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Operation Encompass Information for Headteachers and DSL’s

Learn about Operation Encompass, a police initiative informing schools of domestic abuse incidents to support affected children, requiring sensitivity and confidentiality.

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Operation Encompass Information for Headteachers and DSL’s

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  1. Working in partnership to keep children safe Operation Encompass Information for Headteachers and DSL’s Jackie Difolco - Head of Service Early Help (Children Centres & Family Support) 0116 454 6106

  2. What is Operation Encompass? • Some children find it difficult to talk about domestic abuse situations at home including what has happened • Operation Encompass is an initiative where the police inform schools of domestic abuse incidents via Social Care and Early Help. • Its purpose is to ensure schools have more information to support children by informing them of children affected by domestic abuse

  3. How will it work? • Police will share information with DAS/Early Help through a designated secure email address • A dedicated officer within Early Help will phone the school between 8:30am and 9:30am and ask to speak with the Headteacher or a DSL only. • The school will be informed simply that there was a domestic abuse incident and the name of the child. • We will not be in a position to give more information at that point due to confidentiality. • The process aims to ensure the child is offered sensitivity and understanding following a distressing incident.

  4. What is the school meant to do? • The DSL/Head will be informed of presenting information which can be tactfully dealt with in school and empathy shown towards the child • Information gained should build on any existing safeguarding information held on that child (if any) • This could be the missing piece of the jigsaw to build on existing information – Referral required? • The Headteacher or DSL will share this information on a need to know basis e.g. with the form teacher.

  5. What if the Head/DSL misses the call? • If the Head/DSL can not be reached by phone, an email will be sent to the registered school email to say that there has been an Operation Encompass call attempted and to please call back • The email will come from: operation-encompass@leicester.gov.uk • A number/e mail will be left for the Head/DSL to call back • Please note: There will not be capacity to make calls back

  6. Operation Encompass Leicester Process – Jackie Difolco

  7. How often will schools get a call?/ What happens in the holidays? • Research from other services in the UK indicates that around 8 calls may be made across the City each morning. • There may well be long periods between calls, however, larger schools may receive calls more frequently. • Operation Encompass will not take place in school holidays and will resume on the first day of each term

  8. How to make parents aware • Schools will need to inform parents of the implementation of Opp Encompass. (That when police attend an incident of domestic abuse, the school will be informed) • Schools will need to let all parents know, via newsletter or other appropriate means, that when Police attend an incident of domestic abuse, the school will be informed (resources will be made available) • By sharing this information, parents affected by domestic abuse will know that they can approach the school.

  9. When will it start? Operation Encompass - 19th February 2018 • Schools are asked to let parents/carers know via the template letter sent to them with them. • Schools are asked to alert those who may pick up the phone from Social Care and Early Help that the call should be put straight through to the Headteacher or a DSL. • Information on the process should also be made available to every staff member in the school so that they too understand the process

  10. Any Questions?

  11. More information • http://www.operationencompass.org/ • UAVA Helpline 0808 80 200 28 • UAVA (Professionals) 0116 255 0004 • Schools Extranet: https://schools.leicester.gov.uk/services/safeguarding-in-education/ • Jackie Difolco, Head of Service, 0116 454 6106 Jackie.Difolco@leicester.gov.uk

  12. Operation Encompass – Additional InformationYou Tube Video Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rqt3GB7a_Y

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