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CAS CREATIVITY ACTION SERVICE. IB Diploma Programme Hexagon. WHY CAS?. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING HAS THE POTENTIAL TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! besides… „…if you believe in something, you must not just think or talk or write, but must ACT .” Peterson (2003). Nature of CAS. Creativity:

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  2. IB Diploma Programme Hexagon

  3. WHY CAS? EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING HAS THE POTENTIAL TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! besides… „…if you believe in something, you must not just think or talk or write, but must ACT.” Peterson (2003)

  4. Nature of CAS • Creativity: • arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinking. • Action: • physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle • Service: • an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the student.

  5. Creativity Arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinkinglike the design and carrying out of service projects. Examples: • Speech and debate • Model United Nations • Writing for schoolmagazine • Designing a CAS website • New Horizons in Film Education • Comenius Project products • Theatre performance • Art club • Photography club • Painting • Choir • Rock band • -

  6. Action Physicalexertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle: IndividualsportsTeam sportsParticipation in expeditions Examples: • Sports teams • Dance club • Outdoor club • Workoutroom • Personal fitness programme - Horseriding Extension: Improvingyoursskillsorpassingit to others

  7. Service Involvesinteraction, such as buildinglinks with individualsorgroups in the community. The communitymay be the school, the localdistrictoritmayexist on national and internationallevels. • Essential that service activities have learning benefits for the student • It is not only doing things FOR others but also doing things WITH others. • Student musthave real responsibilities • Must be unpaid and voluntary, not for family • Must not be mundane, repetitive activities • The rights, dignity and autonomy of all those involved are respected Culpepper

  8. Service Examples: • Volunteeringatananimalshelter, orphanage, children’shome, localhospital • Habitat for Humanity – buildinghouses for the disadvanteged • Comenius proejct „Health” – organisingevents, doingresearch etc. • Assisting the elderly, the handicapped, the immigrants • Assistingvictims of naturaldisasters • Teachinga language to peersorchildren • Peer tutoring/Coachingyoungerchildren • Designingorconstructingmessageboards • Creating and managing a CAS website • Establishingorcoachinga team • Student Council service projects • Raisingfunds for worthycauses • Environment Protection Club • Human Rights Club

  9. Examples of combined activites One activitymaycovermorethan one category, in fact, theseareoften the bestprojects. • Painting muralsat a localhospital – creativity, service • Public speech – creativity, service • Communitygarbageclean-up – action, service • Working with youngerstudents on a play –creativity, action, service • Recycling- creativity (planning of the programme),action, service • Comenius project „Health”– creativity, service

  10. What is the Purpose of CAS? To develop students who are: • Reflective thinkers– knowtheirstrengths and limitations and can set themselvesgoals for personalgrowth • Willing to accept new challenges and new roles • Aware of themselves as members of communities with responsibilities towards each other and the environment • Active participants in sustained, collaborative projects • Balanced – enjoy a range of activitiesinvolvingwhole person

  11. Experiential Learning

  12. Experiential learning • You must plan your activity and state goals that you hope to achieve and outcomes you hope to meet • All students should be involved in someCAS activities that they have initiated themselves. Studentsshould „own” their CAS programme and be autonomous. • Simple, mundane, one time tasks will not count - tasks must extend the student not merely be “more of the same” (more practice, morecompetition), you’reeither to achievean even higher level of a given skillorundertakenew roles • Activities should vary in length and in the amount of commitment required from the student, but none should be trivial. • Reflectionmust be real and meaningful

  13. Learning Outcomes As a result of their CAS experience, there must be evidence that a student has: • Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth • Undertaken new challenges • Planned and initiated activities • Worked collaboratively with others • Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities • Engaged with issues of global importance • Considered the ethical implications of their actions • Developed new skills

  14. How will you successfully complete CAS? …by participating in: • Real • Purposeful • New • Varied • Outside-your-comfort-zone • Challenging • …activities, with significant outcomes • …by planning, reviewing progress, reporting. • …by reflecting on outcomes and personal learning.

