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Question Asking to Inform Preference Learning: A Case Study

Question Asking to Inform Preference Learning: A Case Study. Melinda Gervasio SRI International Karen Myers SRI International Marie desJardins Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County Fusun Yaman BBN Technologies. AAAI Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents March 2009.

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Question Asking to Inform Preference Learning: A Case Study

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  1. Question Asking to Inform Preference Learning: A Case Study Melinda Gervasio SRI International Karen Myers SRI International Marie desJardins Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County Fusun Yaman BBN Technologies AAAI Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents March 2009

  2. POIROT:Learning from a Single Demonstration Demonstration Trace ((lookupReqmts S42) ((lookupAirport PFAL 300m) ((ORBI 90m BaghdadIntl))) ((setPatientAPOE P1 ORBI )) ((getArrivalTime P1 PFAL ORBI )(1h 3h )) ((setPatientAvailable P1 3h )) ((lookupHospitalLocation HKWC) ((KuwaitCity))) ((lookupAirport KuwaitCity 300m 2) ((OKBK 250m KuwaitIntl))) ((setPatientAPOD P1 OKBK )) ((lookupMission ORBI OKBK 24h 3h )) ((lookupAsset ORBI OKBK 24h 3h ) ((C9-001 15h 2h 10))) ((initializeTentativeMission c9-001 10 ORBI OKBK 15h 2h)) ((getArrivalTime P1 OKBK HKWC 17h) (18h 19h)) … Learning Generalized Problem-solving Knowledge AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  3. Target Workflow Learned Knowledge • Temporal Ordering • Conditional branching • Iterations • Selection Criteria • Method Generalization AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  4. QUAIL:Question Asking to Inform Learning Goal: improve learning performance through system-initiated question asking Approach: • define question catalog to inform learning by demo • develop question models and representations • explore question asking strategies “Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” - Chinese Proverb AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  5. Question Models Question Cost: approximate ‘cognitive burden’ in answering Cost(q) = wF ×FormatCost(q) + wG×GroundednessCost(q) wF + wG = 1 Question Utility: normalize utilities across learners Utility(q) = ∑lL wl × Utilityl(q,l) where ∑ wl = 1 Utilityl(q) = wB × BaseUtilityl(q) + wG × GoalUtilityl(q) wB + wG = 1 AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  6. Question Selection • Given: • questions Q={q1… qn} with costs and utilities • budget B • Problem: find Q'⊆Q with Cost(Q') ≤ B with maximal utility • equivalent to 0/1 knapsack problem (no question dependencies) • efficient dynamic programming approaches – O(nB) AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  7. Authority: Civil Size: Large Authority: Military Size: Small CHARM(Charming Hybrid Adaptive Ranking Model) • Learns lexicographic preference models • There is an order of importance on the attributes • For every attribute there is a preferred value Example: • Airports characterized by Authority (civil, military), Size (small, medium, large) • Preference Model: • A civil airport is preferred to a military one. • Among civil airports, a large airport is preferred to a small airport. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  8. CHARM Learning • Idea: • Keep track of a set of models consistent with data of the form Obj1<Obj2 • A partial order on the attributes and values • The object that is preferred by more models is more preferred • Algorithm for learning the models • Initially assume all attributes and all values are equally important • Loop until nothing changes • Given Obj1<Obj2predict a winner using the current model • If the predicted winner is actually the preferred one then do nothing • Otherwise decrease the importance of the attribute/values that led to the wrong prediction. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  9. Learn From Mistakes • Given training data • (e.g., BWI<DCA) 2) Most important attributes predict a winner 3) Ranks of attributes who voted for the looser updated. AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  10. Learn from Mistakes Given: BWI<Andrews AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  11. Finally • If the model truly is lexicographic then ranks will converge • No convergence => underlying model is not lexicographic. • If training data is consist then will correctly predict all examples Authority: Civil Size: Large Authority: Military Size: Small AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  12. QUAIL+CHARM Case Study Goal: investigate how different question selection strategies impact CHARM preference learning for ordering patients Performance Metric: CHARM's accuracy in predicting pairwise ordering preferences Learning Target: lexicographic preference model for ordering patients defined over a subset of 5 patient attributes • triageCode, woundType, personClass, readyForTransport, LAT Training Input: P1<P2 indicating P1 is at least as preferred as P2 AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  13. Question Types for CHARM • Object ordering: Should Patient1 be handled before Patient2? • Attribute relevance: Is Attr relevant to the ordering? • Attribute ordering: Is Attr1 preferred to Attr2? • Attribute value ordering: For Attr, is Val1 preferred to Val2? • Uniform question cost model AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  14. Experiment Setup • Target preference models generated randomly • Draw on database of 186 patient records • Train on 1 problem; test on 4 problems • Training/test instance: a pairwise preference among 5 patients • 10 runs for each target preference model • 3 handcrafted target models with irrelevant attributes • 5 randomly generated target models over all 5 patient attributes AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  15. Results AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  16. Observations on Results • Question answering is generally useful • Increased number of questions (generally) results in greater performance improvements • Has greater impact when fewer training examples available for learning (i.e., learned model is weaker) • A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing • CHARM’s incorporation of isolated answers can decrease performance • Related questions can lead to significant performance improvement • Being told {Attr1>Attr2, Attr4>Attr5} may not be useful (and may be harmful) • Being told {Attr1>Attr2, Attr2>Attr3} is very useful • Need for more sophisticated models of question utility • Learn the utility models AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  17. Future Directions • Learn utility models through controlled experimentation • Assess the impact of different question types in different settings • Features for learning: • Question attributes, state of learned model, training data, previously asked questions • Expand set of questions, support questions with differing costs • Expand coverage to a broader set of Learners • Continuous model of question asking AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

  18. Related Work • Active Learning: • Focus to date on classification, emphasizing selection of additional training data for a human to label • Interactive Task Learning: • Allen et al.’s work on Learning by Discussion • Blythe’s work on Learning by Being Told AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium: Humans Teaching Agents

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