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E&P Cooperation in Uzbekistan. 1. Introduction & Role of KNOC. 2. Ov erseas E&P Activities. 3. E&P Cooperation in Uzbekistan. INTRODUCTION & ROLE OF KNOC. KNOC’s Establishment Background.
1.Introduction & Role of KNOC 2. Overseas E&P Activities 3. E&P Cooperation in Uzbekistan
KNOC’s Establishment Background Two oil shocks of the 70’s → the awareness of the need of ensure petroleum supply security Enacted Korea Petroleum Development ACT in 1978 Established Korea National Oil Corporation. (KNOC) in 1979 - The State-Owned Company(100%)
Improving Petroleum Distribution Infra-structure Financing & Technical Support Stockpiling Petroleum Domestic & Overseas E&P Role of KNOC Contributing to the Korean Economy Stabilizing Petroleum Supply
USA china Japan Germany Russia India Korea Consume Import Energy Situation of Korea Dependency on oil & gas import : almost 100% 20.6 World 7th Consumer 13.3 World 5th Importer 6.9 5.3 5.3 3.2 2.2 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.3 1.7 (Unit : MMb/d)
E&P Policy of Korea Korean government established mid and long term target of E&P Business - Overseas Oil Producing Amount equivalent to 18% of oil imports by 2012 and 28% by 2016 in overseas oil fields
KNOC’s Strategic Plan Encourage joint project in the field of oil development with related industry - Link energy infrastructure (electricity, plant) with oil development Strengthen Energy Corporation - Continuous cooperation with oil-rich countries including Central Asia Increase Financing and developing human resources - Launching overseas E&P fund to attract private investors Develop non-conventional oil & new technologies - Oil sand, GTL, etc. Bring up KNOC as the world-wide leading E&P company
Present Status of Overseas Projects [As of March, 2008]
Wabamun 미국 캐나다 캐나다 캡 틴 Karpovsky Blackgold 러시아 노르웨이 영국 핀란드 Enchant 카자흐스탄 캐나다 Harley 캐나다 스웨덴 ADA 3/27a 13/22d 캐나다 캐나다 카자흐스탄 카자흐스탄 영국 영국 Carson Creek Tigil 캐나다 West Bozoba Sarkramabas 8/25a Egizkara 러시아 영국 카자흐스탄 내몽고유전 OBED 영국 카자흐스탄 카자흐스탄 Border 폴란드 Icha 9/11c 중국 캐나다 Block 8 캐나다 독일 잠빌 러시아 영국 카자흐스탄 카자흐스탄 카자흐스탄 카자흐스탄 우크라이나 9/2b 서캄차카 프랑스 Williston 아랄해 아랄해 러시아 영국 미국 Maddox 흑해 미국 우즈벡 마황산서 포르투칼 미 국 이탈리아 우즈베키스탄 Miscellaneous 중국 카스피해 투르크메니스탄 터키 그리스 이사우에네 미국 South Clayton 알제리 지 해 이란 아프카니스탄 P. S. Silk 중 중국 이라크 미국 자파라나 Leases Offshore 모로코 A-3 미국 Ras Laffan 이집트 미국 미얀마 알제리 카타르 카타르 15-1 Iberia North 리비아 이집트 부카 S/Muncaster 인도 베트남 A-1 미국 미국 사우디 North Ibex 홍 오만 미국 해 Elephant 모리타니 11-2 멕시코 미얀마 미국 오만 Sour Lake 말리 리비아 베트남 오나도 수단 미국 NEM 2 육상 니제르 차드 BMC-30 Caliente 텍사스 베네수엘라 16 인도네시아 CH 0307 태국 브라질 브라질 미국 CI-11 베냉 예멘 필리핀 미 국 NEM 1 나이지리아 해상 코트디브아르 BMC-32 AREA C 콜롬비아 인도네시 마리브가스 캄보디아 CI-01 브라질 적도기니 예 멘 8 에콰돌 코트디브아르 AREA D 워캄 70 BMC-8 페루 인도네시아 방코 인도네시아 적도기니 예멘 56 브라질 브라질 인도네시아 탄자니아 페루 앙골라 SES 321 페루 Camisea 팔마델오라또리오 팔마델오라또리오 팔마델오라또리오 팔마델오라또리오 인도네시아 / 동티모르호주 나이지리아 페루 볼리비아 볼리비아 볼리비아 볼리비아 모잠비크 JPDA 06-102 WA278P 323 나미비아 마다가스카르 폴랭 팔마 호 주 나이지리아 인도네시아 볼리비아 서마두라 인도네시아 호주 라브레아 Majunga 남아프리카공화국 아르헨티나 마다가스카르 엘 비날라르 아르헨티나 아르헨티나 아르헨티나 (36) Vic P56 생산사업 칠레 AAB 아르헨티나 호주 아르헨티나 RMO (13) 개발사업 개발사업 아르헨티나 탐사사업 (88) Present Status of Overseas Projects 137 Projects in 35 Countries
Strategic Core Area of KNOC Northeastern Asia Central Asia America M .East Southeastern Asia Africa
