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Key Information Set (KIS). Aims. Give an overview of the KIS data requirements and common issues Explain the validation and data submission process Cover how KIS will be used Provide opportunity for questions and answers around the KIS requirements. Data requirements. Data model.
Aims • Give an overview of the KIS data requirements and common issues • Explain the validation and data submission process • Cover how KIS will be used • Provide opportunity for questions and answers around the KIS requirements
Institution bed number • INSTBEDS records the number of institution owned/sponsored beds available to undergraduate students… • ....it does not record the number occupied as in the EMS record • It is expected that where institution owned bed spaces exist there will be no more than 15000 for any single institution
Accommodation costs • INSTLOWER and INSTUPPER record the upper and lower quartile annual cost of institution owned beds • PRIVATELOWER and PRIVATEUPPER record the same information but for private sector accommodation • Institutions should include full details within the Institution.ACCOMURL field • Where the institution has multiple campuses in different cities, the quartiles returned should include all campuses • Not required where all courses are distance learning
Defining KIS courses Coverage
Who and what? • Mandatory for all UK institutions… • …covering (FT & PT) undergraduate courses starting within the reporting period i.e. 1 August 2013 and 31 July 2014… • …that can be applied to by Home/EU students
What is a course? • For KIS purposes a course is defined as a programme of study that a student can apply to either through UCAS or directly to the institution • Thus, if students can apply separately to courses in Physics, Chemistry and Biology each would require a separate KIS, whereas if students could only apply to a course in Science and later choose to specialise, then only a single KIS needs to be produced. • If a student can apply for either MEng and BEng then two separate KIS are needed. If all apply for MEng with a possibility of leaving with a BEng then only one KIS is needed • Separate KIS must be produced for two presentations of a course if the fees differ
Defining Undergraduate courses • For the purpose of KIS, undergraduate courses are defined as: • Course.COURSEAIM beginning H, I, J and C, and integrated masters courses M22 and M26 • LAD/LARA are those with a Learning Aim Type of 0031, 0032, 0394, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 9000, 9002, 9107, E007, 1449, 9110, 9111 or 9112
Courses not included • Courses where the total FTE of the course is one year or less when studied full-time (i.e.120 credits or less for its entirety) • Closed courses (as defined in Course.CLSDCRS) - courses that are not open to any suitably qualified candidate and will typically be courses offered only to employees of particular organisations • Courses offered mainly overseas with a location of study mainly overseas, which the funding body has not specifically sanctioned as eligible for funding. A course is considered to be offered mainly overseas if, for all students, the majority (over 50%) of their study is overseas. • Intercalated degrees • Part-time courses that are also offered on a full-time basis and a KIS is produced for the full-time course
Defining KIS courses Data requirements
Determining KIS types • There are three types of KIS records that can be returned… • …and depending on the course and its attributes will depend on which type is used • The three types are: • KISTYPE 1 - Full course level KIS • KISTYPE 2 - Multiple subject course placeholder KIS • KISTYPE 3 - Subject level KIS
KISTYPE 1 • KISTYPE 1s are full KIS records required for specific courses: • All single subject courses (those with only one JACS code) regardless of intake size • All multiple subject courses (those with more than one JACS code) where the intake size is greater than 20 students • All teacher training courses (KISCourse.TTCID = 1 or 2) regardless of the number of JACS codes or intake size
KISTYPE 1 • In addition to those courses that require a full KIS, institutions may choose to produce a full KIS for multiple subject courses with intakes of fewer than 15 students… • …however only where the course is marketed and managed as a single indivisible entity (and thus have a single programme specification) • For example ‘BA in Finance and Accounting’
KISTYPE 2 • KISTYPE 2s are 'placeholders' for multiple subject courses for which a KISTYPE 1 record is not required i.e. the intake size is less than 20 students and/or the multiple subject course is not treated as one course • Each KISTYPE 2 KIS record can be linked to up to three KISTYPE 1 or three KISTYPE 3 KIS records but not a mixture of both types… • …this is to avoid misleading students with data from different levels
