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Discover the television show "MADE" that helps people achieve their dreams by transforming their lives. Follow the stories of three teenagers as they pursue their goals and face challenges along the way.
Hemispheres: Reading and Writing Course Unit 6 Makeovers 单击添加署名或公司信息
LEAD-IN A. Check (√ ) the things you might want to change about your life. □ find a new job □ learn to play a musical instrument □ get a new boyfriend or girlfriend □ move to a new country □ change your appearance □ make new friends □ go to a new school □ other:
LEAD-IN What would you do if you were like the people in the pictures below? c a b Picture a Picture b Picture c I would eat less and practice more to lose some weight. I would find a babysitter to help me. I would make a better plan for my work.
READING AND SPEAKING Skill Focus A. Skim the article to answer the following questions. X Summarizing Summarizing restates information using different words and sentence structures. It reduces the length of the original source by focusing only on the main idea and a few important details. A summary should be factual and should not include the writer’s opinions. • What is MADE ? • 2. Why do some people want to be on it ? A television show. It helps people pursue difficult goals. Keys
READING AND SPEAKING Dreamers Seventeen-year-old Alyssa Hart dreams of dancing in a Broadway show. There is one problem. Alyssa can’t dance. David Barsky, 16, has an ambition to be a rock star, but there is also an obstacle in his way. “I can’t sing or play an instrument,” he admits. “If I could, I’d be in a band now. ” Ethan Miller, 17, has an aspiration, too. He hates his appearance and wants a complete change. “If I liked my looks, I’d have more self-confidence,” he says. “And if I were more confident, I’d ask a girl out. I need a makeover.” New words Translation
READING AND SPEAKING Alyssa, David, and Ethan are among 300 teenagers who auditioned today for the television show MADE. The television network MTV is looking for “dreamers” to try out for the show. MADE helps people pursue difficult goals. Each episode focuses on someone who wants to be “made” into something different. For example, a shy person runs for class president, or an unathletic person tries out for the football team. Translation
READING AND SPEAKING A mentor—a coach or a tutor—works with the people for a month, providing training and motivation. That encouragement can make a big difference. A TV crew films the process. “I’d feel terrible if someone spent all that time with me, and I didn’t reach my goal. And I’d be so embarrassed if I failed on national TV,” David says. While MADE provides opportunities, it doesn’t promise success. Many people on the show don’t achieve their goals or realize their dreams. But according to MADE, it’s better to try and fail than never to try at all. Translation
READING AND SPEAKING B. Read again. Choose the better summary of the article. Keys ○
READING AND SPEAKING C. Discuss the following questions with your classmates. 1.The article says that MADE emphasizes “it’s better to try and fail than never to try at all”. What does this mean? Do you agree? 2. Is it possible for Alyssa, David, and Ethan to reach their goals in one month? Why or why not? 3. Would you try out for MADE? Why or why not?
READING AND SPEAKING Background Information He has had his work published in print and online all over the world. The not so long-haired Canadian iconoclast writes reviews and opines on the world as he sees it at Leap In The Dark, and is the editor of the online South East Asian arts and culture site Epic India Magazine. Richard Marcus
READING AND SPEAKING Yoga It originated in ancient India and is as old as 5,000 years. It could be viewed as both physical and mental exercises. On the physical level, yoga postures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen the body. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dyana) to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. Yoga is a way of living with health and peace of mind as its aims. Yoga was first brought to America in the late 1800s when Swami Vivekananda, and flourished during the 1960s when there was a surge of interest in Eastern philosophy. Today, yoga is thriving, and it has become easy to find teachers and practitioners throughout America.
READING AND SPEAKING Background Information Epic India Magazine It is an arts & culture magazine with a decided literary bent, but not limited to writing alone. It includes articles on any arts subject from film reviews to the latest news on art galaries and music from around the world.
TEXT A 全文音频 Change for the Better Faced with change, we tend to be negative and frustrated as fear of the unknown makes us worried. In fact, we are always in motion whether we know it or not. 面对变化,我们往往会变得消极、沮丧,因为对未知的恐惧会使我们焦虑。事实上,无论我们知道与否,我们始终处于变化之中。
TEXT A TRANSLATION 1.Just slightly under two years ago I wrote, “ A leap in the dark is an act of blind , trusting your judgment and instincts that whatever it is you’re about to do is right and that you will good.” faith end up
TEXT A TRANSLATION 2.It was my own personal mission statement. At that time, as a writer, I just decided to put my writings on the Internet for the public to read. It was a step into the unknown to me.
