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DG EAC. International cooperation in Higher Education Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, External Cooperation Window. At European level, education is not the subject of a « common European policy » : competence for the content and the organisation of studies remains at national level
DG EAC International cooperation in Higher Education Tempus,Erasmus Mundus,External Cooperation Window
At European level, education is not the subject of a « common European policy » : competence for the content and the organisation of studies remains at national level • The European Commission has a complementary role to play: to add a European dimension to education, help to develop quality education and encourage life-long learning • The Commission works with Member States and the higher education sector to help implement national reforms, through the Open Method of Coordination (clusters, peer learning, own initiatives and programmes, support to others) EU Higher Education modernisation agenda (I)
The higher education policy of the European Commission aims at: • reforming higher education systems, • making them more coherent, more flexible, • and more responsive to the needs of society. • European universities must face the challenges of globalisation, and reforms that are needed to release their full potential to help create more growth and jobs and make Europe's knowledge-based society a reality (Lisbon Strategy). EU Higher Education modernisation agenda (II)
Together with the Member States, the European Commission is pursuing three main areas for reform in higher education: • Curricular reform: The three cycle system, competence based learning, flexible learning paths, recognition, mobility • Funding reform: Diversified university income, tuition fees, grants and loans • Governance reform: University autonomy, strategic partnerships, quality assurance EU Higher Education modernisation agenda (III)
Bologna objective: • To make European Higher Education more compatible and comparable, more competitive and more attractive for European citizens and for citizens and scholars from other continents. • A major effort should be made to achieve the core Bologna reforms by 2010: • comparable qualifications (short cycle, bachelor, master, doctorate); • flexible, modernised curricula at all levels, and • trustworthy quality assurance systems The EU HE modernisation agenda covers the Bologna Process
The EU seeks to promote its internal policies through three external programmes for higher education cooperation: • TEMPUS: contributes to establishing an area of cooperation and modernisation in higher education between the European Union and the partner countries in the surrounding area, including Central Asia • ERASMUS MUNDUS: strengthens European co-operation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality European Masters Courses, • ERASMUS MUNDUS/ External Cooperation Window: funds student and academic staff exchanges EU Higher Education modernisation agenda: external cooperation
Objective: to establish an area of cooperation and modernisation in higher education between the European Union and the partner countries in the surrounding area, including Central Asia • Geographical coverage: 27 partner countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and Central Asia • Programme focusing on institutional cooperation • Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals complemented by structural measures targeting higher education systems • Tempus IV Basic features (I)
Strong involvement of national authorities in the definition of priorities and selection of projects • Programme supported by a network of National Contact Points in EU Member States and National Tempus Offices in partner countries • Tempus IV Basic features (II)
Tempus IV finances two types of projects through calls for proposals • Joint Projects • Structural Measures • And one type of project through tenders/ framework contracts • Accompanying Measures • Tempus IV Basic features (III)
Joint Projects implemented at institutional level can do the following: 1- Curricular reform: • adapt, modernise and restructure existing curricula with a focus on content, structure, teaching methods and the use of new teaching materials. • establish study programmes with a double or multiple degree or a joint degree; • establish links with the labour market. Tempus IV Joint Projects (I)
2- Governance reform: • modernise the capacity, management and governance of higher education institutions • promote a quality assurance culture • Tempus IV Joint Projects (II)
3- Higher education and society: • strengthen the role of higher education institutions in society at large • address the "knowledge triangle" of education, research and innovation (project must not focus on research) • encourage links between higher education institutions and the labour market • 4- Thematic networks: • facilitate the enlargement of "Thematic Networks" created under Socrates-Erasmus and the extension of their activities in partner countries • Tempus IV Joint Projects (III)
Projects implemented at national level for the development and reform of the national higher education structures and systems in the partner countries: 1- Governance reform (licensing, accreditation, qualification frameworks, quality assurance, autonomy…) 2- Higher education and society (links between different sectors of education, with the world of work, capacity building for public administration…) Tempus IV Structural Measures
Eastern Europe: € 24 million (incl. 10 for Russia) • Mediterranean region: € 14 million • Western Balkans: € 19,55 million (Serbia: 7 – Fyrom: • 3.5 – Croatia: 3 – BiH: 2,4 – Kosovo: 1.8 – Albania: • 1.05 – Montenegro: 0.8 • Central Asia: € 5 million – 1 M€ per country • Tempus IV Budget for the 2007 call
Both for Joint Projects and Structural Projects • From € 500,000 to € 1,500,000 • Minimum grant size for countries with annual budgets below • € 1 million: € 300,000 (Albania, Montenegro, Central Asia) • Project duration: from 24 to 36 months • Tempus IV Grant size and project duration
No longer a “Guide for Applicants” with four parts but one call for proposals with annexes • Guidance to fill in the application form (Part 4 of former Guide for Applicants) is now integrated into the application form • No more Individual Mobility Grants • No more Complementary Measures • Larger projects with more partners (small projects targeting one university will not be funded anymore) Increase of grant size • Introduction of a new type of Structural Measures for Ministries of Education only (direct grants – not subject of the call for proposals) • Tempus IV New elements (I)
