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Explore the innovative activities and projects of the Institute of Power Engineering, focusing on thermal processes and energy technologies for a sustainable future. Discover advancements in combustion optimization, fuel cells, and biomass utilization. Benefit from European Union collaboration and research initiatives.
Institute of Power Engineering Thermal Processes Department ul. Augustówka 5, 02-981 Warszawa, tel/fax (022) 642 83.78 t.golec@ien.com.pl • Presentation of the Institute of Power Engineering and its activity • Tomasz Golec • FET-EU • Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Institute of Power Engineering Research and scientific activities in the branch of thermal and electrical power engineering Established in 19553, 400 employees 39 154 36 FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Buildings of High Voltage Lab and Distribution Equipment Lab FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Thermal Engineering Division FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Branch of the IEn in Gdańsk FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Thermal Processes Department Optimisation of combustion process in utility boilers using numerical simulation, laboratory investigation, and measurements of the boilers. In last years, following EU and Polish energy policies, the attention of IEn has shifted from the traditional energetic systems to new technologies, like biomass utilization for biogas production, biofuels, fuels cells, and combination both of them with gas turbines. IEn in close collaboration with other Polish partners (universities and gas supplier) has already started development of materials, components, designing stack and system for stationary applications of fuel cells. Also biomass gasification research has been started within founds obtained from Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology . FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
ACTIVITY • OF THE THERMAL PROCESSES DEPARTMENT I • Development of new design of low-NOx coal fired burners • - for tangentially fired boilers • - for wall fired boilers - second generation – HTS burners • Implementation of the burners at power plants • - boiler measurements before and after reconstruction • - numerical simulation for optimisation of the burners implementation • - burners and boilers optimisation – adjusting of automatic control system • Boilers diagnostic in order to increase efficiency and minimising emission • Corrosion of water-walls of boilers due to lowNOx combustion • - diagnostic - measurement of gas composition in near-wall region • - analysis of deposit material • - numerical simulation • - protection of boilers water-walls – shield air – optimisation by numericalsimulation FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
ACTIVITY • OF THE THERMAL PROCESSES DEPARTMENT II • Flame diagnostic • - in-flame measurement by water cooled probes • - optical fibre flame monitoring system – flame stability and quality • Secondary fuels for power generation • - co-firing with coal in big utility boilers • EU projects - BioFlam, PowerFlam2, BIOASH • - combustion laboratory - characterisation and comparison of different fuels • Specialized laboratory for solid fuels investigations • - laboratory to investigate the essential properties of solid fuels • - test stands (0.5MWth rig, fuel characterisation rig, slagging intensity rig, ash corrosion rig) to investigate various fuels properties and its behaviour during combustion • Gasification of biomass and secondary fuels – own financing, BIO-PROproject • Fuel cells – SOFC manufacturing and testing, just beginning • BIOFUCEL ToK project FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
EU Projects at IEn 5th Framework Programme BIOFLAM 2000-2003 Participant Finished in February 2003 POWERLAM2 2003-2005 Participant On-going CENERG 2003-2005 Coordinator On-going 6th Framework Programme BIO-PRO 3 Years Participant Started in December 2003 BIOASH 3 Years Participant Start in March 2004 BIOFUCEL 4 Years Coordinator On-going ENFUNGEN 3 Years Participant On-going FET-EU 2 years Participant On-going FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
INFORMATION ABOUT CENERG Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in Energy Supply from Fossil Fuels and Renewable Sources General idea To renew links and co-operation in the Central-European region in energy sector on wide platform including research potential of the countries CENERG is a centre of excellence financed by EC and affiliated with the Institute of Power Engineering in Warsaw, Poland This is a result of specific call for project proposal within the 5th Framework Programme FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Objectives CENERG aims to encourage links between energy organizations in CEE (Central East Europe) countries and to create a forum for the exchange of experience between CEE and EU countries. CENERG develops scientific co-operation for enhancing integration of energy policy, research, production and distributionin the CEE countries and for joining them to European energy system and market. The centre also helps to establish links with Ukraine, Russia and other NIS. The activity of the CENERG will improve the use of capabilities of national energy institutes enabling better service for the solving of energy and environmental problems in the countries and in the region. It gives the possibility to apply existing infrastructure in different countries to reduce costs of investigations and increase scale of research above and beyond the possibilities of a single country. FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Structure of the project • Main tasks for the three years are grouped in 7 work packages • The project assumes establishment of co-operation platform • groupingpartners from different countries • (mostly Central-Eastern Europe) andlinking their activity: • - research institutes, • - energy-related institutions and agencies • - EU institutions (DG TREN) FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
Promotion and dissemination (WP6) Energy study (WP5) CENERG management (WP1) Conference and workshops (WP2, WP3 ) ! Bilateral co-operation (WP 4) ? Data base of research (WP 6) NEW ACTIONS Scientific Network SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS EU project (SSA)ENFUGEN FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
European Commission National Contact Point Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology Photovoltaic Socio-economic Research WindEnergy RES Integration Fuel Cells Ecobuildings Scientific Network ZSE Hydrogen Polygeneration Electric Energy Energy Storage Biomass New Materials for Energy The network has been organised into sub-networks regarding to specific interest of particular research teams FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
IEn has ambitious research palns which can be achieved by joint research and integration of research potential. Actually IEn is involved in several projects supporting such approach. BIOFUCEL – Maria Curie ToK project – (EU 6 FP) Development of solid oxide fuel cells technology for stationary applications based on biomass gasification and natural gas ZSE – Polish Scientific Network „Sustainable Energy Systems”Sub-network FUEL CELLS - (KBN), ENFUGEN – SSA project (EU 6 FP) ENLARGING FUEL CELLS AND HYDROGEN RESEARCH CO-OPERATION CENERG – AM project (EU 5 FP) Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in Energy Supply from Fossil Fuels and Renewable Sources FET-EU – SSA project (EU 6 FP) Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union Polish Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Polish Tehnology Platform of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
CENERG ENERGY FUTURE ENFUGEN Conclusions FET-EU FET-EU Kick-off Meeting - Warsaw, 13th June 2005
FUEL CELLS • AT THE INSTITUTE OF POWER ENGINEERING The fuel cells development at IEn is mainly focused on the planar option of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) technology. Targeted application stationary application using biomass gases and natural gas/ reformats of the coal processing. IEn is actually involved in the development of the first generation SOFC cells - Electrolyte Supported Cells- ESC for the temperature operation of 850oC. The next step will be the second generation of SOFC cells - Anode Supported Cells - ASC for the temperature operation of 750oC or below.
