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Microscope Cell Slides for Lab

Microscope Cell Slides for Lab. Microscopes. Compound Light Microscope (LM) Does not go beyond 2,000x magnificiation due to characteristics of light, image becomes blurry Electron Microscope (EM) Magnifies up to 200,000x. LM vs. EM Images. BLOOD. Frog Blood. Human Blood. FAT. nucleus.

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Microscope Cell Slides for Lab

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microscope Cell Slides for Lab

  2. Microscopes • Compound Light Microscope (LM) • Does not go beyond 2,000x magnificiation due to characteristics of light, image becomes blurry • Electron Microscope (EM) • Magnifies up to 200,000x

  3. LM vs. EM Images

  4. BLOOD Frog Blood Human Blood

  5. FAT nucleus

  6. NERVE

  7. Cardiac MUSCLE nucleus


  9. SPERM – Flagella

  10. Paramecium - Cilia

  11. Amoeba - Pseudopodia

  12. Unicellular Movement

  13. Elodea

  14. Large Central Vacuole Filled With Water

  15. Cytoplasmic Streaming http://www.edumedia-share.com/uploaded/1200/1251.gif

  16. Onion Cell Unstained

  17. Onion cell 400x Stained With Iodine

  18. Resources • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://washington.uwc.edu/about/faculty/schaefer_w/TISSUES/skin_frog.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.washington.uwc.edu/about/faculty/schaefer_w/TissuesPage.htm&usg=__ovlQmWsRWCBSKS7aclbl3w9c3us=&h=1024&w=1280&sz=158&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=46fyC-a28u8E9M:&tbnh=120&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfrog%2Bskin%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

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