Programme-wide and national priorities are compulsory • New partner country: Israel • Participation on self-financing basis: Turkey and EFTA countries only • EU applicantsmust have adhered to the Erasmus University Charter • Universities in Partner Countries can act as grant applicants • Involvement of non academic partners is encouraged • Teacher and student organisations can be involved as partners and applicants • Involvement of students or their organisations throughout the project life is encouraged • Tempus IV New elements (II)
No threshold for staff costs anymore: proof of cost- effectiveness instead • Student mobility: maximum 3 months to avoid overlap with Erasmus Mundus/ECW(mobility must be recognised) • More emphasis on dissemination and sustainability • Programme centrally managed by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture in Brussels under the leadership of the European Commission • Executive Agency responsible for entire project cycle including contracts and payments • Tempus IV New elements (III)
Conditions for non-eligibility have been reinforced: • legal entities which have managed a Tempus project in the past two years which has been terminated by the Commission may not apply for a grant; • proposals which are obviously "copied" and just include different partners and another partner country are not eligible. • Tempus IV New elements (IV)
Strict adherence to national priorities for national projects • Programme-wide priorities and project types are defined around the EU higher education modernisation agenda (3 blocks) • National priorities defined by the Ministries of Education (selected from the programme-wide priorities) both for Joint Projects and Structural Measures • Re Curricular development for Joint Projects, specific academic disciplines were identified • Tempus IV Programme priorities (I)
Block 1: Curricular reform • Introduction of the three cycle system • ECTS and recognition of degrees • Modernisation of curricula (+national priorities for academic disciplines) • Tempus IV Programme priorities (II)
Block 2: Governance reform • University management and services for students • Introduction of quality assurance • Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability • Equal and transparent access to higher education • Development of international relations • Tempus IV Programme priorities (III)
Block 3: Higher education and society • Training of non-univerity teachers • Development of partnerships with enterprises • Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation • Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) • Development of lifelong in society at large • Qualification frameworks • Tempus IV Programme priorities (IV)
Jan. 08: Publication of first call for proposals + application form in EN, FR, DE • April 2008: Deadline for the submission of proposals • June – July 2008: Evaluation procedure • Aug – Sept 2008: Consultation procedure • October 2008: Selection panel • November 2008: Publication of results (approx 80 projects funded) • December 2008: Contracting and pre-financing • Tempus IV Timetable
Quality and feasibility of proposals • evaluated by independent academic experts • Technical and financial evaluation • independent academic experts • Consultation of national authorities, EC Delegations, National Tempus Offices • Results of the evaluation procedure final ranking, grant award decision • Tempus IV Evaluation procedure
Involve a representative number of higher education institutions from a partner country • Involve non-academic consortium members • Promote interregional cooperation activities • Demonstrate that they actively involve students or their organisations • Demonstrate a strong institutional and individual capacity building process • Demonstrate a wider impact on higher education institutions and systems • Tempus IV Priority given to proposals that:
At least two higher education institutions, each from a different • EU Member State • At least one academic or non-academic partner from a third EU Member State (new) • At least three higher education institutions from the partner country (in the case of Montenegro, Kosovo and FYROM one institution is sufficient) • Tempus IV Eligible partnerships fornationalprojects
At least two higher education institutions, each from a different EU Member State • At least one academic or non-academic partner from a third • EU Member State (new) • At least one higher education institution from each partner country • Tempus IV Eligible partnerships for multi-country projects
State-recognised higher education institutions from the EU and the partner countries • Associations and networks of higher education insitutions • Public authorities (ministries or national/regional administrations) • National and international rector, teacher and student organisations • Non-governmental organisations • Social partner and their training organisations • Private and public enterprises • Tempus IV Eligible partners
Must prove their operational capacity: CVs of project team and list of projects already undertaken in the relevant field • Must prove their financial capacity: profit and loss accounts of the last three years (public bodies are excepted from this proof) • Tempus IV Applicants
At least 5 % co-financing • Eligible costs: • Staff costs (no more ceiling) for academic and admin staff • Travel and subsistence • Equipment (max. 30%) and supplies • Printing and publishing • 7% administrative costs • Tempus IV Eligible costs for Joint Projects and Structural Measures
Surveys and studies • Policy and expert advice; • Organisation of conferences, seminars, workshops, round tables • Staff training on policy issues • Awareness raising campaigns • The Ministry of Education must • Directly participate in the project, or • Formally endorse the projects’ objectives and activities • Tempus IV Eligible activities for Structural Projects
Direct support to the Ministries of Education to promote higher education reforms • Accompanying Measures • Funded through calls for proposals, calls for tender or framework contracts • Dissemination and information activities such as thematic conferences, studies • Tempus IV Two other types of actions under Tempus IV
103 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses • 6,000 grants for incoming third-country students • 1,000 grants for incoming third-country academics • 50 Partnerships • 4,000 grants for outgoing EU-students • 800 grants for outgoing EU-scholars • 50 attractiveness projects • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS First Phase 2004-2008: main outputs