The whole research effort on the SOFC technology (pilot plant) is allocated at the IEn ceramic division ZC CEREL in Boguchwala near Rzeszow.
Electrical performance testing facilities together with the biomass facilities are located in Warsaw at the Thermal Processes Department
Plans for near future IEn plans to start with the development of the intermediate temperature SOFC for the temperature of operation 500-600oC (Metal Supported FC – MSFC) in the near future. This task will be performed in a close co-operation with other Polish R&D institutes /universities and we are looking for the international collaboration in this field (inside the present call for proposals of the 6th Framework Programme). IEn will focus also on the generation and application of the biomass gases for fuelling of the distributed network of the SOFC stations.
Long term R&D strategy 1. To start design, construction and testing of a small demo SOFC stack of 1-2 kW power(electrical and heat) in the short time perspectives (3-5 years). This task will be done in a close collaboration with other Polish partners (universities, institutes and industrial companies). The works on interconnect metal plates, seals, conductive coatings and construction design will be distributed among different partners. The international collaboration in this field is welcome from French and German partners. As a result of this efforts it is expected to built a demo central heating/electrical unit for testing the performance and corrosion problems of the unit fuelled by biomass gases. 2. To continue the work on the scale-up of such demo SOFC installation to 5-20 kW system and later, even up to 200 kW system, during the next 10years and finally to bring it to a full commercialisation phase This task will be done in a close collaboration with other Polish and European partners. IEn foresees its involvement in this project by a close co-operation inside an European consortium dedicated specifically to this development or by a strategic partnership with one of the European industrial partner having a strong support of the national government and EC. IEn believes that the European consortium will benefit from the still low labour cost in Poland, what combined with the good knowledge and enthusiasm of Polish scientists and engineers should benefit in the development of a cheap, reliable, robust, and long term operating SOFC system to be competitive by price and quality with other products of world fuel cells manufacturers.
Fuel cells R&D activity at IEn is supported by project BIOFUCEL Development of solid oxide fuel cells technology for stationary applications based on biomass gasification and natural gas project financed within 6 FP Maria Curie Action (Transfer of Knowledge scheme). The IEn will invite senior researchers for a transition period of up 4 years to help in the development and maturing of the SOFC technology at home. IEn researchers will go to the EU laboratories for up-dating their knowledge and experience in the subject of biomass gasification Project partners Royal University of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany The main project objective is to increase the long term research capacity of the Institute of Power Engineering (IEn) by development and establishing a new competence in the fuel cells combined with the biomass gasification. This will enable IEn transition from present energy coal-related research to investigation of sustainable energy systems
Scientific Network SUSTAINABLE NERGEY SYSTEMS „ENERGY FUTURE” An initiative to organize scientific network Sustainable Energy Systems was undertaken together with Polish National Contact Point for EU Programmes. The network was erected on the basis of Polish centres of excellence financed within 5th FP and working in energy related research. The main goal of this Scientific Network is consolidation and integration of Polish and foreign research units and mapping of scientific research potential. • The network and its programme have been accepted by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) • Programme for the years 2004 to 2006 and financing from KBN for 2004 and 2005 • The network is obliged to change into International Scientific Network • Open structure – at present 58 members from Poland • Steering Committee consists of coordinators of Sub-Network
LIST OF MEMEBRES OF FUEL CELLS SUB-NETWORK Research Team Representative Research Organisation 1. CENERG Tomasz Golec Instytut Energetyki 2. CEPHOMA Franciszek Krok Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Fizyki 3. CLEANERPAS Brunon Grochal Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN 4. COMECO Andrzej Boguslawski Politechnika Częstochowska, Instytut Maszyn Cieplnych 5. ENERGOMAT Krzysztof Rożniatowski Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej 6. GIG Jan Rogut Główny Instytut Górnictwa 7. HERCULES Zbigniew Gebhardt Instytut Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa 8. MALET Grzegorz Paściak Instytut Elektrotechniki Wrocław 9. MIUE Tadeusz Chmielniak Politechnika Śląska, Instytut Maszyn i Urządzeń Energetycznych 10. NEEST Piotr Tomczyk Międzywydziałowy Zespół `Badawczy AGH 11. NOVUM Leszek Suski Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN, Kraków 12. PROCO Czesław Pawlaczyk Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej PAN 13. RECEPOL Grzegorz Wiśniewski EC BREC/IBMER 14. SELIBAT Janina Molenda Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Ceramiki, Katedra Fizykochemii Ciała Stałego