Joint-Operation : 8 Global E&P Activities of KNOC Production : 10 Development: 3 Exploration : 26 Operation : 14 Kazakhstan-Zhambyl Kazakhstan-Egizkara UK Captain Kazakhstan ADA North Sea 13/22d Canada Black Gold Kazakhstan S.Karvovsky Russia Tigil Uzbekistan-Aral Sea China Mahwangsan West Russia Icha Russia West Kamchatka Azerbaijan Inam U.S.A. Leases Offshore Texas Libya Elephant Iraq KRG Bazian U.S.A. Diamond Vietnam 15-1 Yemen LNG U.S.A. Emerald Vietnam 11-2 U.S.A. Platinum U.S.A.Taylor Yemen 70 U.S.A. Gold Yemen 16 Indonesia SES Peru 115 Yemen 39 Indonesia Wokam Congo M’Boundi Yemen 4 Development Indonesia NEM Ⅰ Peru 8 Yemen 4 Exploration Indonesia NEM Ⅱ Venezuela Onado Nigeria 323 Nigeria 321 [As of March, 2008]
KNOC’s Operator Projects * E: Exploration Block, D : Development Block, P :Production Block
Uzbekistan - Aral sea : ’06.8. PSA - Namangan, Chust : Under Negotiation of Exploration Agreement Inam Namangan Chust KNOC’s Central Asia Projects Location S. Karapovsky Egizkara Kazakhstan ADA Zhambyl Aral Sea - Zhambyl : Participation March 2005 - ADA : Development Block - Egizkara / S. Karpovsky : Exploration Block Azerbaijan - Inam : Participation July 2007
E&P Investment of Korea in Uzbekistan Projects under Exploration Activity Contracted or to be contracted Projects
Aral Sea (KNOC) Koskudyk / Ashibulak (DAWOO) Namangan / Chust (KNOC) Uzunkui (KOGAS) 18
Prospects for Investment of Existing Projects Projects under Exploration Activity More Possibility for Hydrocarbon Reserves Discovery with large reservoir volume Contracted or to be contracted Projects Likely to discover small and medium size Reserves Continuous Investment - Background E&P Cooperation with UZ is relatively smaller than other industries Bridgehead Projects for further investment in Uzbekistan in the consideration of the Korea-Uzbekistan Strategic Partnership
Enhanced E&P Cooperation for Mutual Benefit KNOC Uzbekistan Grand-scale Investment Prospecting Blocks (Exp./Dev./Production) Acvanced Technology Improved investment Climate Efficient Management
Enhanced E&P Cooperation for Mutual Benefit Bilateral Cooperation in E&P Sector will be continued based on the Strategic Partnership between Korea and Uzbekistan “A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” - Korean E&P Investment just started, but will be continuous and enlarged All concluded E&P investment will be executed with faithfulness, in order to establish the Energy Cooperation. The cooperation could be extended into large scale-prospective Exploration blocks, as well as Developing and Producing field in long-term basis
Recommendation for enhancement of E&P Cooperation between Korea and Uzbekistan Periodical Management or Working Level Meetings between National Oil Companies of both countries (UNG and KNOC) - Provide more chances to understand situation and ideas of two parties for further close cooperation Keep Regular frequency of Uzbekistan-Korea Joint Committee on Natural Resources and other government level meetings for more effective cooperation in E&P Sector
Thank you for your attention !! KNOC has grown successfully for more than a quarter century due to our great efforts. NOW is the right time to be a global oil company.