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Audit Advisory Committee. Department of Adult Services, Health and Housing: Public health transition risk (DASHH0083) Red risk. 13 November 2012. What is the risk?.
Audit Advisory Committee Department of Adult Services, Health and Housing: Public health transition risk (DASHH0083) Red risk 13 November 2012
What is the risk? The delivery of key public health functions may be disrupted or weakened during the statutory transfer of those functions from the NHS to the council
What is the impact? • Reduced effectiveness of public health function for Croydon including inability to maintain current service levels and/or disruption to business continuity resulting in risks to the public or legal action • Budget pressures for the council • Decreased performance against public health outcomes • Decreased satisfaction from the customers of the public health function • Loss of key staff and skills
What are the existing controls? • £99k transition funding allocated to Council by Department of Health • Agreement for staff to attend corporate • induction programme, and work underway to agree organisational development support for staff • Appointment of substantive director of • public health • Communications and engagement plan agreed • Consultants appointed to scope process of N3 authorisation
What are the existing controls? • Established JSNA process to inform agreement of joint priorities • Exchange of policies, protocols and procedures completed, including corporate responsibilities, HR, • performance, appraisals and learning & development • Finance returns completed for 10/11 and 12/13. • Memorandum of understanding between PCT and council for public health transition • PH Transition Board in place with governance through Step Change, and work stream groups established to support detailed transition work
What are the existing controls? • Risks and issues registers in place with key risks escalated as appropriate • Transition plan setting out the main elements for transfer including functions, staff TUPE and commissioning contracts for 13/14 and beyond, and key milestones • Work underway to agree joint health and wellbeing strategy by the health and wellbeing board • Workforce elements of the transfer developed in accordance with the principles in the Public Health HR Concordat
How can the risk be improved in the future? • Due diligence report for Council by Zurich identifying key areas of risk and potential mitigation. Reporting to: • PH transition project board 5 November 2012 • Step Change programme board 12 December 2012 • Audit Advisory Committee 22 January 2013
How can the risk be improved in the future? • Information governance arrangements to ensure confidentiality of identifiable information • Completion of NHS Information Governance Toolkit and N3 authorisation to allow access to NHS data • Public health budgets for 2013/14 • Internal accountability and performance monitoring arrangements, including schemes of delegation agreed as appropriate • Identification and resolution of all issues in relation to: facilities, estates and asset registers (including information assets), managing physical move; arrangements for estates, IT and assets
How can the risk be improved in the future? • Detailed plans for critical public health services / programmes, specifically screening programmes; immunisation programmes, drugs and alcohol services, and infection prevention and control • Detailed plans to ensure transfer of commissioning arrangements for mandated services: access to sexual health services; protecting the health of the population; public health advice to NHS commissioners National Child Measurement Programme; NHS health check assessment • Clinical governance arrangements including arrangements for the reporting of serious untoward incidents / incident reporting • MoUs with CCG, NHS Commissioning Board and Public Health England
Future & conclusion • Agreement that all public health procurement will follow council processes from 1 October 2012 • All other shadow arrangements for management of public health functions in place from 1 January 2013 • Full transfer of functions on 1 April 2013