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XC OPEN WORLD SERIES 2007. Some pilots decided to do LIVE Tracking with SPOT. SPOT weight 200 g Battery life = 14 days continuous tracking You can send messages by SMS, by email for tracking you also have a website It does „ok“ messages It does „help“ messages It does live tracking

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  1. 2009 XC-Open World Series XC OPEN WORLD SERIES 2007

  2. 2009 XC-Open World Series Some pilots decided to do LIVE Tracking with SPOT • SPOT weight 200 g • Battery life = 14 days continuous tracking • You can send messages by SMS, by email • for tracking you also have a website • It does „ok“ messages • It does „help“ messages • It does live tracking • It does emergency messages

  3. 2009 XC-Open World Series Pricing for SPOT • Depending where you buy it • Cost for the SPOT hardware starts at 140 US $ • You must book the Service as well • 100 US $ / year for the standard service • Plus 50 US $ / year for the tracking service • For more details go to www.findmespot.com

  4. 2009 XC-Open World Series LIVE Tracking during the 2009 XC-Open Manillahttp://spot.xcopen.org

  5. 2009 XC-Open World Series You havetomount SPOT so ithas a clearviewtothesky; betteris on theshoulder So youcanreachit

  6. 2009 XC-Open World Series

  7. 2009 XC-Open World Series SPOT function • SPOT isfirst of all a normal GPS receiver • Itsends a message of yourposition via uplinktothe GLOBALSTAR network of communicationsatellites • When in trackingmodeitdoesthisevery 10 min • The satellitesendsthismessageto a groundbasedreceiverstation • Fromtherethemessagegoes via internettothepersonsspecifiedbyyouas SMS or email • Forthe live tracking SPOT also provides an ownwebsiteforeach SPOT user • All last positions of XCO SPOT pilotsaremadevisibleby XCO as a Google Earth networkfeature • Additional programmingfor Smart Phone users in XCO on nextpage:

  8. 2009 XC-Open World Series Additional programing for Smart Phone users by Andreas You can look at the last 2 positions of a pilot on a website which is displayed on a smart phoneIt also shows distance and bearing to Mt. Borah

  9. 2009 XC-Open World Series SPOT sharedpageforeachpilot

  10. 2009 XC-Open World Series Google earthnetwork link for last pilotpositions

  11. 2009 XC-Open World Series Some important rules from our experience • You must always send an „OK“ before your flight and after landing • If you don‘t send an „OK“ message after your flight and 2 positions of SPOT are in the same place, it is a sign of distress for your buddies • This is why the mobile phone website shows the last 2 positions; you can see if the pilot has moved or not • There were gaps of up to 40 min in the live tracking – the reasons could be various • For more information go to www.findmespot.com

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