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15 Questions to Ask While Decluttering

When decluttering your home, there are important questions you need to be asking yourself when deciding the fate of items. Should they stay or should they go? Before you throw out something that you will regret, or leave behind a bunch of stuff that should be tossed take a look at these 15 important decluttering questions <br><br>[Visit http://www.developgoodhabits.com/ss-free to grab your free copy of "77 Good Habits to Live a Better Life" and get instant notifications when I run special deals on my Kindle books!] <br><br>Want to find out more about organizing and decluttering your home as efficiently as possible? Check out "10-Minute Declutter" book ==> http://www.developgoodhabits.com/dghtwit10mindeclutter

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15 Questions to Ask While Decluttering

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  1. 15 15 Questions to Ask Decluttering Questions While Decluttering

  2. When you are decluttering decluttering your home...

  3. When you are decluttering decluttering your home... there are some great questions you should ask yourself. questions

  4. These questions can be the deciding factors on whether something should stay or go. deciding factors

  5. They can help you make your decisions quickly and have them be “right” every time. “right”

  6. So here are 15 types of questions should ask: 15 types of questions you

  7. 1 1 Is this item useful Can it save energy, or money? Does it fulfill a need purpose? useful? save me time, need or If not, let it go.

  8. 2 2 Do I like like it? If not, let it go.

  9. 3 3 Does it make my life easier easier in some way? If not, let it go.

  10. 4 4 Have I worn it, used it, found pleasure in it, or looked at it in the last year last year? If not, let it go.

  11. 5 5 Does it energize me or drain me? energize If drains you, let it go.

  12. 6 6 Is it broken damaged in some way beyond repair? broken or If so, let it go.

  13. 7 7 Is the information it provides outdated (i.e., old books, magazines, videos, etc.)? outdated If so, let it go.

  14. 8 8 Am I holding on to it out of guilt guilt? If so, let it go.

  15. 9 9 Have I finished using it and see no reason it again? no reason to use If so, let it go.

  16. 10 10 Does it reflect person I am today or a past me? reflect the If it reflects the past, let it go.

  17. 11 11 Do I already own something similar similar? If so, let it go.

  18. 12 12 Will I complete (i.e., a knitting project, an unfinished book)? complete this If not, let it go.

  19. 13 13 Am I weighing the pros and cons too long too long? If so, let it go.

  20. 14 14 If I had to downsize to a much smaller house, would this go with me go with me? If not, let it go.

  21. 15 15 Does this have any historical or potential financial value item passed down for several generations)? value (i.e., an If not, let it go.

  22. Not all these questions Not will apply to each item.

  23. Not all these questions Not will apply to each item. Instead, use them whenever you’re stuck on a specific item. Odds are, your uncertainty searching for an excuse for keeping it. uncertainty means your mind is

  24. If you can’t make a decision, then use a box as a “Maybe” the item in there. staging box and toss “Maybe” staging box

  25. If you can’t make a decision, then use a box as a “Maybe” the item in there. staging box and toss “Maybe” staging box Give yourself a date in the near future. Any item that has of the “maybe” box and used by that time, should likely be sent packing. been pulled out has not not been pulled out

  26. Want some more good ideas on decluttering implement decluttering into your daily life with just 10 minutes a day decluttering, as well as a plan to 10 minutes a day?

  27. 10-Minute Declutter 10-Minute Declutter The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home

  28. Check out this book Check out this book! ! 10-Minute Declutter 10-Minute Declutter The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home

  29. FREE copy of... Or you can grab your FREE 77 Habits to Live a Better Life 77 Good Habits to Live a Better Life Good

  30. FREE copy of... Or you can grab your FREE 77 Habits to Live a Better Life 77 Good Habits to Live a Better Life Good Click to access!

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