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Order Carnivora Family Mustelidae

Learn about the habits, diet, and habitat of the Mustela erminea, a fascinating member of the Mustelidae family known for its distinctive black-tipped tail and winter white coat.

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Order Carnivora Family Mustelidae

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  1. Order CarnivoraFamily Mustelidae • Large canines • No diastema • Claws not retractile • Mustelid glands • Short legs Taxidea taxus

  2. Order Carnivora Family Mustelidae Mustela erminea (Ermine) http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/ermine.htm

  3. Mustela ermineaBy Julie Perrett ID: Short tailed weasel with a black tail tip and white feet. Tail is just over 1/3 body length. Males are larger than females. Summer - dorsum is dark brown, venter is white or yellowish. Winter - pure white coat with black tail tip Total – 240-330mm Tail – 60-95mm HF – 30-45mm Ear – 15-20mm Weight – 60-150g http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mustela_erminea.html

  4. Mustela erminea Distribution: Northern part of Western hemisphere. In Iowa found in Northern half of the state. Habitat: Found in a wide variety of habitats; woodlands, shrubby areas, lakes, marshes, rocky outcrops, open areas adjacent to woodlands, along wooded streams, and brushy fencerows. http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/taiga/animals/ermine.htm http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/ermine.htm

  5. Mustela erminea Diet: Small mammals, birds, eggs, fish, frogs, invertebrates and young rabbits. Hunts both day and night.

  6. Mustela erminea Reproduction: • Promiscuous • Adults are generally solitary with discrete home ranges. • Den in old rodent burrows, tree roots, stone walls and hollow logs. • Nests are made out of fur, feathers, and grass. • Breed in early summer, gestation of 4 weeks. • Average litter of 4 to 8; born in April and May Conservation: Not considered endangered or threatened http://www.nenature.com/Ermine.htm

  7. Mustela erminea Other: • Lifespan of 1-2 years • Winter pelt prized • Can climb trees and swim • Large energy demands • Prey killed by powerful blow to the back of neck • Parasitized by a nematode that destroys sinuses • After mating (summer) development of embryos doesn’t occur until late winter or early spring (an 8-9 month period)

  8. References • Jones, J.K Jr. and E.C. Birney.1988. Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis • Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. 2002. The mammals of North America. Princeton University press, Princeton, New Jersey. • Bowers, N., Bowers, R. and K. Kaufman. 2004. Mammals of North America. Houghton Mifflin, New York, New York. • Iowa DNR. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 1 November 2004 <http://www.state.ia.us/dnr/organiza/ppd/tespecies.htm> • Animal Diversity Web. The University of Michigan and the Museum of Zoology. 1 November 2004 <http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mustela_erminea.html>

  9. Mustela frenata Long-tailed Weasel Dawn M Goshorn http://fwp.state.mt.us/FieldGuide/mediaDisplay.aspx?id=5514&elcode=AMAJF02030

  10. Description • Largest weasel in Iowa • Dorsal brown in summer & white in winter • Black tip on tail • Total length 350-430 mm, Tail 110-140 mm, hind foot 35-50 mm, ear 15-22 mm and weight 170-240g • Females are smaller than males http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/1998-02-07/long-tailedweasel_06.jpg www.cmc.org/tour/ ecosystems/alpine_f-f.html

  11. Distribution • Statewide • Only occurs in America • Extends from southern Canada to northern South America

  12. Habitat • Open brushy areas • Woodland borders • Overgrown fence rows • Usually near water www.ettrickyarrow.bordernet.co.uk/ scenery/ima... http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol5/iss1/art9/figure15.jpg

  13. Diet • 90% small mammals (mice, voles, rabbits) • Will attack animals larger than itself • Hunt at any time • Cache food • May climb trees to obtain food http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/dnr/fur/species/weasel.html

  14. Reproduction • Mates in mid summer • Delayed implantation • Give birth in April or May • Average litter 4-8 young • Den is constructed from the hair of prey http://www.waldorf.edu/academics/biology/weasel.jpg

  15. Conservation Status • Uncommon • Native www.redpath-museum.mcgill.ca/ Qbp/mammals/Spec...

  16. Other • Myth: Sucks blood, but this is untrue • May be taken by trappers but fur is not of great value • Does not turn white in all areas in southern part of range http://www.link75.org/bhm/four/libby/libclass4/sd/writ5/Images/Long-tailed-weasel6.jpg

  17. References Bowels John B., Mammals of Iowa. 1975. Texas Tech Press. Lubbock, TX. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Long-tailed weasel. Available at http://www.iowadnr.com/education/files/lgtlweas.pdf. November 2004. Jones, J.. Knox Jr., and Elmer C. Birney. Handbook of Mammals of the North Central United States. 1988. University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis, MN. Kays, Ronald W., and Don E. Wilson. Mammals of North America. 2002. Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ. National Wildlife Federation. Mammals: Long-tailed Weasel. Available at http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=5&shapeID=1032&curPageNum=5&recnum=MA0036. November 2004.

