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Interlocking Brick Suppliers

STUMBELBLOC was established by Andre Esterhuizen as a means to overcome the several prevalent issues that<br>people and companies in the construction industry were facing. With his many years of experience, Esterhuizen<br>began experimenting with building blocks that could be produced at a low cost, as well as be utilised by workers<br>with no previous experience.

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Interlocking Brick Suppliers

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  2. About STUMBELBLOC STUMBELBLOCwasestablishedbyAndreEsterhuizenasameanstoovercometheseveralprevalentissuesthat peopleandcompaniesintheconstructionindustrywerefacing. Withhismanyyearsofexperience, Esterhuizen beganexperimentingwithbuildingblocksthatcouldbeproducedatalowcost, aswellasbeutilisedbyworkers withnopreviousexperience. Finally, afterperfectingthemould, STUMBELBLOChaddevelopedaproductthatnotonlyproducedinterlocking, self-aligning, andself-levellingblocks, butcouldalsobeusedtoproducestructureswithnoexternalenergy source.

  3. Youcansaveoncosts Byutilisingourinterlockingbuilding blocks, younotonlysaveontheactualcost ofbricksversusthemould, butalsoreduce manuallabourcosts, asconstructioncan becompletedinrecordtime. Whyyouneed ourbrickmould Fewtoolsarerequired Whenproducingtheblocksfromthe moulds, onlyashovelandbuilderstrowel arerequired, meaningthatevenanewbie DIYercanutiliseourproduct. Zeroexperienceisrequired Asmentionedpreviously, littletonoskill, training, norpriorexperienceisrequired. Assuch, youcanassistwithreducingthe unemploymentrateinSouthAfrica.

  4. Whatyoucan produceusing ourinterlocking buildingblocks Theblockscanbeusedtoproduceawiderangeof structures, suchasswimmingpools, schools, houses, garages, toilets, ponds, retainingwalls, plumbing applications, cottages, etc.

  5. PhoneNumber 0215511011 ContactUs EmailAddress Wewouldlovetohearfromyou! andre@stumbelbloc.com Website http://stumbelbloc.com/

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