  15. How does CAS benefit me? • CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning. • CAS provides an important counterbalance to the academic pressures of the rest of the Diploma Programme. • CAS should be challenging and enjoyableand a personal journey of self-discovery. • CAS helpsrealisestudent’spotentialand develop a caring and compassionateattitude, respectful of otherpeopleemotions and feelings. • CAS raisessocial, interculturaland environmentalawarenessand helpsactivecitizenship

  16. When and howmuch? • At the end of their CAS program,students should have completed approximately 150 hours with a reasonable balance between creativity, action and service.This means roughly 4 hours per week. • CAS must take place throughout the two years (min. 18 months) with a balanced, regular commitment in the three areas. • One long-term project involving teamwork that integrates two or more of creativity, action, service and is of significant duration is required.

  17. Attitude Just as important as hours, if not more so, is the attitude with which you approach your CAS activities, and the variety of activities since CAS emphasizes more on sharing your talents and working together. Therefore: • Do a mixture of activities in some try to limit yourself to about 20 hourswhile in other activities commit yourself for a longer period of time

  18. That’s not CAS!!! • Any class, activity, or project that is already part of the IB Diploma Programme • Any work or activity where the student is rewarded financially or with a grade • Simple, tedious, repetitive work (i.e. photocopying, shelving books, family duties) • Any activity where there is no responsible adult present to supervise/evaluate the activity • A passive pursuit (i.e. visiting a museum, attending a sporting event or concert, etc.) except when you follow up with a presentation/article of your own • Religious worship but work done by a religious group in the wider community is

  19. Reflection • public or private • individual or shared • objective or subjective •writtenororal • WrittenReflectionBook • Electronic Journaling • Blogs • Website • Articlesfor the schoolmagazine • Video/PowerPoint Presentations • Electronic Picture Scrapbook • Illustrateddisplays • Oralpresentations to peers, parentsoroutsiders

  20. Developing reflection Thinkabouteachstage of activity: • before • during • after Ask questions: • How do I feel? • What have I perceived? • What do I think about the activity? • What does this activity mean to me? • What is the value of the activity? • What have I learntaboutmyself and others? • How have I changed?

  21. More reflective questions • What you hoped to accomplish? • How successful were you in achieving your goals? • What were difficulties & how did you overcome them? • What abilities,attitudes & values have you developed? • How did this activity/project benefit others? • What might you do differently next time to improve? • Can you apply what you learned elsewhere?

  22. CAS responsibilities Students are required to: • Self‑review at the beginning of their CAS experience and set personal goals for what they hope to achieve through their CAS programme • Plan, do and reflect: plan activities, carry them out and reflect on what they have learned • Undertake regular reviews and a final review with their CAS coordinator • Take part in a range of activities, including at least one project, some of which they have initiated themselves • Keep records of their activities and achievements, including a list of the principal activities undertaken • Show evidence of achievement of the eight CAS learning outcomes

  23. CAS Planning Worksheet Student Name: Student Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date:

  24. CAS: activity/project self-evaluation form

  25. Learning Outcomes Form: Year 1/2 Name of CAS Coordinator: CAS Coordinator’s Signature: Date:

  26. CAS Log Student Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date:

  27. Important CAS Terminology CAS Coordinator Handles the overall functioning of the CAS component for the IB Diploma Programme. CAS Advisor Providespersonaladvice and support to individualstudents.Yourhomeroomtutorsare CAS advisors. Supervisor Adult present when a student is completing their CAS activity. Completes a review of the student’s involvement in the CAS activity after it has been completed.

  28. Questions? Consult: • Creativity, action service guide in the library • CAS student handbook • CAS coordinator: joannapillans@op.pl • CAS advisor: yourhome tutor • IB DiplomaCoordinator

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