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Holman Ranch Wines Score Top Points From Wine Enthusiast Mag

Holman Ranch is proud to announce that five of its wines have been rated in the April 2015 issue of Wine Enthusiast Magazine (The Advanced Buyers Edition is on the shelf as of February 17)!

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Holman Ranch Wines Score Top Points From Wine Enthusiast Mag

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  1. HolmanRanchWinesScoreTopPointsFromWineEnthusiastMagazine HolmanRanchisproud to announce that fiveofits wineshave been ratedintheApril2015issueofWineEnthusiast Magazine (TheAdvancedBuyersEditionis on theshelfas ofFebruary17)! CarmelValley,CA,March05,2015-Holman Ranchis proud toannouncethatfiveof its wines have been rated in theApril2015 issueofWineEnthusiastMagazine(TheAdvancedBuyers Edition is ontheshelfas of February17)! HolmanRanch Holman RanchHolman RanchHolman RanchHolman Ranch 94 Points 93 Points 91 Points 91 Points 91 Points WineCaves: ThewineryatHolman Ranch, located inTheCaves, is completelyunderground inorder to takeadvantageof thenaturalcoolingand humidityheldbelow.The3000 squarefootareamaintainsaconstanttemperatureof 58°F-60 °F and contains four 750 gallon tanks, four 1200 gallon tanks,and four open top tanksthatcan hold two tons each. Onehundred (100) Frenchoak barrels aremaintainedyear round.Wineryoperations such as destemming, pressing, fermentingand agingtakeplacewithinthecoolenvironmentofTheCaves, whilebottlingis donedirectlyoutsideusing amobilebottling line.Duringharvest, 6 to8 tons of grapes adayareprocessed.This mayseemlow butitis duetothefactthatharvestinghours arebetween 7amto noon on anygiven day.Grapes arehand picked and loadedinto half ton bins, transferred to thewinerybytractor andthen moved byforkliftto thedestemmer.Whitewines takearound threeweeks to fermentat50°F andarebottled inFebruary,whilered varietalsfermentfor two weeks and arebottledin earlyJune.Allskins, seeds and stemsarecompostedandreturnedto thefields. Slow months for our wineryareJune, JulyandAugustwiththebusiesttime being September.Thewinerywillproduce3000-5000 cases annually. Vineyard & WineryBackground: Located atthenortheastern tip of theCarmelValleyAppellation, thefamily-owned Holman Ranch

  2. resides approximately12 miles inlandfromthePacificCoast. Immersed in historyand romance, the ranch has notonlyproven to bean excellentgrowing location for our vineyards butalsofor theTuscanvarietalolivetrees which haveflourished underthetemperateclimate. Our estate-grown winevarietals areplantedon approximately21 acres of undulating terrain. Thewines producedareunfinedand crafted todeliverthetruevarietalof thegrapefromharvesttobottle. Theclimateandterroirof theappellation has playedacriticalpartin thesuccess of our wines.Thewarmth of our inland valleycoupled withthecooling marinelayerhas established itself as an idealmicroclimatefor theproduction of PinotNoirand PinotGris. Our BurgundyClones havethrived fromtheperfectblend of idealclimate, southernexposureand thinrockysoils. Holman RanchTasting Room: Holman Ranch’s CarmelValleytasting roomoffers theperfectbackdropto swirl,sip and savor the differentcomplexities of Holman RanchVineyard andWinerywines.Thereis somethingfor everyone(4 varietals infact), fromthefull-bodiedPinotNoirs to thelight,fruityflavors of our PinotGris andlightlyoakedChardonnay.HolmanRanch alsooffers estategrown and bottledOliveOilavailablefortastingand purchaseattheTastingRoom. TheTastingRoomshowcases theestatewines of HolmanRanch which includes our PinotNoir,PinotGris, Chardonnay,Sauvignon Blanc, andRoséof PinotNoir. Carefullyhand-harvested, cold pressedand bottled, theExtraVirginOliveOilproduced fromthefruits of ourTuscan trees has adelightfulspicefollowed byabutteryfinish. Threetastingflights of threewines each(White,Mountain andPinotNoir) areavailable7 daysaweek.TheTastingRoomalso holds aseries of cooking demoscalledInYour Backyard.For moreinformation, call(831) 659-2640. OliveGrove: Holman Ranchhas its own distinctiveolivegrovelocated on asouth facing hillof our vineyard.The groveis comprisedof 100 trees withmultiplecultivars planted.Thesecultivars consistof 25 Frantoio, 25 Leccino, 10 Mission, 25 Coratina, 5 Pendolino,and 10 Picholine, allof which wereoriginallyplantedin 2194 inaCarmelValleyorchardthen replantedatHolman Ranchin 2007.Thesemature olivetrees allowed us to produceoliveoilrightaway.Theyareplanted inshalefor thebestproductionand harvestingresults possible.Weharvestour fruitbyhandin December, which is thenmilled,producing asuperb,high qualityproduct.Although theOliveGroveis notcertifiedorganic, wedoemployorganicpractices whenfarmingour trees. Our mill, however, is certified organic.An interestingfactis thatolivetrees arealternatebearing, whichmeans thatoneyeartheymayproduce650, 375ml bottles worthof oil, whilenextyear theymayproduceonly50, 375mlbottles. Holman Ranch Background: Holman Ranch:WherethePastisAlwaysPresent.Tucked awayintherolling hills of CarmelValley,Californian historicHolmanRanch providesauniqueandmemorablesetting for weddings, specialevents, familygatherings, corporateretreats,and team-buildingevents.With its charminggardens, stunning mountain views andserenity,this privateestateaffords old-world charmwhileprovidingmodern dayconveniences.This stunning Propertyincludesafullyrestoredstonehacienda,overnight guestrooms, vineyards,olivegrove,horsestables and more.www.holmanranch.com

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