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[Visit http://www.developgoodhabits.com/ss-free to grab your free copy of "77 Good Habits to Live a Better Life" and get instant notifications when I run special deals on my Kindle books!] <br><br>It’s hard to develop new habits. We are so used to doing the same thing over and over again - it often seems impossible to make a permanent change. Changing your routine requires a lot of mental strength and commitment. Here's a six-step process for getting started! <br><br>Want to develop habits to be more productive? Check out "To Do List Makeover" ==> http://www.developgoodhabits.com/todo-intl <br><br>See more about the importance of learning only one habit at a time in the entire article:http://www.developgoodhabits.com/one-habit-at-a-time/
@habitsguy to Form One Habit Form Habit Time How How to One at at a aTime
It’s hard to develop new habits new habits.
We are so used to doing the same thing over over and over over again…
We are so used to doing the same thing over over and over over again… - it often seems impossible to make a permanent change. impossible
There is a major a reason why most people fail fail with habit development:
There is a major a reason why most people fail fail with habit development: It’s impossible to change multiple at the same multiple habits same time habits time.
Changing your routine requires a lot of mental strength strength and commitment commitment.
The simpler solution is to focus on forming one habit one habit at a time at a time.
Here's a 6 6- -step process for getting started: step process
1 Identify what you Identify want to change.
You don’t know what to change unless you put your finger on it put your finger on it.
2 Know why doing it. why you’re
Knowing your “why” helps motivate through the habit. motivate you to follow
3 Identify the bad habit & make a substitute substitute for it.
If you don’t find a substitute for the bad habit, it’s easy to go right back you’ve started to change it for a short time. go right back to it after
4 Stack up your chances for the small wins small wins.
Set up your environment in a way that makes it difficult you to go back to your bad habits. difficult for
5 Start the process changing the habit. process of
Create a daily metric tracking this change and start the habit immediately! daily metric for
6 Give yourself a reward reward afterwards.
Just make sure your reward doesn’t contradict habit your building! contradict with the
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