KISTYPE 3 • KISTYPE 3 records provide information about a subject that forms part of a multiple subject course for which no KISTYPE 1 can be produced • Subject level KIS should be produced for every JACS level 2 subject that is included within a multiple subject course except where a KISTYPE 1 KIS exists for each of the subjects that make up the multiple subject course
Example • Poppleton University offer a joint honours French and Music course with an intake of only 10 students and therefore completes a KISTYPE 2 KIS record. Poppleton offers a single honours French course (KISTYPE 1 KIS record) but does not offer a single honours Music course. The institution will therefore have to link the KISTYPE 2 course to KISTYPE 3 records as there are not the corresponding KISTYPE 1 records
KISCOURSEID • Records a unique identifier for the KIS course • The field will be used by the KIS widget to identify the course to which the widget relates… • …and also links KISTYPE 2s to KISTYPE 3s • Institutions are advised not to update this field annually as this would require an annual update to all widget links • Care should be taken around KISCOURSEID and other course Ids within systems
URLs • It is the institutions responsibility to ensure that urls provided within KIS remain active and relevant through the reporting year • Only the structure will be checked by validation • A Welsh url is available for each where the institution is in Wales • Can we add multiple course URLs for a type 2 KIS? • Institutions should provide a link to a generic page. Maximum occurrences for this field, including KISTYPE 2, is set at 1
Defining KIS courses Accreditation
Recording accreditation • Any one KIS can have up to 10 accreditations • For each accreditation a type, accrediting body, whether it is an option a student elects, and urls providing further information
ACCTYPE • The field is required for accreditations where the student gains something and where they do not • Should provide a short textual description of the type of accreditation (as used by the body’s website) • Chartered, Membership, Fellowship • Where provided, the 30 character word will be inserted into a sentence…
Accreditation sentence • “This course is recognised by YYYY for the purposes of XXXX” • Where XXXX equals accreditation type and YYYY equals accreditation body • What do institutions think of this rewording? • Can institutions support an increase in character length for ACCTYPE?
ACCBODYID • This field must exist for all accreditations • Records the body providing accreditation to the course • Where accreditation is at the institution level as opposed to the course level, all KIS courses will need the accreditation recorded • Coding frame to be expanded in March release
ACCDEPEND • Records whether accreditation is dependent on student choice… • …for example does a very particular pattern of modules have to be followed in order to gain accreditation • The ACCDEPENDURL field will record further details about the dependency of choice (i.e. what modules must be selected to gain accreditation) where ACCDEPEND=1 • Important information so that students are aware where a course is heavily constrained
Defining KIS courses Employability and student satisfaction data
DLHE and NSS data • Some of the most significant data items (information on employability and student satisfaction) on the KIS are generated through linking with the HESA Student record and ILR • Where a corresponding course record exists on the HESA record or ILR the KIS should be linked to this using the HESACOURSEID or ILRAIMID fields • Only KISTYPE 1s can be linked to a HESA or ILR course KIS courses can be linked to up to 500 courses on the HESA Student or 25 on the ILR… • …to take into account where there are multiple occurrences of the same course
However… • Institutions should not link a single KIS course to multiple different HESA or ILR courses • For example, Poppleton University offers a BA History as well as a BA History with French. A KIS record is therefore produced for both • The KIS course for BA History should only be linked to the BA History and not to BA History with French as well • This is to avoid customised aggregation
HESACourse fields • HESACourse.HESACOURSEID • Field must exist once but only once within the entity and must contain a valid Course.COURSEID from the HESA Student Record • Validation will check that the HESACourse.HESACOURSEID recorded in this field exists in the C09051 and C10051 Student record • HESACourse.HESAYEAR • Field must exist once but only once within the entity and records the year the HESACOURSEID relates to • HESAYEAR can be completed with 'BOTH', or '2010', but not '2009' alone
ILRAims fields • ILRAims.ILRAIMID • Field must exist once but only once within the entity and must contain the qualification aim reference code used in the year • ILRAims.ILRYEAR • Field must exist once but only once within the entity and indicates which year the ILR qualification reference code relates to • The ILRAims entity for a ILRAim can contain ILRYEARs with 'BOTH', or '2010', but not '2009' alone • If ILRAims.ILRYEAR = Both then the same ILRAIMID must exist in both the 2009/10 and 2010/11 ILR
