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Sustainable energy – local policies

Sustainable energy – local policies. Presentation by Ms. Lian Merkx, Deputy Mayor Environment & Sustainability, Delft Sevilla, March 22, 2007. SESAC objectives. >> Sustainable local energy management >> Energy- and cost efficient Ecobuildings

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Sustainable energy – local policies

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  1. Sustainable energy – local policies Presentation by Ms. Lian Merkx, Deputy Mayor Environment & Sustainability, Delft Sevilla, March 22, 2007

  2. SESAC objectives >> Sustainable local energy management >> Energy- and cost efficient Ecobuildings >> Increased share and integration of Renewable Energy Sources >> Rational Use of Energy >> Dissemination and training

  3. SESAC Partners >> 12 local partners from 3 advanced cities • In Växjö (SE): Växjö kommun, VEAB, KFAB • In Grenoble (FR): Ville de Grenoble, SAGES, EDF, OPAC 38, GEG, La Métro • In Delft (NL): City of Delft, Delft Energy Agency, Woonbron (housing association) >> 3 associated partners from New Member States • Kaunas City Municipality (LT) • Miskolc Municipality (HU) • Vastseliina Rural Municipality (EE) >> 2 associations of local authorities • Energie-Cités, the association of European local authorities promoting a local sustainable energy policy • ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat >> 2 technical partners • Energy Agency for South East Sweden (SE) • Royal Institute of Technology (SE)

  4. Lead partner city VÄXJÖ >> New eco-buildings with biomass district heating >> Poly-generation of vehicle fuel, heat and power from biological waste >> Distributed RES-cooling (absorbtion) from biomass >> Demand side management The city of Växjö aims at becoming free of fossil fuels and has since 1993 reduced its fossil CO2 emissions by 25% down to a level of 3.7 tonnes per capita and year.

  5. GRENOBLE >> New eco-buildings >> RES conversion from electricity to biomass district heating >> PV at stadium and commercial buildings >> CHP from natural gas, 360kW power >> Mini hydro 2,7 MW The Grenoble Metropolitan Community plans a high quality social, architectural and environmental project in line with the Grenoble Climate Plan.

  6. DELFT 3 projects: >>Low temperature district heating from industrial residual heat >>Poptahof: refurbishment and ecobuildings >>Harnaschpolder: new buildings

  7. Characteristics Delft • Centrally situated in the densely populated area in the southwest of Holland, between The Hague and Rotterdam • Historical city-centre • Many knowledge-based industries and institutions • Strong commitment for sustainable urban development

  8. Delft Climate Plan • Delft aims to reach an annual reduction of 33,500 tonnes CO2 compared to 1999. (Kyoto-protocol, 1997) • 3E: efficient, effective energy use

  9. Heat transport company

  10. Heat transport company • Possible heat supplying industries: • Wastewater treatment plant • Biotechnology firm • Regional co-operation (Rotterdam) • Delft: 10,000 dwellings (or equivalent, max. 20.000) • Investment: € 40 million for 20,000 dwellings • Local government as venture-capitalist

  11. Poptahof • Sustainable redevelopment of entire neighbourhood • Emphasis on social liveability • Other focal points: • water • traffic • waste management

  12. Poptahof facts • Surface area: 21.75 ha. • Existing district heating system (90–70oC) • Buildings: high-rise apartment buildings • Population: 2,791 (128 inhabitants/ha.) • Average household income € 17,130 (Delft: € 22,508) • Nationalities:Dutch 37.8 % (Delft: 78.4%) • Turkish 13.8 % (2.2 %) • Somali 8.3 % (0.7 %) • Iraqi 7.6 % (1.2 %) • Moroccan 4.8 % (1.0 %) • Antillean 4.1 % (1.0 %) • Surinamese 3.9 % (2.0 %)

  13. Poptahof- plan • Woonbron and Delft common (financial) responsibility • From 1,020 to 1,300 apartments • 50% new, 50% renovation • 1,100 apartments in existing area and 200 on the shopping center

  14. Harnaschpolder From greenhouses to sustainable urban area

  15. Harnaschpolder assignment • 1,300 houses • Building period 6 – 7 years, starting 2007 • 30% ‘social housing’ • Ecological corridors • RES and Rational Use of Energy (RUE)

  16. Delft: ready for a sustainable future! Ms. Lian Merkx, deputy mayor for sustainable development, Delft More information: www.concerto-sesac.eu

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