TEXT A TRANSLATION 3.Now over 700 articles of various length, quality and subject matter produced on a daily basis, I’m offered an opportunity to work as an editor. Can I take the leap into the relatively unknowable territory?
TEXT A TRANSLATION 4.There are a lot of things that can get in the way of taking that leap, but the biggest is fear. Fear of change and fear of the unknown have probably prevented many a person from discovering their full potential. It’s far easier to stay doing the same thing, and doing it well, than risk doing something new where the results are uncertain. obstacle
TEXT A TRANSLATION 5.Worry about a new job is probably something a lot of people , so I’m sure most of you can understand this anxiety. I also have to throw into the mix the consideration of whether or not I’ll be able to manage whatever that position requires and be able to maintain my daily of writing. have in common output
TEXT A TRANSLATION 6.Before deciding whether to take the job or not, I tried to continue to write daily, and helped out with some editing chores. After a week of this, I figured out that my real problem wasn’t any of the excuses I had prepared about not having time to write, or not knowing what to do with the position, but that I was scared of making any change in my life. The irony of that is change is exactly what I need after two years of doing pretty much the same thing day in and day out.
TEXT A TRANSLATION 7.Instead of feeling too drained to do both writing and editing work, I’ve had more creative energy and even been inspired to work on a novel since I tried the editing work.
TEXT A TRANSLATION 8.A friend of mine who taught yoga once told me something very interesting about the concept of transition. In yoga, muscles are never at rest and so are always in transition from one position to another. We normally tend to think of transition as the time doing one thing and then another, a period when nothing happens. in between
TEXT A TRANSLATION 9.That’s impossible because we are always in motion whether we know it or not, moving from one place in our lives to the next. It’s just that, unlike in Yoga where you see the muscles move, we’re not always the fact that we are in motion. That’s what causes us to become and with change. aware of frustrated passive
TEXT A TRANSLATION 10.The closer we get to the point where we become aware of our need for change, the more frustrated, passive, and less productive we get. The to the necessary change comes from the fact that we haven’t been accomplishing what we know we’re capable of, so we don’t have much confidence in our own abilities. Hence the self-doubts plague most people just before they do make any sort of change in their lives. I finally figured out what was going on, decided to take my own advice, and take the leap. resistance
TEXT A TRANSLATION 11.I have no idea what’s going to happen or even if I’m going to like editing, but I’m not going to know unless I try. So , as well being a writer, I’m now editor of a website. Whatever else happens, at least I know I won’t be bored for the next little while, and that’s always a positive. as of today
TEXT A READING COMPREHENSION A. Identify the paragraph from which the following nformation is derived. 1. A leap in the dark requires trust in your own judgment and instincts. (Para. ) 2. What stands in the way of making a change is fear of the unknown. (Para. ) 3. The transition of muscles helps us understand that we are always in motion. (Para. ) 4. The author needs a change after doing the same thing for two years. (Para. ) 5. The author finally decided to take the job as an editor. (Para. ) 1 4 8 6 11
TEXT A READING COMPREHENSION B. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. • What does the author think of “a leap in the dark”? ___ A A. It’s an act of blind faith. B. It’s a terrible mistake. C. It’s an unnecessary risk. D. It’s a careless act.
TEXT A READING COMPREHENSION 2. What does the author think of risking doing something new? _______ D A. It prevents people from discovering their full potential. B. It’s easier than doing the same thing for a long time. C. It may get in the way of finding a new job. D. It’s much harder than doing the same thing and doing it well.
TEXT A READING COMPREHENSION A 3. Faced with a new job, people are usually a bit ______. A. worried B. determined C. relaxed D. suspicious
TEXT A READING COMPREHENSION 4. What did the author figure out after doing both writing and editing for a week? ______ C A. He couldn’t manage what the new position required. B. It was hard to maintain his daily output of writing. C. His real problem was that he was scared of making any change in his life. D. He had been doing the same thing for two years.
TEXT A READING COMPREHENSION 5. The author finally took his own advice and accept the job as an editor because _______. D A. he liked the editing work desperately B. he was confident that he could manage the new job well C. he wanted to have some changes in life D. he figured out that results came out only after trying
TEXT A He worried whether he could manage whatever position required while maintaining his daily output of writing. READING COMPREHENSION C. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What may have prevented many people from discovering their full potential? _______________________________________________ 2. What did the author worry about when he was offered a new position? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 3. What can we learn from yoga? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Fear of change and fear of the unknown. From yoga we learn the concept of transition which means that we are always in motion.