Linking issues • Exception validation will ensure that the HESACOURSEID or ILRAIMID exists on the HESA record or ILR • Where no link can be made, institutions will fail validation… meaning the ID will need to be revised or additional fields completed • What if we have recently changed our course identifiers on HESA or ILR? • Where a link to course information on HESA or ILR can be made (i.e. the course existed) then HESACOURSEID or ILRAIMID on KIS should contain the values returned on HESA or ILR in 2009 and/or 2010
Course ID changes example • Poppleton University run a course that has been returned on HESA Student record for the last 3 years • However, the institution in 2010 changed the COURSEID from BAHIS1 to BAH • (Providing the COURSEID does not change again), in the future BOTH can be returned in HESAYEAR
What is a professional or managerial job for KIS? • Graduate jobs within KIS are defined through the DLHE record as: • An employed destination i.e. (full-time, part-time, self-employed/freelance)… • …where the activity has been coded within SOC major groups 1-3 • A preview of this data is available within DLHE check documentation
Thresholds for DLHE/NSS • The publication thresholds for the NSS are that 50% of the eligible students must have responded and that these must represent at least 23 students • The publication thresholds for the DLHE differ in that the number of students covered by the indicator must be at least 23 (a 50% threshold is not applied) • However, for salary information, at least 50% of the students who are employed full-time. Thus, for salary data to be published at least 23 students who are employed full-time must have given a salary and these must represent at least 50% of the students employed full-time
Aggregating DLHE/NSS data • Where NSS and DLHE data for a particular course fail to meet the publication thresholds then data will be aggregated in the following order until data that meet the thresholds are achieved: • Course level most recent two years • JACS subject level 3 most recent year • JACS subject level 3 most recent two years • JACS subject level 2 most recent year • JACS subject level 2 most recent two years • JACS subject level 1 most recent year • JACS subject level 1 most recent two years
Example • Poppleton University offer a BA (Hons) Medieval History • 24 out of 50 students from the course responded to the NSS in 2009/10 and 2010/11 • 25 out of 60 leavers from the course completed a DLHE survey and were in FT employment (of which 10 gave salary information)
DLHE/NSS for new courses • Where a course is new or a link to a HESA or ILR course cannot be made, institutions must complete the following fields… • JACS • LEVEL • PTONLY • TTCID • …allowing a link to be made to existing DLHE/NSS data meeting the criteria
Defining KIS courses Fee information and UCAS
UCAS information • Where the KIS course recruits through UCAS the following fields will need to be completed: • UCASPROGID (the programme code) • UCASCOURSEID (the code for the specific course within the programme - only need to be given where different courses within the same UCAS programme will have a separate KIS produced)
Fees for UCAS courses • Where a UCASPROGID has been returned, the fee information for the course will automatically be populated in the KIS • Institutions should ensure that the UCASPROGIDs are consistent with those held at UCAS • Institutions are required to provide course-level fee information to UCAS • Submitted via manual process using UCAS Net.update from May until July
Fee information • The following fields will be populated automatically where UCASPROGID exists: • ENGFEE/NIFEE/SCOTFEE/WAFEE – records the average maximum annual fee for the course • MEASSUP – records whether means tested support available • OTHSUP – records whether non-means tested support available • WAIVER – records whether fee waivers are available • VARFEE – records whether the fee varies by year • FEETBC – records whether fees are yet to be confirmed
Non-UCAS courses • For courses that do not recruit through UCAS the fee information should be provided directly on the KIS record… • …populating all of the relevant fee fields • Institutions should record only record FEETBC as 1 ‘Fees confirmed’ where fees for all domiciles are confirmed • Validation will ensure fee information for each devolved administration does not exist where FEETBC=0
Fees • All fees displayed on KIS will be for standard full-time study (except where a course is offered part-time only)… • …thus if the fees differ only on variations to mode of study there is no requirement to return separate KIS’ • This is even the case where a course is offered predominantly through a part-time mode e.g. 200 part-time enrolments, 3 full-time. In such cases it will still be the full-time fee returned