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Chemistry and Biochemistry Part 11. For Advanced Diploma students of the WEA Hunter Academy of Complementary Health. Chapter 18-19. Integration of metabolism in the whole body + Specialised tissue metabolism. Integration.
Chemistry and BiochemistryPart 11 For Advanced Diploma students of the WEA Hunter Academy of Complementary Health (c) WEA Hunter Academy of Complementary Health. Created by John Radvan. Reproduction or transmission without the express permission of the author is prohibited.
Chapter 18-19 Integration of metabolism in the whole body + Specialised tissue metabolism
Integration • Previously we have discussed catabolic and anabolic pathways – now we look at these in the context of the whole body • Different organs have different needs • Different environments/stressors create different results (eg food vs exercise)
Blood Glucose • Glucose is like ‘fuel’ for cells, so is circulating in the blood • After eating, levels go up, when fasting, levels go down • Levels should be between 4-7mM • Why are hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia problems? Write an answer to this question after reading about them on p218
The Pancreas • Let’s read the section on the pancreas on p218 • What is secreted from the pancreas? • When BG levels are above 5mM, insulin is released • Work with the person next to you to draw an ‘overview’ diagram of how that works. Use p219-220 to help you
Fed vs Fasted • Have a look at Fig 18.6 Parts A and B on p221-222. • This will help you to understand how the body works and utilises different sources depending on what we eat. • It’s really very insightful once you understand it! Think about where things are being deposited and drawn from.
Very mini symposium • Two groups: one will look at the Cori cycle and the other at the glucose-alanine cycle • Nominate one person to report back and explain the diagram in the text relating to each (not in depth, just a general overview)
Private study • Ok, time to do some work. Take some time to read the clinical example on p224 and make yourself some notes. This can be done for homework if need be.
Symposium • Three groups: • Lactose production in the mammary gland • Amino acid neurotransmitters • Hydrochloric acid production When I grow upI wanna doSymposiums!!!