TEXT A Vocabulary Complete the diagram below using the words in the box. Then add other words or phrases you know to your word web. • Personality: • Profession: persistence confidence editor salesperson Makeovers • Living place: • Appearance: apartment villa weight-loss face-lifting
TEXT A Critical thinking Discuss the chart below with a partner. Ways to Adjust to Change
TEXT A Critical thinking 1.What is the biggest change in your life? How do you deal with it? The biggest change I have experienced is entering college. At the beginning, the differences between high school and college made me feel lost. By setting up long-term and short-term goals and making a flexible timetable, I carried on my studies steadily. I also talked to my counselors and teachers who were glad to help.
TEXT A Critical thinking 2. What are the obstacles in your way of adapting to a new environment? It takes time for me to get adapted to a new environment. I am easy to get puzzled and frustrated by the setbacks and then I don’t know what to do. Finally, lack of confidence always stands in my way.
TEXT A Critical thinking 3. List three changes that you hope to have in your life. The first change I want to have is a better control of my temper so that I can avoid unnecessary disputes with people around. Second, I hope that I can be more hard-working so that I can pass all my exams and get better prepared for my future. Third, I hope I can keep doing morning exercise which would keep me energetic for a whole day and healthy in a lifetime.
READING AND SPEAKING Background Information of text b Tom First & Tom Scott Tom First and Tom Scott, known as Tom and Tom, met at Brown University in the fall of 1985. Four years later they graduated and headed to Nantucket. That summer they started Allserve, a floating convenience store servicing boats in Nantucket Harbor. They delivered everything from newspapers to laundry in their distinctive red boat. One cold winter night they began mixing juice in a blender. The following summer they sold off their boat. People loved the mixed juice! They decided to call it Nantucket Nectars.
TEXT B 全文音频 Open to Adventure What could make one feel happy in life? The only way I can be happy again is to do something I love. 什么能够让一个人感到快乐?“能让我再次快乐起来的唯一方法就是做我喜欢做的事情。”
TEXT B TRANSLATION 1Sometimes it’s best to follow your heart and do what you love. For Tom Scott, co-founder of Nantucket Nectars, “a love of boats turned into a love of juices.” 2A Brown University student, Scott vacationed on Nantucket Island, a resort community off the coast of Massachusetts. At 19, he spent his days working on his boat, so when someone suggested he make muffins to sell to people docked in the harbor, Scott figured, Why not?
TEXT B TRANSLATION 3 As he and a college friend, Tom First, made their muffin rounds, people would ask if they had newspapers or cigarettes for sale. “We’d say, ‘Sure, up at the dock. Then we’d hurry back, buy ten papers and sell the extras to our other customers.” 4 Soon they had a business. With the slogan “Ain’t nothing those boys won’t do”, Tom and Tom could be seen running around the harbor doing everything from selling ice to dogs. thriving shampooing
TEXT B TRANSLATION 5The summer of 1988 was a hot one. Tom First came back from vacation in Spain praising a thirst-quenching peach juice concoction. He tried to reproduce it and, as Scott says, “Bang! It was that quick.” Nantucket Nectars was born. 6 The market opportunity for a healthy, tasty drink was wide open. Bottled water hadn’t yet become popular. Most juices, Scott recalls, “were horrible, full of additives.” particularly
TEXT B TRANSLATION 7Scott says he never thought about going into business. He and First both failed an accounting course at Brown. It wasn’t until Scott took a community college class that he began to understand the concept of profit Mostly, he says, “we learned on the job.” margins.
TEXT B TRANSLATION 8 They quality and getting the product they wanted. When they started bottling their juices, the bottle cap company made caps only in white or silver for other clients. “We wanted a purple cap. They said, ‘We are not putting purple paint in the machine.’ We said, ‘We’ll clean the machine.’” 9 The purple caps because a hallmark of Nantucket Nectars. So did the messages printed on the underside of each cap—fun trivia about Nantucket or inside information about company employees. focused on
TEXT B TRANSLATION 10“A lot of that stuff is more intuitive than people realize,” Scott says of their unconventional marketing efforts. “For us, it was so much and error. You bounce off this wall and then off that wall, and meanwhile you try to stay on your feet.” trial
TEXT B TRANSLATION 11 Their balancing act worked. Nantucket Nectars grew to national , landing on Inc. magazine’s list of fastest-growing U.S. companies for . They were in 49 states and some 15 countries. Still, Scott felt he couldn’t be content. 12“There was never a moment when we said, ‘Wow, we are .’ I lived in my car for a long time. Plenty of nights I cried because I thought we’d go . But when you have this dream and you love what you do, you do it.” prominence three years running making it out of business