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Course Data Programme Meeting: Opportunity to ask questions about Stage2 Implementation Plans

15 Nov 2011 # jiscxcri. Course Data Programme Meeting: Opportunity to ask questions about Stage2 Implementation Plans . Tues 15 th Nov 14:00 - 16:00. Who are we?. Ruth Drysdale JISC e-Learning team Programme manager Lead for Course Data programme Rob Englebright

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Course Data Programme Meeting: Opportunity to ask questions about Stage2 Implementation Plans

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  1. 15 Nov 2011 #jiscxcri Course Data Programme Meeting: Opportunity to ask questions about Stage2 Implementation Plans Tues 15th Nov 14:00 - 16:00
  2. Who are we? Ruth Drysdale JISC e-Learning team Programme manager Lead for Course Data programme Rob Englebright JISC e-Learning team Programme manager Technical lead for Course Data programme Alan Paull Information management consultant Kirstie Coolin eBusiness Analyst
  3. Programme drivers There are 3 main drivers for making it easier for people to find and compare courses: prospective fee paying students want to know more about the academic experience a course will provide and be able to compare this with other courses; better informed students are more likely to choose a course that they will complete, and be more motivated to achieve better results; increased scrutiny by quality assurance agencies and the Government’s requirement for transparency of publicly funded bodies.
  4. Course Data Programme scope The Course Data programme will support the sector to prepare for the increasing demand for course information, and increase the availability of high-quality, accurate information about part-time, online and distance learning opportunities offered by UK institutions teaching HE by: funding institutions to make the process and technical innovations necessary to release a structured, machine-readable feed of their course-related information create a demonstrator aggregator to bring together this course information and enable prospective students to search it.
  5. Programme Outcomes There will be increased usage of appropriate technology to streamline course data processes leading to: More standardised, and therefore comparable, course information in a consistent location making discovery easier. Improved quality and therefore more efficient and effective course data. Increased ease in finding and comparing courses, especially types of courses that are currently hard to find, such as ones delivered by distance learning. Institutions are able to make appropriate and informed decisions about their processes for managing course-related data, leading to a reduced administrative data burden, cost-effective working, and better business intelligence.
  6. Programme structure This differs from other JISC programmes – 2 stages: Stage 1: Review and Planning Sept 2011 – 21 Nov 2011 95 Institutions, 58 Universities 35 Colleges 2 Institutes A list of institutions is on JISC website Stage 2: Implementation Jan 2012 - Mar 2013 Between £40-80,000 each project JISC will select about 80 stage1 implementation plans to go into Stage 2. They will represent a range of states of preparedness. Implementation plan selection criteria same as normal bid.
  7. Stage 1 Stage 1 Deliverables from Review and Planning Projects are invited to use the XCRI Self Assessment Framework to review their processes that manage their course data. This will create a readiness review output. These will be aggregated and thus anonymous to create public baseline measures. A project implementation plan which includes the production of an XCRI-CAP feed with COOL URI for certain types of courses and other proposed work to be carried out in Stage 2 such as how to improve course data flows and processes within the institution to produce feeds for external agencies and to address national initiatives such as KIS and the HEAR Templates for Project Plan, Appendix A. Project Budget, Appendix B. Workpackagesat: www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/projectmanagement.aspx
  8. Stage 2 Implementation Plans Stage 2 Project Implementation Plans Jan 2012 – March 2013 Between £40-80,000 Implementation plans must include the production of a system generated XCRI-CAP feed with a COOL URI of their course provision, especially part time, online/distance, post graduate and CPD. Up to 80 institutions will be selected for Stage 2 on the basis of these plans, to represent a range of states of preparedness. 10 Man days assigned to JISC programme level engagement (eg attending programme meetings and JISC training courses)
  9. Stage 1 Stage 1: JISC Support Project Management http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/projectmanagement.aspx JISC Infonet: promoting good practice, inspiring innovation with infoKits contain a wealth of 'self-help' material, from simple methodologies to manage projects, risks, change and processes. http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/ www.xcri.co.uk forum for adding comments, questions eNewsletter to COURSEDATASTAGE1@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Course Data Programme support team
  10. Stage 2 Implementation Plans Example JISC Bid and Project Plan SHED is a JISC project with a good plan http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning/ltig/shed.aspx
  11. #jiscxcri Any questions?
  12. Implementation plan and Stage 2 deliverables Complete the JISC template Project (implementation) plan and make sure you factor the listed stage 2 deliverables into Appendix B Work plan, and show how the deliverables will emerge from your proposed activities, plus costs in the Appendix A Budget plan Make your work plan as clear as possible Mix of narrative and tables/diagram is usually clearest Include all the requested activities as per grant letter (Web page) and meetings Who’s doing what Who’s your high-level champion, and how will you work with them in practice, project board, steering group, existing committees? Include project management , IPR and risk assessment Make sure it’s understandable and unambiguous to someone outside the planning team
  13. Implementation plan and Stage 2 deliverables Appendix A Budget see eg on www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning/coursedata/stage1.aspx Ask your finance team, and search JISC Home page for other JISC projects your institution has run before, then ask that project team for advice and possibly read your plans for comments If the Hardware/software cost is above 10% of the total project cost, add a comment that your institution contribution will be used to cover this Institutional Contribution – more than 0% , likely about 10-20%, if even higher then project should give better Value For Money , as JISC will infer the institution will have more vested interest in ensuring the success of the project Where to put different Staff time: Basically anyone that is doing significant work on the project and they would not have done this work otherwise, goes in Directly Incurred. Whilst staff who are doing some work for the project but its more of their ‘day job’ type activities, put their time in Directly allocated
  14. Implementation plan and Stage 2 deliverables A ‘reasonable’ number of courses in 1 or more types listed below – but as this depends on institution, no upper or lower number given, but this is a MINIMUM. The more course types and number of each type, the better Types of Courses of interest: Hard to find (FT UG are expected to be easy to find) and therefore compare Short Courses, CPD, 100% Online delivery at a distance (ie Student doesn’t attend institution ) Post Graduate, - does anyone have any other types?
  15. Implementation plan and Stage 2 deliverables No page limit but .... make your work plan clear and concise – what information is going to be useful TO YOU in Jan to really get the project started? OK to use Excel spreadsheet instead of Word Doc for WP Work Packages eg Project Management, Creating the XCRI-Cap feed before March 2013 Process changes to create the xcri-cap, KIS, HEAR or other external feeds Infrastructure changes needed to support new processes
  16. Stage 2 Deliverables Stage 2 Project Management WP include: Any Stage 2 project plan changes by end of Feb Website with regularly-maintained blog or wiki by end of Feb which can be consumed as an RSS feed Interim reports 25th May and 24th Nov Final report Draft 28th Jan, due 10th March 2013 Completion report 28th April 2013 Attending JISC meetings Internal meetings and communication
  17. Stage2 Programme meetings JISC meetings in London and Leeds 10:30-16:00 2012 7th and 8th Feb 20th and 21st June Dev Days 14th and 15th Nov 2013 16th and 17th Jan
  18. Stage2 Online meetings  JISC Online meetings 14:00-16:00 2012 Fri 20th Jan Start-up Fri 30th Mar Fri 18th May Fri 13th July Fri 19h Oct 2013 Fri 15th Feb
  19. Meetings Stage 2: other JISC meetings Assembly meeting – organised by projects around a programme theme of their choosing REQUEST BUDGET UNDER DISSEMINATION Workshops on various approaches and techniques, such as XCRI-CAP, Service Design and Business Intelligence, Enterprise Architecture XCRI-CAP Middlesex University course
  20. How, What, Who, Why, When, Where, Which ... Stage 2 Other Work Packages include: How will the system-generated standard course feed for agreed types and number of courses be created? What other things have you said will be delivered? How will they be created?
  21. Stage 2 selection criteria Fit to programme objectives and overall value to JISC-HE community 25% (see Programme outcomes slide) Quality of work plan 25% (To include production of all deliverables, and project management WP) Engagement with the HE and FE Community 5% (which meetings could you host, present at etc) Value for Money 25% (how will the sector benefit) Previous experience of the project team 20% (name key project team and their RELEVANT experience)
  22. Important dates Deadline for Stage 2 submission: 12:00 noon UK time Monday 21st November 2011 afterwards the computer will say no ... Projects will need to start from Mon 12th January 2012 and end before March 2013 CC-BY h.price@jisc.ac.uk
  23. XCRI SAF Report Deadline for completing XCRI SAF review: 12:00 noon on 21st Nov At 12:00 noon 22nd Nov we’ll take a snapshot of the SAF database (to give a 24 hour grace period) We’re aiming to have the reports ready around 4:00pm 22nd Nov Once they’re ready we’d like to show you the reports (pre-release) for a quick sanity check before we publish them to the live web site Assuming you’re happy with the pre-release reports, we’ll publish them over night/out of hours on the 22nd 9:00am 23rd Nov, baseline reports are available on the XCRI SAF website
  24. XCRI SAF Comments about the XCRI SAF; How useful was it at identifying your ‘AS IS’ state? Were you then able to plan your ‘TO BE’ state? What else might have helped you during Stage1 achieve the desired outputs?
  25. #jiscasess Thank you for participating in Stage 1 of the Course Data programme For any further queries please contact: Ruth Drysdale r.drysdale@jisc.ac.uk Rob Englebright r.englebright@jisc.ac.uk Laura Holloway l.holloawyjisc.ac.uk
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