The programme is a success and should be continued • Unanimous messages across all consultations Main changes resquested: • Increase scholarships for EU students • Include joint doctoral programmes • Better serve the needs of third-country universities, an include them in joint programmes • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Message received from evaluation
Enhance the quality of European higher education • Promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures through cooperation with third countries • Promote EU external policy objectives and the sustainable development of higher education in third countries • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS II: 2009-2013 Objectives
Action 1: Erasmus Mundus joint masters and joint doctoral programmes of outstanding academic quality, including a scholarship scheme • Action 2: Partnerships between EU and third country HEI in specific regions as a basis for structural co-operation and mobility at all levels of higher education • Action 3: Measures to enhance the attractiveness of the EU as an education destination • Technical support measures (Executive Agency, studies, experts, etc) • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Three actions
Joint integrated masters programmes (expected output = 150) • Offered by HEIs in at least three EU countries • HEIs in third countries may participate (new!) • Joint admission, selection and exam criteria • Obligatory mobility • Award of double, multiple or joint degrees • Joint degrees are given priority (new!) • Selected for five years • Increased weight on quality assurance and monitoring (new!) • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1: Masters
Joint integrated doctoral programmes (new!) (excepted output = 35) • Same features as joint masters programmes plus: • Focus on inter-disciplinarity and innovation • Participation of industry, research centres etc • « Co-tutelle » for thesis • Possibility of a preparatory year • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1: Doctoral studies
Scholarship scheme linked to joint programmes (students and scholars must apply for schalarships to selected consortia) • Full-study scholarships for students at master level - 2-year scholarships • Full-study scholarships for students at doctorate level (new!) - 3-year scholarships • Short-term scholarships for academics at master / doctorate level - 3 months to teach or do research • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1: Scholarships
Continuation of present « External Cooperation Window » • Scholarships for scholars and students • 1st Call in 2006 = 9 Lots (neighbours, Mediterranean area, Central Asia), 9 projects • 2nd Call in 2007 = 12 Lots (+ Balkans, Asia, ACP, Latin America) • Large partnerships between EU and third countries’ universities in specific regions • Erasmus-style cooperation mechanisms, tranfer of know-how • Priorities defined by the third countries concerned • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2: partnerships (new!)
Scholarship scheme linked to partnerships (new!) • Scholarships for third countries and EU nationals of varying length (3 months to 3 years) • Scholarships for bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students and HE staff (training, teaching, research) • Mobility not linked to specific programmes • Use of Erasmus mobility features and instruments • Special attention paid to socio-economically disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation • Anti brain drain measures • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2: partnerships (new!)
Projects to enhance the attractiveness of EU HE in the world • Enhance the attractiveness, profile, image, visibility and accessibility of EU universities • Projects relating to the international dimension of HE (promotion, QA, credit recognition, mutual recognition of qualifications, curriculum development, mobility, quality of services …) • Promotion of the programme and its outputs • Grants to National Structures for information and dissemination activities (new!) • Conference, seminars, workshops, studies, analyses, pilot projects, prizes, international networks, • Public / private bodies active in HE (Eu and non-EU) • Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 3: enhance attractiveness
For Erasmus Mundus II: • Publication of 1st call for proposals Erasmus Mundus II: late 2008 for courses starting in the academic year 2009/2010 • Remaining deadlines under Erasmus Mundus I: • Action 2 (scholarships): deadlines set by Masters Courses (normally January), selection May 2008, start academic year 2008/09 • Action 4 (partnerships): deadline May 2008, selection October 2008, start November 2008 • Erasmus Mundus Implementation calendar
Complementarity with Tempus • National priorities defined by Ministries • Mobility programme for students and academic-staff • New action launched in 2006 with a budget of 36 M€ for the first call • 1st call: 87 applications received, 9 selected, 1800 students and academic staff • Grants awarded between EUR 1 M and EUR 6 M • Study level: Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral level • External cooperation window ERASMUS MUNDUS EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW
Projects composed of two parts: • Partnership activities for the organisation of mobilities • Quality support measures for students and academic staff • Enhancement of international cooperation capacities • Academic recognition of study periods abroad • Transparent selection mechanisms • Visibility and communication strategy • 2) Implementation of individual mobilities for students and academic staff • External cooperation window ERASMUS MUNDUS EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW
Budget for the 2007 call: M€ 100,3 (41,5 present lots – 58,8 new lots) Geographical coverage for the 2007 call for proposals (12 lots in 2007): • Central & Eastern Europe + Russia ) M€ 33,5 – 1225 mobilities • Mediterranean countries ) • Asia regional: M€ 20 – 655 mobilities • India: M€ 9,6 – 320 mobilities • Central Asia: M€ 5 – 160 mobilities • Yemen, Iran, Irak: M€ 3 – 110 mobilities • Latin America: Brazil (M€ 9.3), Chile (M€ 5), Mexico (M€ 4) • Africa, Caribbean and Pacific: M€ 5 – 155 mobilities • Western Balkans: M€ 6 – 300 mobilities External cooperation window ERASMUS MUNDUS EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW