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Mastering Interviewing Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide to Ace Your Job Interviews

This guide covers essential interviewing strategies, types of interviews, questions to ask, non-verbal communication tips, legal interview questions, sample cover letter, and thank-you letter to help you prepare, attend, and succeed in interviews.

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Mastering Interviewing Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide to Ace Your Job Interviews

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Interviewing Strategy Prepare Attend presentations/network Company research Be on time Know interviewer’s name Present copy of resume LISTEN to questions

  2. Interviewing Strategy Non-verbal communication Posture Eye contact Demeanor Distractions Ask questions Be positive

  3. Interviewing Strategy Focus on skills/examples Motivator/initiator Leadership Decision making Communication Analytical Interpersonal (enthusiasm, stress tolerance, flexibility, dependability)

  4. Interviewing Strategy Relax/Smile Write thank you! Prepare 5 things about yourself you want to convey during interview

  5. Types of Interviews Behavioral Examples of past experiences Difficulty may increase Past behavior predicts future Situation Cases – scenarios of day-to-day situations that arise Answers measured against std.s

  6. Types of Interviews Stress Deliberate attempt to unnerve candidate Blunt questions, interruptions Relentless pursuit of a subject Focus it how candidate reacts to stress

  7. Group Work Discuss how to answer questions Get several group members’ input What is the interviewer trying to find out? Share a difficult interview question Discuss how to get rid of “nerves”

  8. Questions to Ask How is the training program structured? Time/format I read that the company is planning expansion into Mexico…could you tell me about those plans and opportunities for international placement? What is the average time it takes to reach _________ position?

  9. Questions to Ask Could you describe the employee evaluation system? How often will I receive a formal evaluation? Is there opportunity to move from one functional area to another if I see an opportunity in which I am interested?

  10. Who Gets Hired? Variables Background/Experience vs. Interviewing Skills How much will one add to the other? Interviewing skills Non-verbal Verbal Knowledge of company and job/career

  11. Who Gets Hired? Prediction Likelihood of offer Likelihood of on-site interview Likelihood of consideration for position Likelihood of student “fitting” with organization

  12. Who Gets Hired? Findings Interviewing skills had a greater influence than background and experience on recruiter’s perceptions Lack of experience can be compensated forby excellent interviewing skills

  13. Who Gets Hired? Findings Excellent background or experience needs to be augmented by interviewing skills

  14. Legal Interview Questions? Have you ever been arrested? No Conviction record, yes, if job related Did you serve in the military? Type of discharge? Discharge, no Military, yes…period of service, rank, training/experience

  15. Legal Interview Questions? Do you have any disabilities? No Can applicant perform essential job functions? Can applicant meet attendance requirements?

  16. Legal Interview Questions? Do you currently use illegal drugs? What illegal drugs have you used in the last six months? Yes, but cannot refer to past drug addiction Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Yes, but not how much applicant drinks or participation in alcohol rehabilitation

  17. Legal Interview Questions? More information? Workforce.com

  18. Cover Letter First Paragraph Reason for letter – use company knowledge Specific position or work type How you learned of company or position

  19. Second Paragraph(Specifics/Value Selling) Why you are interested Academic background match with co./position Specific achievements or unique qualifications Do not repeat resume info.

  20. Third Paragraph(Value Selling) Refer reader to resume Can discuss coursework that helps qualify you

  21. Fourth Paragraph(Appreciation/Action) Indicate desire for personal interview Flexible time/place Repeat phone # Statement or question that encourages response

  22. Thank You Letter Refer to interview date/place and say thank you Express desire to work for company Reiterate qualifications Close with phone # and action

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