  18. Mustela nivalis (Least weasel) By: Lisa Hinote

  19. Mustela nivalis Identification: Smallest weasel; upper body chocolate brown to sandy tan, venter white or yellowish color; patches of brown; tail brown and short, lacking black tip. Winter color is white. TL: 190-215mm (males), 170-185mm (female) http://www.bozeman.k12.mt.us/wildlife/ http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/least_weasel.htm

  20. Mustela nivalis Distribution: Statewide Occurs across North America from Alaska to Maine, and as far south as Georgia http://wildlife.wisc.edu/courses/301/mammals/maps/images/least_weasel.jpg

  21. Mustela nivalis Habitat: Can survive in a wide variety of habitats, including open forests, farmlands; prefer marshes, grasslands and shrubby areas and try to avoid deep forests and sandy deserts. Diet: Carnivores Voles and mice are most of diet, but also eat insects, small ground nesting birds and their eggs. Have to eat their total body weight daily to survive because of small size and rapid metabolism.

  22. Mustela nivalis Reproduction: Nests in abandoned rodent burrows of ground cover; produce two or more litters a year; 1-6 young in each litter; young are born naked and blind; female take care of young for about 12-14 weeks. http://homestudy.ihea.com/wildlifeID/058leastweasel.htm

  23. Mustela nivalis Conservation: Found statewide but uncommon. Other: Rarely trapped; Inuit had great respect and the capture of one is considered a good omen. Have glands for defense and marking territory. Do not suck blood. http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=5&shapeID=1032&curPageNum=7&recnum=MA0453

  24. References Anderson, R. and J. Stephens. 2002. Mustela nivalis (On-line), animal diversity web. Accessed October 31, 2004 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mustela_nivalis.html Bowles, J.B. D.L. Howell, R. P. Lampe, and H.P. Whidden. 1998. Mammals of Iowa: Holocene to the end of the 20th century. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 105: 123-132 Bowers, N., and R. Bowers, and K. Kaufman. 2004. Mammals of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company. 120 pp. Jones, J.K., and E.C. Birney. 1988. Handbook of mammals of the north central states. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. 258 pp. May, P. 2004. Mustela nivalis (On-line), nature ca web. Accessed October 31, 2004 at http://www.nature.ca/notebooks/english/lestweas.htm.

  25. Mustela visonAmerican Mink Family Mustelidae Mink is a Swedish word for stinking animal

  26. Mustela vison http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mustela_vison.html

  27. Mustela vison Description: long weasel-like body with short legs and a pointy flat face. Dark brown, with a white on chin, throat, chest. Pelage is long, soft, thick and glossy; has oily guard on hairs that waterproof the pelage. Hind feet are partially webbed. Anal scent gland. Size: TL 460-700mm, Tail 185-210mm, Weight 1-1.7kg ( 8-10 grams ) Females are ~10% smaller than males. Distribution: Found throughout the United States, except Arizona. Are in most of Canada, except along the Arctic Coast and some offshore islands. Throughout Iowa

  28. Mustela vison Status: Common, Throughout Habitat: Semi aquatic- prefers lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, marshes and brushy rocky outcroppings. Diet: Summer-- crayfish, frogs, shrews, rabbits, mice, muskrats, fish, waterfowl. Winter– mainly small mammals. http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/mammals/Mustela_vison/ARK014220.html?size=large

  29. Mustela vison Behavior: • Mark Territories with secretion from anal scent glands • Nocturnal – mainly dawn and dusk • Skilled swimmers and climbers, able to swim underwater 30m and dive up to 5m • Dig dens in banks, under tree roots, or abandoned muskrat houses • Line dens with dried grass, leaves or fur from past prey • Range is linear, following shoreline. Males 2.5-5.5km, females 0.5-3km

  30. Mustela vison Reproduction: Mate in mid to late winter, young are born in April or May Minks have a delayed implantation, which varies gestation period 40-75 days A litter of 1-10 young, stay with mother until autumn. May begin mating around 10 months Life span up to 4 years in wild, 10 years captive

  31. Mustela vison Conservation: Trapping Season Nov. 6, 2004 – Jan. 31, 2004 No daily bag limit, No possession limit. Mid 1960’s there were 7200 Mink ranches, 439 in 1998. 2.94 million pelts $72.9 million http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/mammals/Mustela_vison/ARK014387.html?size=medium

  32. Mustela vison http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/mammals/Mustela_vison/more_still_images.html

  33. Works Citied Jones, J. Knox, Jr. and Elmer C. 1988. Birney. Handbook of mammals of the north-central states. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, USA. Arkive. Nov. 2004. Images of life on Earth. http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/mammals/Mustela_vison/more_still_images.html. Canada’s Aquatic Environments. Nov. 2004. http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/mammals/freshwater/accounts/mink.htm. Iowa DNR webpage. Nov. 2004. http://www.iowadnr.com/. University of Michigan museum of zoology. Nov. 2004. Animal diversity web. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mustela_vison.html.

