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The Rise of Christianity: Jesus, Messiah, and Controversies

Learn about the beginning of Christianity with Jesus, his teachings, followers, and the controversies that surrounded his claim as the Messiah closely tied to Roman political power and Jewish authority.

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The Rise of Christianity: Jesus, Messiah, and Controversies

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  1. Beginning of Christianity

  2. Romans • Conquered Jewish kingdom of Judah in 63 B.C. • The Jews had been under rule of foreign rulers for centuries • Some Jewish sacred writings promised a Messiah • They disagreed when the Messiah would arrive.

  3. Jesus • Was a Jewish man who followed the teachings of Judaism • The accounts of his life are in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible. • Jesus traveled with his 12 disciples (followers) • Taught parables (stories with a moral)

  4. Parables • Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son and Lost Sheep • He forgave people who broke religious laws, wanted others to live humbly and simply. • His followers declared he was the Messiah the Jewish people were waiting for.

  5. Controversy • Jesus made some enemies in the Roman government and Jewish leaders. • The claim of Jesus being the Messiah threatened Roman political power and authority. Shocked Jewish leaders • Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover

  6. Death • Jesus criticized how the Temple in Jerusalem was being run • This challenged Roman and Jewish authority, he was arrested and sentenced to death • Crucifixion was the form of death sentenced to most people found guilty • Jesus’ body disappeared three days after he died, those who followed him said he resurrected.

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