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San Diego Down Syndrome needs your used books, cd's and DVD's to help raise funds for our Spring Festival which will celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st 2014.
San Diego Down Syndrome Book Drive Event San Diego Down Syndrome needs your used books, cd's and DVD's to help raise funds for our Spring Festival which will celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st 2014. Lakeside, CA, March 06, 2014 - San Diego Down Syndrome needs your used books, cd's andDVD's to help raise funds for our Spring Festival which will celebrate World Down SyndromeDay on March 21st 2014. Our grand event will be funded by your donations and will be a completely free event for allindividuals with Down Syndrome and their families. Join West Jet, Costco and Mc Donald's insupporting this event. 21 March 2014 marks the 9th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day and each year the voiceof people with Down syndrome, and those who live and work with them, grows louder. But there isstill so much more we can do. For WDSD 2014, SDDS is focusing on: “Health and Wellbeing - Access and Equality for All” All people with Down syndrome have the right to access healthcare when required on an equalbasis with others without discrimination and with proper assessment of the specific health needsof the individual. We will be highlighting that: Having Down syndrome does not make a person unhealthy.Down syndrome is a genetic condition, not an illness. People with Down syndrome may have health issues throughout their lives, just like everyone elseand they should have access to healthcare on an equal basis with others. There are specific known health issues which may affect people with Down syndrome, for whichaccurate, evidence based information is available. Health professionals should be aware of these specific issues when treating a person with Downsyndrome. Health professionals should not discriminate against people with Down syndrome by:refusing to treat them; blaming health issues on Down syndrome in general, or; considering only specific known health issues which may affect people with Down syndrome.
Whatever you plan to do, lets create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusionand well being of people with Down syndrome on 21 March. Contact: John Leslie San Diego Down Syndrome Org.12038 Woodside Ave Ste ALakeside, CA 92040 USA619-708-5636 jleslie@sandiegodownsyndrome.org http://www.donatebookssandiego.com http://www.SanDiegoDownSyndrome.org ###