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Join Jonathan Challener, Community Manager at OECD, as he presents a comprehensive overview of the journey and future plans for OECD.Stat, the Statistical Information System. Explore the evolution of the community, strategic objectives, collaborative initiatives, and the value it brings to members. Discover how the community-driven approach, guided by international standards, has transformed data processing and dissemination. Don't miss this insightful presentation!
Community Vision The journey so far and looking ahead to the next 5-years Prepared and presented by Jonathan Challener, Community Manager, OECD
Statistical Information System (est. 2002) to provide solutions for statisticians to process the data through the main steps of the statistical process Collect(incl. Validate) Process(incl. Edit & Calculate) Disseminate StatWorks/MetaStore Data Wizard .Stat .Graph
Central to the Statistical Information System OECD.Stat positioned as the ‘Hub’ between the Production and Dissemination components, providing the central storage environment for shared and publishable data and metadata.
Increasing interest (circa 2008) Shared via CDRom – technology of the time
Community evolution - Inception 2010-13 CommunityInception • Community grows (UIS, UKDS, NBB, and Stats Estonia) 1st Community Workshop 2014 2013 2012 • 5-year Strategy put in place 2011 • Building a collective capacity to enable innovation
Community evolution - Maturation 2014-19 Community maturation Unprecedented growth with 5 new members Building an Inclusive Data Ecosystem 2010-13 CommunityInception 2018 • ILO Join the Community 2017 • Community grows (UIS, UKDS, NBB, and Stats Estonia) 2016 2015 1st Community Workshop 2014 • Partnering with Eurostat established (SDMX tools and libraries) 2013 2012 • 5-year Strategy put in place 2011 • Building a collective capacity to enable innovation
Strategic objectives set in 2014 • More open data dissemination developing SDMX and open data strategy. • More innovative data dissemination enabling new data experiences. • More industrialised data streamlining data processes. • Implementing international standards including GSBPM, CSPA, and SDMX to leverage the momentum to contribute to the adoption of standards among statistical organisations.
Establishment of a strong governance framework • Strategic Level comprises senior executives (often Chief Statisticians) from each SIS-CC member organisation steering the community along the strategic directions and confirming the priorities. • Management Level comprises senior managers appointed by member organisations to monitor progress made on a quarterly basis, signs off on biennial work plans (including product roadmap), and ensures alignment with the strategic directions. • Architecture Task Force comprises experts appointed by member organisations (business analysts and technical architects) to drive the business and technical architecture of the .Stat Suite.
Shared… Vision Values
Operating with agility Sprint Retrospective Product Management Sprint planning Product Backlog Sprint Backlog
From Browser centric to Web Services centric architecture DirectAccess { JS N } API • xml • </>
An end-to-end SDMX flow • {“SDMX IM”} 4 • {“SDMX-#format(s)”} • {“SDMXSource”} • {“SDMX-RI”}
The Community Partners Members 14 member organisations who are: Collectively producing and developing open source software Sharing experiences, knowledge and best practices, Contributing to International collaboration and standards.
A governance framework that still drives Community activities • Strategic Level comprises senior executives (often Chief Statisticians) from each SIS-CC member organisation steering the community along the strategic directions and confirming the priorities. • Management Level comprises senior managers appointed by member organisations to monitor progress made on a quarterly basis, signs off on biennial work plans (including product roadmap), and ensures alignment with the strategic directions. • Architecture Task Force comprises experts appointed by member organisations (business analysts and technical architects) to drive the business and technical architecture of the .Stat Suite.
The ATF Value-add Since 2016, ATF activities have reached the point where genuine, regular collaboration is taking place and bringing value through: • week-long ATF ‘sprints’ (face-to-face meetings); • weekly calls and interactions, as well bilateral workshops. Thus enabling Community members to become active contributors to functional and technical vision of the productthrough discussions on common issues, knowledge sharing and cross-fertilisation that has created invaluable benefits for all members.
Guided by 4 principles COMPONENT-BASED following international standards CSPA, SDMX, GSIM, GSBPM FULL DATA LIFECYCLE supporting from data design, collection, processing, through to dissemination COMMUNITY DRIVEN by members who continually invest in product development OPEN-SOURCE enabling usage by a wider set of users for free, and leveraging existing innovation
Investing together in common good Non-OECD contributions – financial or in-kind – represent 50% of the investment, bringing about significant lever effects – such as Eurostat sdmxsource project, World Bank funding for INS project, UNICEF contribution (Advanced Authentication) ILO ‘.Stat v7 plugin’ and ‘smart tools’, ISTAT SDMX toolkit, ABS contribution (point-in-time’ release), NBB contribution (SDMX features)…
From .Stat to .Stat Suite Theorganisation source of data for data sharing and dissemination purposes. The central repository ("warehouse") of validated statistics and related metadata. Thecentral hub connecting data production, sharing & dissemination processes.
The product - Standards driven, SDMX-Native An environment to manage the data lifecycle for official statistics (design, collect, process, disseminate). An environment to explore data and develop various reporting and dissemination experiences. An ‘SDMX-native’ environment, building on best practices in statistical data modelling.
Current product status First production-ready version delivered through DevOps. • First production-ready version (optimised, high-performance) delivered through DevOps. • MVP version for SDMX experts delivered through DevOps.