  34. Eastern Spotted SkunkSpilogale putoriusKristin Myers http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/spilputo.htm

  35. ID: Black with horizontal white stripes on neck and shoulders; irregular vertical stripes and elongated spots on sides; white spots on top of head; white tip on tail. Virtually identical to the Western Spotted but can be distinguished by range. http://www.eduscapes.com/nature/skunk/index1.htm Eastern Western http://www.nationalgeographic.com/wildworld/profiles/photos/nt/nt0211aS.html

  36. http://www.eduscapes.com/nature/skunk/index1.htm Habitat: Mixed woodlands and open areas, scrub and farmland Distribution: statewide Status: common

  37. Diet: Omnivorous; small mammals, grubs, insects, corn, berries Reproduction: 1 litter of 2-6 April-May born in a woodchuck burrow, a hollow log, under a foundation or any other protected place http://www.entm.purdue.edu/Wildlife/skunk_pictures.htm

  38. http://www.death-valley.us/article48.html Other: Spotted skunks are the most agile of all skunks and can bound and climb trees with ease. Even skunks themselves cannot stand their odor.

  39. http://www.entm.purdue.edu/Wildlife/skunk_pictures.htm

  40. References • http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=5&shapeID=1032&curPageNum=14&recnum=MA0039 • http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/spilputo.htm • http://www.eduscapes.com/nature/skunk/index1.htm • http://www.entm.purdue.edu/Wildlife/skunk_pictures.htm • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/wildworld/profiles/photos/nt/nt0211aS.html • http://www.death-valley.us/article48.html

  41. The Striped SkunkOrder: CarnivoraFamily: MustelidaeGenus Species: Mephitis mephitisBy: Leslie Reedhttp://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu

  42. Mephitis mephitis • Identification:Large, robust. Black body w/ white patch on forehead and two white stripes down back; white hairs in bushy tail. Color variable. Ears short, rounded; eyes small. Compare to Eastern Spotted Skunk. • TL= 620-790 mm (females smaller) 3-11 lbs. • Distribution:Statewide http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu http://www.ukans.edu

  43. Mephitis mephitis • Habitat:Anywhere shelter is available: woodland edge and brushy areas, fields, agri. areas, neighborhoods; close to water. Avoids deep woods, marshy areas • Dens made in natural cavities, abandoned burrows • Many females in winter; males solitary • Home range: 40-1,000+ acres • Do not hibernate; less active though http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu

  44. Mephitis mephitis • Diet: Omnivorous: small mammals, birds, insects, invertebrates, carrion, eggs, berries, amphibians • Reproduction:Breeding takes place in late winter (Feb). Gestation: avg. 2 mo. Single litter of 4-11 kittens born in spring (May). May stay w/ family up to 1 yr. • Lifespan: 3 years • Males are polygamous and only meet w/ females to breed • Conservation Status: Abundant and stable http://chrisinorl.home.att.net

  45. Mephitis mephitis • Other: • “Mephitis” means “bad odor” • Typically raise tail and stomp front feet before spraying (up to 12 ft!) Can smell up to 1 mile away • Odor is less offensive than Spotted Skunk • Primarily nocturnal, but may be seen during the day http://chrisinorl.home.att.net

  46. Mephitis mephitis Other (continued) • Predators: raptors (esp. GHO), larger carnivores, humans • High number killed on roads and farms • Valuable fur animal • Pelts: $2.00, but tremendous amounts taken • Some economic importance • Rarely eats poultry or destroys crops; controls rodent & insect population • Musk, odor removed, used in perfumes • Highly parasitized and can carry rabies and distemper


  48. References: Mephitis mephitis • Jones, J.K, Jr. and E.C. Birney. 1988. Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. • Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. 2002. The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. • Burt, W.H. and R.P. Grossenheider. 1980. The Peterson Field Guide to Mammals. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, NY. • Davis, W.B and D.J. Schmidly, 1997. “The Striped Skunk” (On-line), The Mammals Of Texas. Accessed November 01, 2004 at http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/mephmeph.htm. • Forseth, Alan, 1995. “Striped Skunk” (On-line), bcadventure.com. Accessed November 01, 2004 at http://www.fishbc.com/adventure/wilderness/animals/skunk.htm. • The Georgia Museum of Natural History and Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 2000. “Skunk” (On-line), Georgia Wildlife Web. Accessed November 01, 2004 at http://museum.nhm.uga.edu/gawildlife/mammals/Carnivora/Mustelidae/mmephitis.html. • Wilke, C. 2001. "Mephitis mephitis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 02, 2004 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mephitis_mephitis.html.

  49. American BadgerFamily: MustelidaeTaxidea taxus Charles Weyer A Ecol 364 Fall 2004

  50. Taxidea taxus Identification • Short powerful legs • Short tail • Claws long and curved for digging • Shaggy dorsal pelage • Ventral yellowish white • Medial white strip on face • Black “badges” on sides of face • TL 60-78cm, 3.6-11.4 kg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/graphics/badger2a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/americanbadger.htm&h=250&w=382&sz=26&tbnid=5qac6_Eo6q0J:&tbnh=77&tbnw=117&start=16&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAmerican%2BBadger%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26output%3Dsearch%26sa%3DG

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