev. 27:710-718

  15. Body fat distribution 不患「多」而患不均

  16. Masuzaki et al. (2001) Science 294:2166 -2170

  17. Nature Genetics 24:66-70 (2000) Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by degeneration of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, leading to muscular paralysis with muscular atrophy. No effective treatment of this disorder is presently available.

  18. Histological analysis of SMA-like mice

  19. PNAS 98: 9808-9813 (2001) Assay based on ratio of Exon 7 splice isoforms => Screen/test of drugs in in vitro system: more efficient => Test on animal model (in vivo) HDAC inhibitor

  20. Neurobiology of Disease (2006) 24:286–295

  21. Human Molecular Genetics (2007)16: 499–514 Molecular mechanism => Rational search for drug target

  22. Therapeutic approaches in SMA

  23. Completed or ongoing clinical trials in SMA Summer (2006) NeuroRx 3:235-245

  24. Neurodegeneration due to loss-of-function mutations in fly Lessing & Bonini (2009) Nature Rev Gent 10:359-370

  25. Observing neurodegeneration in Drosophila WT WT mutant mutant

  26. Transgenic models of neurodegeneration

  27. Studying genetic interactions Screen for modifier mutations (additional genes with functional interaction) Sang & Jackson (2005) NeuroRx 2:438-446

  28. 果蠅的酒測 對酒精的耐受性 成癮(酒精、藥物) Wolf & Heberlein (03) J Neurobiol. 54:161-78

  29. 心臟血管的發育、疾病 (斑馬魚) 透明,可看活體 心臟血管發育 心臟跳動 血液流動

  30. A novel mouse model of cerebral cavernous malformations based on the twohit mutation hypothesis recapitulates the human disease 腦海綿狀血管瘤 Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are vascular lesions of the central nervous system appearing as multicavernous, blood-filled capillaries, leading to headache, seizure and hemorrhagic stroke. CCM occurs either sporadically or as an autosomal dominant disorder caused by germline mutation of one of three genes: CCM1/KRIT1, CCM2/MGC4607, and CCM3/PDCD10. Surgically-resected human CCM lesions have provided molecular and immunohistochemical evidence for a two-hit (germline plus somatic) mutation mechanism. In contrast to the equivalent human genotype, mice heterozygous for a Ccm1- or Ccm2-null allele do not develop CCM lesions. Based on the two-hit hypothesis, we attempted to improve the penetrance of the model by crossing Ccm1 and Ccm2 heterozygotes into a mismatch repairdeficient Msh2-/- background. Ccm1+/-Msh2-/- mice exhibit CCM lesions with high penetrance as shown by MRI and histology. … The late-stage CCM lesions displayed many of the characteristics of human CCM lesions, including hemosiderin deposits, immune cell infiltration, increased endothelial cell proliferation, and increased Rho kinase activity. … The CCM1 mouse model provides an in vivo tool to investigate CCM pathogenesis and new therapies. McDonald et al, HMG Advance Access published October 11, 2010

  31. 狗與人類疾病 致心律失常性右心室心肌病 • A single species • Many highly inbred breeds (>1000) • Selected for certain traits • Other traits also fixed (~ 350 human disease)

  32. Coat Variation in the DomesticDog Is Governed by Variantsin Three Genes Cadieu et al. (2009) Science 326, 150-153

  33. Combinations of alleles at three genes create seven different coat phenotypes Cadieu et al. (2009) Science 326, 150-153

  34. 人類毛髮的生長 • Life quality • 無窮商機

  35. A model is for reference! Needs to be validated in human. 不得已也 !

  36. 黑色素原細胞 (melanoblasts)的遷移 • Waardenburg syndrome • hearing loss • white forelock • Defect in migration of • neural crest cells

  37. belted KitWLacZ/+ Pax3Spl/+ piebald Baxter et al (04) Pigment Cell Res. 17:215-224

  38. Mouse mutants Steel (Sl) Dominant White Spotting (W) Defects in migration and proliferation White spotting (Melanocyte) Sterile (Germ cells) Anemia (hematopoietic stem cells) Transplantation experiments Sl affected the environment (non-autonomous) W affected these cells (cell-autonomous) W = Kit (receptor tyrosine kinase) (Kit) Sl (Steel) = Kit ligand (Kitl): survival factor

  39. 黑色素原細胞的遷移: 失去路障 絲羽烏骨雞 Silkie bantam 中興鄭旭辰老師 台灣畜產種原知識庫

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