.Stat Suite Roadmap* Continuous User-Driven Product Delivery Store, Disseminate Store, Disseminate Model and Release Quality Assurance by Design Advanced Workflow & reporting Quality Assurance By Design Edit Edit Calc Edit Calc Get Get Get Script Get Script Referential Metadata Product Delivery CORE CORE CORE CORE Model Model Model Flow Model Flow DE DE Track DE Track DE 2018 2019 2020 2021+ External tools *Revised as of March 2019. Current projected roadmap open to adjustment depending on +/- change in resource capacity and Community member priorities.
.Stat Suite becoming a production reality ILOSTAT new data portal + LMIS roll-out Child Mortality Portal + data.unicef.org INS.Stat – New Tunisian dissemination portal To become the backbone of Tunisian Stats infrastructure South Pacific SDG portal Belgium’s Central bank’s reporting to ECB National hub for Italian public statistics New ABS data explorer and open data services
Enabling a federation of DATA ecosystems A way to synergise international efforts (regional, sectorial) in the area of data for development by co-investing in standard-driven and reusable assets (open source software).
Current state – Fragmentation Fragmentation of the national data landscape due to disconnected data flows brings challenges (in terms of technical solution, capacity development, data governance and political support) to build a consistent framework where these data flows can be orchestrated and connected. Fragmentation of the lifecycle in each entity damages its capacity to produce data has led to limited human and IT capacity being built in the background in order to address the deeper process issues at national and regional levels Fragmentation due to multiple international initiatives damages the data user experience. (Ref: Making Data Portals work for SDGs: A view on deployment, design and technology report by PARIS21).
Supporting the work of sectorial organisations • ILO LMIS Project supports the implementation of Labor Market Information Systems with .Stat at the core, facilitating for the dissemination of Labor Market statistics via SDMX Web Services, and with the potential for countries to expand to other domains. Joining forces through
Supporting standardisation in Africa Tunisia Ongoing • Connect the .Stat Suite back-office to the Africa Information Highway Open Data Platform to support the standardisation of the complete data flow through SDMX, and with the potential to target 54 countries. Ethiopia To bestarted Senegal To bestarted Ghana To bestarted Joining forces through
Supporting the global agenda • UNSD-DFID SDG Monitoring Project Possible replication of this model is being evaluated for extension to 20 countries participating in the project. Cambodia Ongoing Thailand tbc Joining forces through
Strategic decision to strengthen partnership with Eurostat Since 2016 the Community has collaborated with Eurostat to incorporate the Eurostat open source SDMXSource into .Stat thus increasing the ability to deliver on an SDMX native platform as a result of SLG decision. Joining forces through
SDMX knowledge building ISTAT has been leading the way in regard to the development and integration of SDMX tooling in .Stat since they joined the Community in 2008, that has enabled the partnership with Eurostat to materialise and capacity in SDMX to increase. Joining forces through
Influencing the ongoing evolution of the SDMX standard The Community both directly and indirectly influences the work of the SDMX Working Groups (SWG and TWG), to drive forward the evolution of the standard to the benefit of the Community and wider user community. This has included the first implementation of an SDMX-JSON Web Service, and the development of SDMX-CSV format. { JSON }
Knowledge sharing and capitalisation In addition to tangible co-investments, intangible assets are being capitalisedthrough knowledge sharing on a wide range of lateral practices: data modelling, data quality assurance, user and usability research, IT security, … The community collaboration creates value in multiple directions.
2014-2019 closing statement The objectives set in 2014 have been, by and large, met, and superseded with the originally unforeseen complete redevelopment, with the best technology available on the market, of the platform to become the ‘new .Stat Suite’.
Community evolution - Where next? 2020-25 Reference Open Source Community for Official Statistics? 2014-19 Community maturation Unprecedented growth with 5 new members New .Stat Suite Launch Building an Inclusive Data Ecosystem 2019 2010-13 CommunityInception 2018 • ILO Join the Community 2017 • Community grows (UIS, UKDS, NBB, and Stats Estonia) 2016 2015 1st Community Workshop 2014 • Partnering with Eurostat established (SDMX tools and libraries) 2013 2012 • 5-year Strategy put in place 2011 • Building a collective capacity to enable innovation
Community evolution - Where next? ‘Becoming the reference open source community for official statistics’ 2020-25 Reference Open Source Community for Official Statistics? COMPONENT-BASED New .Stat Suite Launch FULL DATA LIFECYCLE 2019 OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY DRIVEN
Renew the purpose of our Community Become the reference open source community for official statistics – is rooted in the four pillars which makes this horizon a desirable possibility – component-based architecture, full data lifecycle coverage, open source model, and community driven process.
Propose a strategic equation for now and the future Become the reference open source community for official statistics 1 Renew the purpose… …building on established pillars 2 OPEN SOURCE COMPONENT-BASED FULL DATA LIFECYCLE COMMUNITY DRIVEN …envisaging unchartered territory Stretch the value proposition… QUALITY BY DESIGN INNOVATION HUB GOING DISAGGREGATED
…building on established pillars Renew the purpose… Ambition Stretch the value proposition… …envisaging unchartered territory