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Explore the life of John Hunyadi, a prominent Hungarian military leader and statesman. Discover his significant role in defending the Kingdom of Hungary from Ottoman attacks and his impact on the region's history.
John Hunyadi John Hunyadi was a leadingHungarianmilitaryand political figure in Central andSoutheastern Europe duringthe 15th century. Accordingtomostcontemporarysources, hewas son of a noblefamily of Walachian (Romanian) ancestry. He masteredhismilitaryskills on thesouthernborderlands of theKingdom of Hungary thatwereexposedtoOttomanattacks. Appointedvoivode of Transylvaniaandhead of a number of southerncounties, heassumedresponsibility for thedefense of thefrontiers in 1441.
John Hunyadiwasalso an eminent statesman. He activelytook part in the civil warbetweenthepartisans of Wladislas I andthe minor Ladislaus V, twoclaimantstothethrone of Hungary in theearly 1440s, on behalf on theformer. Hunyadiisstill a popular historicfigureamongHungarians, Romanians, Serbians, Bulgariansandothernations of theregion, many of themevenconsideringhim as theirownhero. He was born in 1407 , his father Voicu was an romanian and his mother was Erzsébet Morzsinai.
MatthiasCorvin • On January 24, 1458 on thefrozenDanubebetweenPestand Buda twocities over 15,000 peoplecheeringenthusiasticname of thenew king, Matthias, son of John Hunyadi. For thefirsttime in thehistory of theKingdom of Hungary waselected king withoutnobleancestry in European royalfamilies. Matthias wasthefirstnational king of Hungary.TheGloryandthereputation of hisfather, Romanian Hunyadi, whodominatedthe political life of theKingdom of Hungary between 1446-1456, made their political ascent of Matthias. Provincial noblescheeredhimbecause of hisfather'smemory, whilethebaronselectedwiththehopethat it willbeeasyto manipulate theteen of 15. Nobodysuspected a strongpersonalitywhomtheyentrustedthe crown of one of thelargest European kingdoms of the late MiddleAges.